The start of science and technology

Chapter 330, looking forward

"Yes, as long as you look back, you can leave." Du Xingyou took office.

"Well? What do you mean?" Lu Liang listened to his words.

"You will know tomorrow." Du Xingyu said mysteriously.


The next day, 0:00, and the time is reset again.

In addition to Du Xingyu, all things have returned to 24 hours ago.

Du Xingyu immediately uses the identity of the highest commander of human civilization: "All mankind, our human civilization has entered the time trap of the enemy arrangement."

"Please follow the instructions, transferred to the human civilized small universe within 24 hours!"

"What situation?" Chen Hong and others immediately sent a message to ask.

Du Xingyu proved time loop.

"What? We are trapped in this day a year?"

"Time insects, fairy civilization is trapped in the 100,000-year cycle?"

"Do we have to enter the small universe to escape this time loop?"

"Yes!" Du Xingyu failed, "If we walk along the existing time, you will never go to the end!"

"So we need to go back in the direction of our coming, do different choices on the nodes of time, this time is broken!"

"I plan to reverse the small universe of human civilization, let the small universe become the reverse world, let our time back to the time loop, re-made different choices!"

"It turned out to be this!" Xu Yiu Qiu said, "I finally understand why we will have a reverse small universe, it turns out that we will reverse!"

During the period with the Saint Civilization War, they found a human civilization in the resemblance of the remniscies found.

At that time, everyone was still guessing, who was in the end of human civilization into the reverse world.

Today, Du Xingyu makes this decision, just in response to the reversal of the small universe.

Just I don't know what way this reverse small universe passes, it is in the past four billion years ago.

The migration of human civilization began, and everyone was sent to the small universe.

The time cycle is a time and space, as long as humans are separated from this timing, it will be separated from time to time reset.

Everyone is wrapped in quantum bubbles to prevent them from being reversed. The time at which the small universe, Du Xingyu once made the black hole - White Cave World reverse device.

This time, the reverse world of White Caves is isolated from the world to prevent two world contacts.

The reverse process, one day cannot be done.

However, Du Xingyu found that as long as the reverse world left time reset origin, people reverse the world will no longer be reset by time.

So just a certain period of time, all human civilization can return to normal timeline.

Sleepy in human civilization time traps, with Du Xingyu sleepy time traps, still stay on the past timeline, unlimited loop until this time axis is destroyed!


"Finally, from time to time reset!" In the headquarters of the Human Guardian, Chen Hongzhi.

"It's also good to find a way, or all of us must be hunt by the fairy civilization!" Lu Xingqing, "The enemy encountered now, it is more and more difficult to deal with!"

"Yeah, their technology has exceeded the scope we can understand!" Turps scored well.

Who can think of this before this? Can the enemy actually arrange time traps?

"Du command is trapped to the worm, then the truth says that we should fight the fairy civilization?" Yang Shaolin asked.

"At present, there is not completely destroyed." Du Xingyu said, "This is a gods civilization."

When he finished, the "Temple Communicator" used to contact God-level civilization once again.

Angel civilization once again sent a message, said: "Human civilization, congratulations, you have completed the first test."

"You have become the most powerful civilization of this star group."

"You will have a 30,000-year development time, 30,000 years later, you will usher in the second test."

After that, the light of the temple is bleak.

"More than 30,000 years, this time we have a 30,000-year development time." Chen Hong did not feel happy, "The first test is so difficult, the enemy encountered in the second test, must be strong than the fairy civilization!"

"Ready to prepare." Du Xingyu said, "Now we have to go forward, God-level civilization will not care about us."

"At least one benefit." Mo Caiwei said, "The previous time before trying to peak us, the time axis is blocked."

"This shows that during the preparation period, God-level civilization prevents us from being invaded by senior civilization."

"Say it." Lu Xixing said, "Now we have received information on fairy civilization, 30,000 years, enough for us to become a six-level civilization."

Human civilization has once again entered the development period, and Du Xingyu will announce the information obtained from the time of time to the Academy.

This information is about the use of time, utilizing energy, and observing knowledge of five-dimensional space.

Human scientists are learning, supplementing what they don't know.

After 10,000 years, human beings finally created a "time mirror", which is a five-dimensional space observation equipment.

Through this device, human beings deliberately observe the future and past of the time axis of the human beings.

Du Xingyu saw that 20,000 years later, human beings once again entered the war state, then the time axis was blocked, completely could not see clearly.

As for the past, it can only see the scenes tens of thousands of years ago.

"Now we can only call 6.0 level civilization, real six-level civilization, not only observe the time axis of your own space, manufacturing time weapons, but also enter the time plane, observe other time and space, and from five-dimensional space to parallel Three-dimensional, four-dimensional space. "Du Xingyu continued to study.

With observing instruments, humans have achieved many results in five-dimensional technology.

More than 10,000 years, humans can be sent to the timeline through the five-dimensional space, such as sending information to the past and future.

"This is the five-dimensional time and space information transmission device." In the Academy of Sciences, manufacturers are showing their latest results.

"This five-dimensional information transmitting device can send our information to us with the future. In other words, we may get a very important intelligence." Researcher said.

"Try to send information to the future." The current machine is only theoretical in theory, and Du Xingyu also tested its performance.

"Well, then ask us to meet what the enemy will encounter after 10,000 years." The researcher edited information and sent to human civilization after 10,000 years.