The start of science and technology

Chapter 339 Step 6.5 Civilization

Another chamber women's civilized battleship entered the insect cave, from the front news, they seem to have begun to fight with human civilization, and achieve a pity that.

After the soldiers went to, they didn't know, they greeted them, it is the most horrible celestial body in the universe!

Direct main fleet is all swallowed by black hole, Luo, which is the time of time, and the room has a civilization has been finished!

The high-rise of the rooms of the room is still silent in the false battle.

At this time, the back of the wormhole opened.

"Is there a battleship so soon?"

"Human civilization is really hit!"

"We are victorious!" The senior is celebrated.

However, from the insect hole, it is not a room with a room with a room with a room, but the opposite is a fleet of human civilization.

"Human civilization surrendered?"

"Is this a captive warship?"

They are still guessing that warnings from human civilization have spread throughout the rooms: "Room women's civilization, your fleet has been exhausted by us!"

"Everyone immediately gave up against the surrender! Any resistant, will be destroyed!"


"How can this be?" The senior rival of the room has not responded yet, some of which have realized that it is wrong.

"No, this is really a human civilization fleet!"

"Our fleet is not over!"

"It's over, how can it be so fast?"

"Error, surrender!" Some high-level appeals, most of these people are awareness-controlled awareness.

"Room virgin civilization is never surrendered, we are civilization of 6.5, can gallop the five dimensions of higher civilization, how can I surrender to a human civilization of only millions of years in the district?"

"Dead war to the end!"

A dead-war party just finished, and he was shot by unknown hidden, not only completely eliminated his body, but even the awareness of the photochemicals of his group was completely destroyed!

Smart people immediately realized that in fact, the high level has already been controlled by the enemy. At this time, there is no surrender, only a dead road.

Some people have chosen to surrender, some people have chosen no fear death, some people want to protect their lives, be humiliated and heavy ...

No matter what they intend to do, the final ending has been set.

After the virgin, the room civilization has never confracted the power of human civilization after five-dimensional technology.

It is precise because of the use of fruit law weapons. Originally, the strength of the room, observed the five-dimensional space, and the time of the time is not enough to hurt them.

However, they used too much due to the fruit laws, and there was too many uncertain factors in the timeline, which blinded their observations. This gives the time of the insects.

Due to the rhythm weapon, the double-edged sword is finally cut in the room!

The high-rise of the rooms of the room has controlled in the hands of time, and human civilization is easy to receive them.

After controlling all military strength and technology, the rooms of the room have no threat to human civilization.

"Repented is not original! The invention of the fruit law weapon is a mistake!" The senior rigor of the room is annoyed.

"We should directly send fleets to fight human civilization, this victory may be us!"

"It's late now, we have lost!"

"Why can't we see your future?"

The rooms of the room have also observed their future, but the future timeline, the state of their civilization is always like being covered, and the observation is unclear.

The calculation results have also appeared countless, causing them that they can't judge which one is their future.

"Maybe only God-level civilization can you see your future!"

The rooms have a civilization and formal ended.

Du Xingyu also returned some of the body of the time.

In addition, he as a research material as a research material, as a research content for five-dimensional energy life.

In this regard, the time of time is strongly dissatisfied, but it will not be Du Xingyu.

Human civilization has a clear enough research, and has already prevented its attack, and the insects of time is no longer a threat.

"I can't think of this war. We actually win in this way!" Chen Hong and others came back to God, and they still felt incredible.

And a six-level civilization war, from the beginning to the end, the way, the process, and the end of the process exceeds any previous war.

They have already hit a war from the space.

"The second test is so tough, the third, who will we face again?" Everyone has thought about the test of the next time.

At this time, the news of the angel civilization also arrived.

"Human civilization, you succeeded in defending room virgin civilization, became the strongest civilization of the venue super star group, congratulations on passing the second test."

"On the road to God-level civilization, you only have the last test!"

"The third test will be coming after 50,000 years, ready."

Communication disappears.

"Five thousand years!" Du Xingyu muttered himself, "Maybe, all the answers were in 50,000 years."

"It's another long time." The commanders feel that.

After the human civilization enters the six-level civilization, some of the life expectancy of some people will once again. 50,000 years is nothing wrong with them.

In the final analysis, human beings are not aspects, silicon bases, and four-dimensional biodies who live up to hundreds of millions of life. In their live journey in their live journey, it is already a long time.


The first 10,000 years, is the happiest 10,000 years of human civilization.

They became the most powerful civilization, battleship, spacecraft of the ventricle, and spacecraft to achieve every corner of this super-star group.

Construction, development, receive other affiliate civilizations, form a new civilization center.

The science and technology, knowledge, creation and innovation of the digestive room, there is no threat to the war, you can unite with your family, relatives and friends play.

Or immersively in the virtual world, enter the two-dimensional time, four-dimensional space exploration, recall your past in the five-dimensional space, predict the future.

Time will soon be the second millennium, and human civilization has digested the knowledge of the chamber women's civilization, plus its understanding and development, and human civilization declaration officially stepped into 6.5 civilization.

At this time, human civilization has been able to observe the time plane of the five-dimensional space to explore other time and space information.

Third thousand years, human beings have a small advancement in five-dimensional technology.

This time-space is probably controlled by fruit law weapons, and they have begun to try their own consciousness like the worms of time, enter the five-dimensional space, and have a five-dimensional life form.

At this time, humans begin to try to establish contacts with other timelines.