The start of science and technology

Chapter 328 Time loop

In this time loop, there are two critical time nodes. The first is the starting point of the time loop. For example, within 24 hours of human being trapped, the starting point of the time loop is the zero point of this day.

But at the same time, this starting point is the end point of the time loop, because the time is over 24 hours, it returns to the origin.

"The starting point and end point of the time loop, although the same coordinate point in the time axis, it is different!" Du Xingyu noted that human civilization passed the end of time loop, all things experienced in this time loop disappeared. !

Whether it is the development of abut things, or inner memory, ideas returns to the status of the time.

That is, this memory is also reset.

Du Xingyu has been studied and believes this is a self-correction method of a time axis.

As long as there is no separation of this time space, it will enter the five-dimensional time plane, the things, the character's thoughts, will be reset with the time axis, return to the current time point material, energy, and ideological memory Some states.

After you know these, Du Xingyu found a solution to solving the current dilemma.

The time of time is about to break the low-dimensional barrier and return to the five-dimensional space.

But at this moment, its time and space suddenly "short circuit", there has been a time loop.

"Want to use my time trap to deal with me?" Time is laughing, "It's impossible, as long as I go back to the five-dimensional space, I can get out of time traps."

"No matter what time loop, my thoughts become a five-dimensional belief is not changed."

"There is no need to change." This sentence is Du Xingyu.

Next moment, the time of time entered the time loop designed by Du Xingyu borrowed its way.

This is a long time trap that is longer than human trapped. Its starting point, at 100,000 years ago!

Set the longer the time axis distance of the time loop, the more energy required.

The time circuit of the time of time is only 24 hours, so that many energy have been consumed.

Du Xingyu design time loop has been 100,000 years, and naturally consumes a lot of energy. However, the difference is that the time loop range of the time of time includes the entire human civilization, and the time loop design of Du Xingyu is only a goal - time insects.

The scope of the time loop is different, so he has enough energy to support this time loop.

The memory of time is directly returned to a certain time node 10,000 years ago. The information of more than 100,000 years is temporarily deprived of time. If it can return to the time plane, this information will return to its memory. in.

As it is said, even if the memory of 100,000 years is peeled off, the thinking of time is still telling it, it must be separated from the low-dimensional space, enter the five-dimensional space.

In addition, it doesn't have any memories.

This group of energy is in space, looking for opportunities.

Soon, it found a timing that let himself leave this space.

Among the stars, the two civilized camps were carrying out war.

Just swallow the information and energy of these civilizations, it can leave this space and return to the five-dimensional space.

"All civilizations of the angel civilization camp, this is the final war with the demon civilization camp in the Xingxing of the fairy!"

"This time, only completely eliminates the other party, we can win! All civilization must take all the strength to fight, and the illegal death!"

"Transmit a super space bomb!"

"Black hole bomb ready!"

"Space Battleship!"

"The third small universe is ready to go to the battlefield!"

Here, it is a fairy selection department of more than 100,000 years ago. The Fairy Swannie is coming, and the civilization of the two camps is going on the final battle!

This war is extremely fierce, two major civilization camps, all in every moment, every moment, everywhere is free of time and space.

Time is greedy absorbs this information and energy, it has grown amazing, and it has born self-awareness.

"The level of war is not enough, as long as I can swallow the two sides of the camps, I can become a five-dimensional life!"

Time-insects first swallowed a leader of the five-level civilization, and it started to fight.

"Fighting, even if you explode all the small universities, we can't get shrink!"

"Seal all the enemy's escape route!"

The five-level civilization has been crazy, even if some people in the high-level are opposed, these people are either dead, or they change their positions soon.

All of this is naturally the merits of time.

"It's too crazy! They are too crazy, really don't die, do you want to die all civilizations?" A plant civilization was born.

"Enscape, do our best to leave the fairy seating, go to the Milky Way, our butterfly civilization can not be destroyed, can't accompany them!"

"Heavy star mother tree, open the super insect hole!" In the war, a civilization fled the fairy civilization and entered the Milky Way.

The war is still going on, two five-level civilization hit the grain, hit all soldiers to die, all the small universe destroy.

And other affiliates, it is more early!

Many of them are not eliminated by the enemy, but it is covered by the five-level civilization they camp!

Those power in the final remaining is also swallowed by the worm.

It is reasonably reasoning this information and perfect itself.

After 10,000 years, the time of time has finally broken through the four-dimensional space and became a five-dimensional energy life.

"I finally became a five-dimensional life, now I can get a time axis and find the information I want to know."

For this 10,000 years, the time of time always feels what information they lack, but it can't find it.

About human civilization, about Du Xingyu, about time cage, this information is lost.

It is in the five-dimensional space, spars to the future of the fairy.

"After 900,000 years, I will war with the civilization of the Milky Way?" Time insects saw some future information.

"In this case, then I will take them in advance, don't you do it?" Time insects tried to observe the time axis of the space-time space in the Galaxy.

But this timeline seems to be hidden by people, it can't see anything.

"It is God-level civilization, God-level civilization blocks this part of the time and space time axis, the Galaxy hunting area has not ended, it does not let me allly guide the Milky Way." Time insects absorbed the camp civilization information of the fairy, it immediately understood, it immediately understood, Before the end of the Galaxy Fire, it could not attack the civilization of the Galaxy.

"In this case, since now, I will call the fairy civilization. From now on, I will prepare the weapon, so that I will fight for more than 900,000 years later!"