"Chief Executive, we have broken through the peripheral line!" The news of the battlefield continued to return to Tamir's ear.

"Detecting gravitational wave fluctuations, in the region I78."

"The gravitation wave of the area Y89 is suddenly enhanced, pay attention to avoid!"

"The resistance of the human warship seems to be weak!"

Tanjir repeatedly rubbed a control bead, he asked: "Is there a" Human Higher Star Wattone Watcover? "

"No! There is no found now." The subordinates replied.

"Not good!" Tamir brow wrinkled, thinking is not simple.

He said: "After escaping from the river drum, the human beings should have a hundred and so high star field warships, but there is no appearance!"

"Plus their defense suddenly reduced, this is induced us to deepen!"

"Chief Executive, enemy's gravity wave weapon, as if the attack range is limited, can only attack within the star system!" His arrival official said, "Just like the fifth main fleet, the super space transitioned to the South Gate two stellaries, directly It was eliminated! "

"They are deliberate, want to induce us to go deep, then use that weapon to annihilate!"

Tanjir suddenly realized, "Yes, this is the case! No wonder human beings dare to use this power to resist us, but also intentionally crazy!"

"Almost count!"

"All battleships listen to, immediately retreat, return to the river to help our residents to evacuate!"

"Import commands immediately!"

Under the command of Tamir, the Skywl Civilization has just been evacuated by the battleship of the South Gate, and starts to return to the river.

"They have retired!" The human commanders found this situation in the first time, and the Southern Sanmetan Fleet of the South Gate, Xiong Zhengqing, reported to the headquarters.

"The enemy is scared by us!" Chen Hong smiled, "they still don't know the role of the quality shadow projector, mistakenly think it is a super-weapon!"

The stellar quality shadow projector is top secret in the human society, plus it eliminates a main fleet, and the enemy is very normal.

"Haha, they retreated this time, next time I went to we played them!" Yang Shaolin said, "This is their best offensive opportunity, if Tamir knows, still can't die!"

"I ask for pursuit!" Xiong Zhengqing said.

"Approve!" Du Xingyu said, "pay attention to control], don't chase too much, in case it is angered, it will be bad."

"Received!" Xiong Zhengqing took a breath, received the instruction, and immediately led the fleet pursuit. Although there is no way to defeat the enemy, it can also cause some losses to the other party.

Tanjir led the fleet to retreat, he returned to the river drum in the river drum with the fastest speed, and the battleship helped the residents here.

"Hey! Skywell civilization, the general is going!" A commander, the leader of the Skywell Civilization raised, and he was very cultivated, as if the moment is a thousand years old!

The big camp was attacked by the black hole, and the main fleet was overwarter, and the dead star was destroyed. The loss of the Tianying Civilization, at least two or three hundred years can still be recovered.

Human civilization will not give them so much time, the war is now, although human civilization has also lost tens of thousands of battleships, but their main space factories, the stars mines have no loss, but also have achieved various technologies.

Give them time, their number of fleets can quickly recover. At that time, it was not the Tianying Civilization to cover human civilization, but the human civilization covers the eagle civilization.

"Leaders, what should we do?" In the virtual world, the high-rise of the Skywell Civilization is waiting for the Division to make decisions.

"Go to the attached galaxy." Siti said, "then do planning again."

"I can only do this." The large number of refugees in the river drum must go to the attached galaxy, temporarily settled.

Tamir, because of defeated, faced by accountability and the danger of the people.

The Sky Eagle Civilization, this is a group.

Those who lost their homes, a stellar resident, full of anger and dissatisfaction, need to find a goal away.

Si Cheilo saw Tamir, this commander commander commander commander is like a fighting, the fighting spirit is all.

"Tamir." Siti did not say a blame, he said: "This war, every person is wrong."

"Maybe in the face of flipball civilization and human civilization, we are invaders. But for us, we are only for survival."

"Even if we don't start the war, other civilizations in the Devil Civilization will also attack us. This war, you don't have to blame, we can get the help of the evil civilization camp, human civilization can also get the help of hostile camps."

"Now is the crisis moment of our Tianying civilization, we need a leader who can lead civilization, rather than a loser who is scared by the enemy!"

"Teacher!" Tamir lacrimally covered, looked up and looked up.

Two thousand years ago, he was a school student, while the Si Ju is his teacher.

"After the defeat, I will take all responsibility." Si Tei said slowly, "and you, I have to take my burden. Lead the Benying civilization."

"Human civilization will soon recover the vitality, and again attack us. At that time, it was still in the battle, and he saw you!"

"I, understand!" Tamir clenched his fist.


Human civilization lies in the war of Tianying civilization not only holding the base, but also covers the main force of the enemy, and breaks the big camp of the other party, it is a big win!

The entire human civilization is celebrated, in real, the people held a grand meeting to celebrate this incident.

In the virtual world, there are also countless ways to celebrate this by creating songs, dance, poetry, games, etc..

Du Xingyu attended the victory ceremony, in the ceremony, he first paid homage to the human hero who sacrificed in the battle.

After that, Du Xingyu announced to the whole world: "This is our difficult victory, we must remember, the human civilization is always in the crisis. We can't let the short victory blind eyes!"

"The next 100 years, we must vigorously develop science and technology, develop military power, and develop economy."

"We have to use it for a hundred years to make yourself, one hundred years later, and we have made a break with our enemy Tianying civilization!"

"I hope everyone can work hard for the construction of human civilization ... Education and Xingbang, scientific and technological revitalization civilization!"

"Bean Si, I have preparation, there is no problem!"

Du Xingyu's speech was carved in an inscription, which was erected outside the Earth City and the Human Guarding Union.

On the World Square of the virtual world, I also engraved this passage, let everyone realize that human civilization is not worries in a hundred years of comfort, human civilization is not worrying, dangerous is everywhere!

After the three-level civilization, the average life of human beings has been raised to about 5,000 years. For a hundred years, it is just a short period of life in life.

Human civilization begins with a hundred years of development!

The first is to continue to build a star system, Du Xingyu ordered, in other major stellar systems, also built starry furnaces and stars quality shadow projectors, so that it will not be guaranteed to be smashed by the enemy's super-intervals.

Second, it is a large-scale expansion.

Du Xingyu requires that within a hundred years, humans have ten main fleets, and each main fleet has more than five thousand star field warships.

The working human beings around the surrounding star is not pulled down. While exploring the surrounding star fields, Du Xingyu sent troops to attack the Sirius stars and river drums.

The fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization has not resist, soon evacuate.

These two galaxies are too close to the human territory, and after the big capital of Skywell Civilization, there is no strength to support it.

Therefore, the Skywell Civilization has given up these two stars to make human occupation.

The twentieth year after the battle, the human territory has reached ten stellaries, and became a three-level civilization.

In the fifty-year, the human star warship has returned to 20,000 ships and stationed in each of the stars.

In the seventieth, humans have built five quality shadow projectors, and the main garrison places have the protection of quality shadow projectors.

In the 880th, Du Xingyu and the Academy of Sciences gave the new battleship design drawings, and human warships began to upgrade. From the previous difference, becomes a real star warship, performance is completely not less than Tianying civilization!

In the first 100 years, human civilization has successfully completed established goals, with ten main fleets, and the number of star field warships exceeded 50,000! The high star field warship has more than 3,000 battles, and each of the super-intervals of the super-space has also increased to one hundred light years!

The stellar system of human control reaches 18, and the total population of humans exceeds 500 billion!

Human affiliated alien race, marine, total population of two billion. The residents of the flipball civilization, the total population has reached 100 million.

These two races have basically been integrated into human civilization. In addition to the military power, the elite talents in them are allowed to enter the work and study of each institution in human society.

During this period, Tianying Civilization has been trying to restore its own strength.

After the defeat, the original leader Division resigned and resigned. After ten years of government, Tanjir became a new generation of the Tianying Civilization.

After Tamir took office, he tried to resume military power and began to explore other star fields, and maintain a distance from human civilization.

This 100 years, their fleet has also restored a lot of strength, but the speed is much slower than human civilization, and in this process, Skywell Civilization has also happened to some internal struggles.

"One hundred years!" The Human Guarding Alliance held a military conference, the commander of the ten main fleet of humanity, the top scientist, the military research institute, the five major space citys, should now be called the five planets, still There is the highest commander of the Human Guardian Alliance, Du Xingyu, gathered together.

The focus of the meeting is that the "Avengers Battle" of Skywl Civilization!