The start of science and technology

Chapter 229 Ming Wenno Road

"How do you first caught the new star brochure of Siri Bo?" The headquarters connected to the Academy of Sciences and let scientists study this problem.

"Before the outbreak of Nova, there is a lot of hydrogen and helium gas!" A cosmic mathist said, "Tianfu B B has absorbed some hydrogen and helium from Tianli Wolf A in the past 100 million years."

"We can use the battleship, transport a lot of hydrogen and helium to the surface of Siri B."

"As long as the gas energy is sufficient, you can trigger new stars outbreak! For example, the snake holder RS, there have been records of six new stars!"

"As for them, as long as the nuclear fusion reactions are manufactured. Whether using the plasma plus arsencing, anti-substance missile, or directly takes the asteroid kinetic weapons to hit it,"

"We can also projection gravity bombs, accelerate gravity reactions and thermal reaction out of control ... The key is how to let the enemy fall into the range of new stars, and do not escape!"

"Time to trigger new star explosion, the enemy will definitely be noticed." The celestial physicist said, "The gravitation of the white dwarf and the super space transition of the gamma ray blocker and the speed sailing, and they escape after the new star broke out."

"But our warships are the same as they triggered, and they can't escape."

"There is no main fleet, the enemy will not be act, and our main fleet must not be buried with them!" The commanders thought about the countermeasures, but never thought of a reliable decision.

The most important reason is that the enemy is much more cautious than before, they don't have enough bait. They will never be fooled!

"She may not have a wolf!" Du Xingyu bite his teeth, heard: "We currently analyze, and the intelligence gained from flourish civilization is that the number of enemy's battleship is more than five times."

"Now we add up to 10,000 warships, they added 50,000 ships! This more powerful, if you attack our defense system, the defense system will collapse."

"But if our warships and enemy battleships are reduced, for example, we reduce eight,000, the enemy reduces two 30,000, our galaxy defense system is not destroyed, and the pressure is smaller."

"We have to discard most of the warships, buried with the enemy?" Everyone was amazed.

"Yun!" Du Xingyu said, "" All Star Waters, the worst performance, near the Sirius B, to lure enemies. "

Other battleships evacuated. "

"Then trigger the outbreak of the new star, with our large team and the enemy's big team!"

"This is too embarrassing!" Chen Hong stared, "This tactics is successful, we can relieve great pressure. If it is a failure ..."

If it fails, human beings will only flee.

"Suppose we can be implemented smoothly." Lu Xixing analyzed the road, "destroyed the enemy one million warships, the enemy still had more than a power to attack us, and we have no ability to defend."

"Especially the enemy's dead stars have not been dispatched!"

"So Xinxing broke out can only be part of the plan." Du Xingyu said, "We have to think about a way, surprising!"

"It's better to copy them directly!" The commander of the Luke 726-8 stellar fleet Wei Xuan recommended that when the enemy's main force is attracted to the front battlefield, the rear must be empty, direct super space transition to their old nest. Their big camp! "

The two fleets in front are fighting. Wei Xuan is still standing in the stars of 26-8 stars, he has been pondering how it works.

"How is the enemy base camp again, it is much better than us!" Chen Hongqiang channel, "Don't forget, they still have dead stars!"

"Wei Xuan is very bold, with our current situation, raid the enemy base camp, just send death." Du Xingyu said.

"Du command will definitely be a way!" Although he was vetoed by Du Xingyu, Wei Xuan was not disappointed, he curiously said: "Is there any new weapon can be used?"

"It takes half a month. If you can be manufactured, this combat will have the opportunity to succeed!" Du Xingyu refers to his black hole weapon in study.

If you can make a black hole in the enemy's big camp, cover the entire galaxy of the enemy is just a matter of time!

"I understand!" Yang Shaolin said, "No matter what, we have to delay, give Du command to create time!"

"That is dragging!"

Everyone decided tactics, while the battlefield of the two stars began to delay, and prepared the hazy attack.

At Sirius B White Dock, the Human Fleet has been collecting the resources of Siri A, and collecting hydrogen and helium from the small planet belt, placed in the Sirius B, preparing for the new star.

Du Xingyu handed all the commandments to the five commanders and continued to study the black hole weapons.

On the technology simulator, his black hole weapon has completed 80%.

In the case of natural conditions, black holes are high quality stars to collapse in the old age.

In the laboratory, proton black holes are caused by the collision of particles.

And Du Xingyu wants to design a black hole, which requires a lot of energy expansion and quality collapses.

"Using an anti-material reaction device, a large amount of energy is generated, manufacturing a superior gravity field, using gravity to compress the object of the mass of the gravity field, instantly reachabited miniature black hole."

Du Xingyu must not maintain this high-strength gravitation for a long time, but he only needs a moment!

Generate a moment of miniature black hole, and this instant black hole can absorb more substances, micro black holes can evolve and grow up.

"Investing a billion energy point, starting mini black hole generator simulation!"

Du Xingyu began simulating black holes, proton black holes, and the black hole of the atomic nucleus, and he could make it.

But if you want to achieve the ideal effect, the quality of the black hole should be more bigger.

"The energy level is more bigger, so it seems that all energy and gravitational farm of a high-rise warship is not enough!"

In theory, "only" will "such as a laggie, or the entire moon, or the whole moon, which makes the particles constituting the substance very close, and it is very close to each other. Improved gravity will become very huge, until it exceeds the speed, you can make a black hole.

This only caught the initial group of material to "Sishi radius" can do, such as the Pearl's Sishi radius only has one hundred million in photon size, and compressed to the moon of the Sishi radius. One sand size.

Such gravitational fields, humans do not produce.

Therefore, Du Xingyu should adopt additional approaches, according to the big unified theory, he can convert energy into quality.

That is, if you can create a "point" of a super high energy level, you can translate into a super high quality point, that is, black hole!

This is also the principle of proton black holes.

In theory, as long as the super-laser is brought together in a point, that is, the sufficient number of photons are squeezed in a very small space, and a black hole can be manufactured.

And this high-energy photon is not a normal laser weapon, even plasma plus cannons can be manufactured. Only gamma rays can carry such high energy particles.

The thermal nucleation polygelation produces a small amount of gamma rays, while the inactive substances are annihilated, and it will produce a considerable gamma rays.

"If I gather hundreds of gamma rays, control the high-energy photons generated by gamma rays, focus on a point, should create a miniature black hole that can be used as weapons!"

Du Xingyu knows that this weapon, a higher star field battleship will not do, at least ten, or even dozens of ships, almost equivalent to all of the high-level wave warships currently owned by humans!

He created hundreds of anti-substance reactors on the simulator, relying on these antimethen reactors, he will get the energy of the atomic nuclear level transition.

When the atomic nuclear energy transition, the gamma rays will be transmitted.

These gamma rays themselves can be used as a weapon, but Du Xingyu knows that it is alive against the ordinary starry warship, dealing with dead stars.

So he concentrated hundreds of gamma rays and the same point. High-energy photons collide this point, in the outside world, Du Xingyu simultaneously manufactures strong gravitational fields in the field generator, and also creates a "gravity point".

High-energy photons are compressed sharply at this point, generating a miniature black hole!

This miniature black hole has more than ten seconds, because there is no sustained material inhalation, it quickly evaporated.

"Very good, adjust the parameters." "More than ten seconds, it is already greatly progressing. Du Xingyu needs it to be stable for more than 30 seconds, and can be put into the dead star of the enemy.

Science and Technology Simulator: "Input 10 million energy points, start gamma rays to projection simulation!"


Time passed in the past month, the river drum two stars and Tianfiri stars were also played for a month.

During the river drum, the scope of human activity has been completely compressed to the main base, and the perimeter of the star is basically lost.

If it is supported by the energy support of the star mine, these defensive power have already collapsed!

And where the Sirius star is not good, even if the number of the Skywell Civilization Fleets off here is half, it is also a 10,000 star field battleship!

"After ten days, they will die!" In the headquarters of the Skywell Civilization, Tamir has won the coupon.

He has plans to plan for ten days and win these two galaxies. I didn't expect humans to master the gravity guns and ultra-light speed weapons, and the help of the military commander of the flipball civilization, so that his progress slowed down.

It's better to win, just need to add energy, carry out the next wave of attack, the river drum two must be able to take!

The river drum two, the fleet can quickly capture the Tianliopene, Tutan 726-8 and human territory, and victory is in front of you!

At this moment, Tamir received the latest information: "The Chief Executive, I found a large-scale super space fluctuating in the river drum, and the human warship seems to be fled!"