The start of science and technology

Chapter 335 cradle killer

"Leader adult, this is a small mistake." Salary explains, "Time is too long, our influence on time and space is limited."

"Due to the rhythm weapons, we can only put small incentives, let the disaster come."

Terminate the asteroids of the Dinosaur Era, they use the deviation of gravitationality, so that a small star is attracted to the sun and fly to the sun.

Subsequently, after the earth track, it was fetched by the earth, and finally looked at the surface.

"Do you determine this really eliminate human beings?" The woman has begun to have doubts.

"Please give me a little more, my team must calculate more precise ways!" Salard immediately.

"Give you a chance, you must do it!" The woman saw hesitation and then said.

"I will definitely destroy human beings in the past." The salary is swearing, he decided to cross all the possibilities of all the possibilities of human civilization in the time axis!

After several years of discussions and calculations, salary and his team amended the algorithm of fruit law and found a new program.

"Leader adult, this attack, I promise that there is no sleep!" The salary is vowed to say, "this attack will be unprecedented, not only the earth, the whole solar system, there will be no carbon base life birth!"

"Human civilization will disappear in this time and space!"

The woman saw the plan, and she would not be shocked. "If you can do it, you will be the biggest hero of the room of the room!"


"Yes!" Salary ordered, "launches the rhythm weapon!"

Due to the five-dimensional time plane, the fruit law weapon has launched an impact factor to the past time and space, and the butterfly effect is slowly accumulated.


"The enemy attacked!" Human civilization has always monitored the timeline of human civilization, discovered this time, and a subtle change occurs again.

"It's really trouble! This attack is not a way, cracking their attack methods, we also find ways to impose influencing factors to the timeline!" Du Xingyu told.

He is also uncertain, can the enemy can't destroy them in the past.

While taking the process of fruit law weapons, he observed past time and space.

Soon, he found the time and space coordinates of the first time and space butterfly effect.

Fort5 billion years ago, the Milky Way, the solar system.

The solar system at this time is still a star system that has not yet formed.

The sun was formed shortly after the year ago, and it is glow and hot.

The many major planets that have been well known have not been fully formed at this time, and there are countless large meteorites and celestities in the solar system. Here, dozens of planets have embryos.

A young planet will be born in the spatial range of 1.7 billion kilometers away.

Here is the rail range of Mars, but this planet is not a Mars when you are young, but Mercury!

Mercury's young childhood is more than the later, and it is born in the livable zone of the solar system, the warmth of the sun, absorbs the water and material growth of meteorites, and it is likely to become the first planet of the solar system!

However, in the chaotic period of this solar system, a negligible influencing factor changed the movement trajectory of another planetary embryo.

After the lamination of the time effect, because of the gravitational effect, it finally hit the Mercury.

This is a planet collision, and the shell of Mercury is directly crushed, the crust and the mantle becomes countless fragments, with a larger piece of fragments form later Venus.

Only the lattice of the kernel is left, flies to the sun, forming the most strange running track in the solar system.

Mercury's axis is tilted is the smallest in the solar system (about 1/30), but there is a maximum orbit eccentricity.

And this rail and the distance from the sun, let all moisture surfaces of the aqueous surface evaporate, the temperature difference between day and night is too large, the possibility of life is born, was killed in the cradle!

"The first solar system that may be born life is killed!" Said the rooms of the room civilization and the salary.

This time, he has played a role due to fruit law weapons.

"Next is the second!"

After Mercury lost the birth conditions of carbon-based life, the next planet most likely to have carbon-based life was bled.

That is the new planet formed by Mercury.

44 billion years ago, I was gradually formed by just 50 million kilometers away from Mercury.

Although Venus is also very close to the sun, it is a livable zone of the solar system at 44 billion years ago.

Because the solar system at the time is just a young period, its temperature is not high, the light is also relatively dim, which causes Venus's surface temperature and the spring on the earth, warm and comfortable!

Spring belonging to Venus is coming, the ice and snow on the meteorite melting, the sky is heavy under the sky, and the rain is gathered in the surface, and there is a large and small river and lake.

In the end, the ocean world was born!

Venus's atmosphere protects calories that are not lost, the ocean and temperatures are saved.

All the conditions for all carbon-based life have been sufficient, just wait until a subtle chemical change, there may be the most primitive life birth!

But Venus did not wait until this change, its greenhouse effect was out of control while protecting the atmosphere and the ocean!

In the Venus atmosphere, a gas such as carbon dioxide and water vapor absorbs the infrared rays of the surface reflection such that the surface temperature of the planet is raised. Make the planet to maintain a certain temperature, not too low.

However, the disaster is not from its own, the sun in the child, because the impact of the fruit law weapon has burst a strong sun flare, as if the stellar grows!

The sun has entered the growth period!

Its radiation and light and heat are increased, and Venus's operational orbit is no longer a livable zone.

The original ocean of the Venus surface, more and more sea water is evaporated, turning into water vapor into the atmosphere. These water vapors have exacerbated the greenhouse effect, which allows the temperature of the Venus surface to rise, and the vicious circle.

Until the rain of Venus can't fall to the ground, it has been evaporated! The ocean has evaporated, the ground is cracked, the bed is bare, and the foundation of Venus is left only with gravel and rock!

The thick atmosphere envelopes the entire planet, and its temperature is even higher than Mercury. Venus, became a super steam!

The original carbon base is born, even if the human civilization in the 21st century is also available in Venus surface.

The second planet of the solar system may be born, the possibility is also killed!

"It's successful!" Salary, his plan is very smooth so far.