The start of science and technology

Chapter 208 On the eve of the war

The energy field is still in the squeezing space, the sleeve field has gradually increased, and finally forms a magazine.

Quick Bubble Wrap the ship, the warship can save the speed!

"Successful!" Du Xingyu is very happy, immediately record this test results, and he began further analysis and optimization.

The R & D of the entry engine is successful, and he can start designing the tune ship!


Before the manufacturing of the tuning ship, the "star furnace" envissed by Du Xingyu has also begun to start. This will be the most vast work of human civilization, completely transform a star!

Through the magnetic field, humans can control the plasma of the stellar surface. These high-temperature plasma are then manipulated as an energy source using a strong force material, energy shield technology, and the like.

Thereby, they have created a energy collection cover than the surface of the neighboring star, which is used to collect stars thermal energy to manufacture ant substances.

The first industrial building on the star furnace is a bacterial plant, which provides a backbone raw material for humans.

In a slight periphery than neighboring stars, humans also built a "space dock"!

It directly uses stars energy, casting a tune ship!

The design drawings of the human first curved speed ship designed by Du Xingyu have also been passed here.


The stellar system has just begun, and more and more human beings are increasing, because the increase in resources is also growing.

In order to raise the overall strength of humans fastest, Du Xingyu announced that the alliance will provide protein memory chip implantation for everyone. In this way, every person is born, you have mastered the information and knowledge of the original dozens or even hundreds of years.

Contributing to the alliance, or itself can carry out further electronic brain implantation or biochemical brain implantation, genetically modified, electronic transformation, etc.

Whether it is electronic bionic organ transformation or genetic transformation, it can make human life to thousands of years!

With these conveniences, human stellar system is also more smooth.

In the surface of the earth, the manual manufacturing of the mountain river, these are astrogravar or large meteorites moving from the Southern Gate 2 stellar system, supplementing the consumption of the planetary engine on the surface substance,

The land area of ​​the earth returns to the original one-third.

In the gene base, the original earth creature was cloned, and vegetation recovery, the animals lived in this land again.

In the ocean, after genetically change or the electronic transformation of human beings build a ocean with a small number of marine ecosystems.

Ocean flow recovery, the atmosphere is recovered, the monsoon is awakening the ecosystem of the earth with moist air.

On the earth, super cities, super factory, appearing in an unimaginable speed!

The whole earth, I don't know how many times prong from the past!

And on the neighboring star, this rock planet also built a large planet engine to adjust its track.

Various automated factory sources continue to produce high-tech factors such as robots and spacecraft.

In some areas, the artificial ecotrial circle is started directly, so that the dead planet has a vitality.

During the South Gate 2, humans have discovered seven planets, rock planets and gaseous planets have become the genus of human galaxy colony.

The comet belts outside the planetary bearing and the exterior of the star is also a human space mine, providing various substances and energy for humans.

Under this prosperous appearance, everyone has not forgotten, a technology is more eye-catching than their higher civilization!

After Du Xingyu ordered the fifth month of the construction of a track, bad news was still there.

"We sent the Detective Satellite of the Star 726-8 Star Department to find the trace of the enemy fleet!" The intelligence department reported to the League's Supreme Command.

"From our whale block, the fleet was destroyed by the water droplet. We have been sending a detection satellite to the Luke 726-8 stellar system. Although most of them are destroyed by the water droplet, there are still several detection satellies bypass the enemy. The reconnaissance network, detected some intelligence. "

From the scene of the virtual world, a probe satellite detected a large gravitational wave fluctuation at the edge of the Ruttan 726-8.

It didn't take the alien fleet directly, apparently, the enemy's technology, will not let it take.

This larger gravitational wave wave is formed by spatial distortion, which means that there is an enemy's cartridge!

"The detection pulse is distorted there, the range is very large, and the enemy's tuning ship is absolutely more than one. It may exceed one hundred!" The information official reported, "our satellite has just passed the information, it is destroyed! There is no information on the enemy warship. "

"They are still coming!" Chen Hong is heavy, they smash down the enemy's water droplet, did not delay too long, less than half a year, the enemy chose to the war ship.

According to this situation, the enemy is intended to directly attack the South Gate two stars!

"We are not ready yet!" Turis is serious, "even if the enemy has only one of the stendy annihilaships, we are difficult to deal with, a whole fleet, almost all of us now defense."

"Now, the only good news is that our previous anti-acts weapons do to make them feel taboo." Yang Shaolin analyzed the road, "The enemy's cartridge" can be directly opened to our South Gate two stellaries, but they don't have Doing this, but choosing the Star 726-8 stars outside the ten-pointed year. "

"This shows that they have a little jealousy to us, intend to put the stars 726-8 stellar system as a front line position, and then attack us!"

"The reason for Shaolin analysis is reasonable." Du Xingyu said, "We still don't know that the enemy's cartridges don't know how much curvature can be reached."

"Quick sailing is very energy-consuming, if the enemy's technology is strong enough, don't care about these energy, then they don't have to take care of our primary anti-material weapons, directly put the battleship."

"The current tactical layout indicates that their technology has not arrived completely rolled our extent!"

"That said, is we still prepared for a year?" Lu Xixing asked.

"I think it should be ready for half a year." Mo Caiwei proposes, "It is best to directly announce into the war state, so as not to attack the enemy, let us go to the foot."

"I agree." Du Xingyu first said.

"I also agree." Chen Hong said.

"Agree!" Yang Shaolin took the head.

"Publish!" Turps and Lu Xing have no comments.

They are a weak party, they must be prepared.

When they negotiated, the League's Supreme Command announced this news to all mankind.

On the World Square of the Virtual World, the press conference of the Human Alliance Command is being played.

"Just three hours ago, our probe satellite found the trace of suspected enemy tune ship at the Tutan 726-8 star system, and they might attract human civilization at any time." Yang Shaolin is a military action spokesperson of the Alliance. He reported this Thing.

"The enemy is coming?" This news was received by hundreds of millions of people.

Even on the World Square in the virtual world, their biocon chips or electronic chips can receive this message.

"So fast! A few years!"

"We are hard to deal with last time, this time is a track speed ship, how do you play?"

"I don't know, listen to the command!"

Du Xingyu took Yang Shaolin's words, announced: "After the unanimous agreement of the Alliance Command, I will ordered the identity of the highest commander of the Human Guardian Alliance. From today, human civilization is in the war!"

"Everyone, all factories, enterprises must have unconditionally cooperated with the highest commander's arrangement, prepare for the war!"

"Friends, we hope that everyone can be heavy in the overall situation. The Human Guardian Alliance will protect the enemy to the two stellaries in South Gate, and protect the people's lives and property safety!"

When Du Xingyu announced, the whole human society was mobilized. Relevant companies, units, will cooperate with alliance commands, military production and materials transportation.

"War status, I can't think of the two civilized war." In the office of the President of the Wrestling Technology, Fang Jiayou said.

He immediately held a meeting, announced: "Now, all company members are standing for 24 hours, listening to the dispatch of the Alliance Command!"

"All resources of our Xingyao, fully build anti-substance factories!" Lu Liang just signed a document.

"The anti-substance will be the most important resource of this war. It is the ammunition of our soldiers!" On the company document, he wrote: "Do not count, we must Bao Zhengmine supply!"

"The war is coming, I feel excited to all my body!" Wei Xuan has just applied to the Alliance Command, and he hopes to lead the fleet to the depth space base, human operation. The forefront!


The whole human society is hot, most people in the new era, have never experienced the civilized war, and they know very little about the civilized war.

"The civilized war is quite cruel, 10,000 years ago, human beings have to go wrong, now it is already over!"

"This hostile civilization is higher, it may be a three-level civilization! It can be said that we are nine dead life!"

"Can the Human Guardian League really lead us to victory?"

In the war preparation, everyone feels pressure. A portion of the negative molecules began to suspect that human beings have power to resist disasters, and even some people began planning space escape.

Now human technology, you can indeed take the matte spacecraft to other galays. But the enemy has a tune ship, so that this escape is meaningless.

Some small hairdressings appeared in the society, but they all in the control range.

In order to enhance people's confidence, Du Xingyu decided to open the secrets of the first track of human beings.