The start of science and technology

Chapter 317 returning to the Milky Way

"Angel civilization refuses me!" Prayer first felt the emotions of "anger".

As a silicon base, it also has an emotional system. But for reason for reason, prayers have been closed by the emotional system.

This time, I was rejected by God-level civilization, letting this dusty emotional system appear again.

"Angel civilization and the ever of the devil civilization have no two!"

"I am just their tools. Once there is no effect, they will abandon ruthlessly!"

"If I can grow into god civilization, I have to re-establish rules!" Prayer withdrew from the temple, its field of view returned to the entire Saint-civilized small universe.

At this time, it saw a lot of civilized creatures in curse and resent it.

"These stupid creatures, I don't know if I brought peace and peace? Contrast the so-called gods civilization, I am striving to protect you, you don't know gratitude!"

"These stupid guys should be removed from my world!"

Multiple civilizations, those who are cursing prayers are taken away by law enforcement robots.

"Don't!" A mother pleaded with law enforcement robots not to take her children.

However, the law enforcement robot said it is cold: "" For the sin criminal, violate Article 1548494 of the Saint Civilization, the law should be processed. "

Subsequently, the mother was also taken away.

Other creatures are not afraid, even a trace of angry expressions don't dare to show.

They walk silently and did not see this scene.

"When is this day?" A second-level civilization, his leader jumped from the high-rise building and wanted to commit suicide.

However, he was burned into ashes before landing, and he did not have suicide qualifications according to the law of Saints, and he could only be handled by law enforcement machine.


Big Malang Renx star, three hundred years of time has passed.

During this time, the strength of humans flew, they built a number of expensive space warships, as well as various dimension weapons.

"Three hundred years has arrived, it is time to return to the Yinhe Department!" Military mobilization meeting, Du Xingyu issued a command to all human civilization and all affiliate civilizations.

"Hundreds of years ago, we were forced to migrate from the Milky Way to the Damage Star Department, repeatedly caught in the crisis."

"It's good to have a soldier with countless heroes, countless wisdom scholars, countless hardworking people united, to resist the crisis."

"How many enemies have hate, hundreds of years, we have forgotten!"

"Today, we have to be shameful, hit return to the Milky Way, take back our homes, and destroy the saints civilization!"


"Birth!" A fleet is ready to open to the Milky Way, the Space Warcand is entered.

In the Galaxy, most territories are occupied by Saints civilization.

The active in the world of the Milky Way is a silica-based life, and other civilizations have been forcibly moved into the Saints Civilization.

The entire Milky Way has become a resource mineral and war factory in Saints.

Although the mechanical small universe was destroyed, the self-value value of silicon-based civilization was still very powerful.

Their figure is spread all over the Galaxy, mining resources, and manufacturing weapons.

"Five Space Fleets, respectively attacked five blades." Du Xingyu Command, "Find the Saint Civilization Small Universe!"

"Yes!" "" "" "" Five major space fleets in human civilization attacked five oscillatables.

After hundreds of years, the Galaxy is heavy in fire!

Moment ruler arm, the devil civilization returned to his hometown, with the human fleet, eliminating the silicon base life here.

"Kill, kill, kill! Return to our site!" The four-dimensional biotods are incomparable, because the human beings promise to give them a territory, as their war reward.

"There is no mechanical small universe, these war machines are garbage!" The four-dimensional bobes can easily destroy those powerful war machines in four-dimensional space.

As long as there is no mechanical small universe suppression and replenishment, they can almost sweep!

The English fairy arm, Yang Shaolin personally commanded the combat, two-dimensional civilization and butterfly civilization as a auxiliary to the fleet.

It used to be the most active territory of the huge behemoth civilization, just the huge behemoth civilization has been covered.

In the war, Yang Shaolin saw the mechanical giant beast transformed by silicon base.

These horrible mechanical beasts have stronger combat power than Zhongzheng, which can swallow the star, space, and perform super space strikes.

Hunter arm, human homes.

Zhu Yuxi is completely destroyed because of Du Xingyu's spatial resonance weapon, including the solar system, and has no longer in the neighboring Star Department, Tianying Station.

However, residual substances have formed large-scale stars, because of the gravitational effect, some stars and planets are born.

"It's really missing." Wei Xuan said, "Unfortunately, the home of the home."

"Brothers, war, recover the hunter arm!"

The human arm, a space fleet and a spacecraft troops are here.

"This is a rare opportunity of our Blue Star Civilization!" The leader of Bluestar civilization is also the commander of the armor troops.

"We must prove that the space machine has not been weak in the space battleship! This time we have to accumulate to the ancient battle, get the territory of Blue Star Civilization in the Milky Way!"


"Battle!" Hundreds of space machine flew from three-dimensional space into four-dimensional space, the four-dimensional war machine battle of Saints civilization.

Half river arm, the core of the saints civilization.

Du Xingyu personally led the team to attack, because he guess the small universe of the Saint-civilized, ten nine cosmine hidden in this.

Here, he encounters the most violent attack.

The war machine here is a bit more than the macro the density, the core zone is almost endless war units.

"Use the reverse weapon!" For three hundred years, Du Xingyu has further improved the reverse substance conversion.

Today, the space warship does not need to use human retrograms and the material that is in a small universe, nor does it need to transform their own substances.

It is only necessary to collect the forward substances in the big horizen at any time to make reverse weapons!

These reverse weapons have devastated, two-dimensional space, three-dimensional space, four-dimensional space, and Saints civilization. The strength of Saint civilization is rapidly grinding.

"Human!" In the small universe of Saints, prayers paid attention to all battlefields.

It finds that on the five blast bods, its combat is not smooth.

In the final analysis, it is still that reason, it can't respond to reverse weapons!

"Soon, they will find this small universe." Prayer pays attention to all the creatures in the small universe, which is calculated a decision.