And Ethan, you still want to fight while you take down the Oligarchy?
Upon arriving at the commercial capital, I was greeted by Roshiu Cheng.
I will do my best to thank the general...... It seems that the words are too direct for the merchant to be away. I'm glad to see that you're in a good mood.
“I'm the one who decided it was necessary. I'll call your peace of mind back to the [main battle]."
The Jumping Lady's prowess is real.
However, the extraction of strength breaks the organization, unless it is accompanied by a track record. For the army... it takes legitimacy or convincingness to be a group of humans.
If Ethan can obey in that regard, he can excuse himself for obeying. Whether it's a man who works continuously for his life.
Riding on such an idea, while instigating and encouraging others, I can draw on the strength of the Stranger and Countess - I have accumulated experience and achievements since birth - and I can't find anyone besides Ethan.
"Everyone has a lot of hard work"
I threw up and turned my eyes back to the deep sea.
The Cubis have landed on the island of Joieuse.
A voiceless voice everywhere. The opponent was the general, a man who no longer had to try.
“Lance Gaettir. Are you sticky, than you think?”
If there is a report of landing and no report of suppression, that's it (...).
A named man, Futaba's foreign hardliner Leon Gaettir's son-in-law, is Joyours' greatest force. If you say, "I can do it" more than I expected...
"You will escape to Futaba Island. The Wald family is the first to weep when the small luxury family is driven by the tokoroten style. I'm being eaten by cubes, and I'm looking for a place to punch down my fist."
Power generates momentum. Momentum cannot help but invite the likeness of it.
The Gaettians and the Walds - the sons-in-law who seek alternative lands and the small luxuries who defend their ancestral lands, each with their own shields - cannot help but oppose each other.
Still rough?
He was sighing, fanning his forehead.
Roshiu Chen, the nobleman of the kingdom, is a hard-working man.
I don't hesitate to put my luggage on that shoulder. This was an example of encouragement to the nobility of the kingdom.
“It's enough if the screen doesn't get rough. The problem is that you're a strawberry blossom."
Currently holding down the southeastern part of Futaba Island, advancing to the northeast would cause a national defense crisis... but my hand is not that far. I can't stretch it. This is the business of being away from the capital.
"Don't forget the Cubi family." Let those who guide you appear, as in "The Little Mansion". "
If the "Futaba kings" scattered in the northeast come together into two or three, or become unified...... alongside the Cube Four Pillars...... Roshiu accepts this.
And in this man, to tolerate is to create that flow. Intelligence, espionage, and “upward” persuasion. Unbearable effort.
No, from the point of view of protecting Sambara, and thus the commercial capital, from the Lord of the Eucalyptus Flowers.
It would be nice to have a "scaffolding" on Futaba Island, but this is difficult.
But Sambara, I want you to promise me that the reinforcements I need will be the kind of fire thieves against the Tanhua king. In return, the military shouldn't turn their heads too much, with the promise of autonomy and patronage, in other words, as usual.
"I don't need any excuses, Captain. Can you ask Walter and Max questions?"
I don't know if that's the case.
Fourth house is side by side, it's important, and I'm a friend who hooks up and makes goals together.
Since I went to the commercial capital, I don't want to take the trouble of building a framework that I only heard about in the first place.
"Sir, please leave me alone." Now I'm.... "
"'The Kun of Tanhua'? You seem like a very convenient man for Hiro."
It is a fact on one side.
Thanks to a man who can read "strong enemy" and "windscreen."
"... if you call me, I'll come and see you."
Did you leave Futaba Island? Did you get out?
"Finally, you've got a real face." The chances of winning are... stupid questions. "
"Thanks to the drawings drawn by the reorganized Konofu Away Lord." It was just the right thing to do. "
I was waiting for my father to meet me with a sense of excitement.
Even in the case of General Jianwei, you have great achievements against the Shangdu.
I told you to see me.
Just in case you didn't have to say anything... you're on board, right?
"Nice to meet you, head." Do you want to go fishing? "
This was the first voice in the Shangdu City.
Are you using it even if you are worried about it?
"I'm pretty used to the sea." At first, I was puzzled by the discrepancy between the waves and the wind. "
The weather that creates the swell is far away, the weather that creates the wind is nearby, and it doesn't necessarily coincide. Apparently that's what happened.
"Roshiu wants me to send a boat to Futaba Island via Sambara." This time I'm talking about an envoy. "
It is a small time to be swayed by a sailboat that is robust but made of small bodies.
His beard raised as he looked over the surrounding landscape.
"It is imperative to strengthen the navy since it has already advanced to Futaba Island." As the first whip...... I understand the reasoning, but when I said 'after consulting with your head', I was laughed at with my nose. "
In the autumn, I let go of the sail line in the sun.
"It's fine until a man who might be Roshiu Chen replies that he is a cheap imitator, but honestly..."
The thick flesh sat down beside her.
A tongue was struck on the edge of the boat, and the half-bodied face turned towards us.
"Can you do it, asshole?" Don't we have heavy loads? "
Feelings, feelings, anxiety about the future. Even if you think about things from a soft spot, it's my job to be grandiose.
So let's start with Solid.
"You can pull the money from the top of the commercial capital, so it's a head count." the locals, the Sambara pirates, and the Fanzos.... "
Dim Avon or better.
Shake the pole in line.
In the middle of the day when the shadows were sparse, there were no fish shadows... I didn't expect it from the beginning.
"Don't say that, Chiuhei." It was an accident in Shangdu. You did well. "
"If there is a flood, no matter what, first rescue, arrange for a doctor." No enemies, no allies, no cargo, no on-site inspection. That's what a seafarer knows. You know your head, don't you? "
A gaze nodded and jumped up unexpectedly.
The float was rising and falling. Seriously... I mean, it's rich in nature, unlike the 21st-century chikiwu.
"Still, Chiu-hee." Thanks to you, both the Konofu and the Shogunate have been honored. It's a big job. "
Immediately after I said so, a small fish of 8 cm was caught.
Please, I'm begging you.
"Well, there's a part where it's been broken up." Fishermen in the waterways, Cubi Navy in the Cecil family... I can still sail carelessly. "
Chiuhei's pole was also bent.
I thought this was a good fishing spot because of the river entanglement. Is that a nutrient story?
"I don't hate fighting, but my head." Reading the waves and putting up a sail, that's good enough for you to take it easy. "
I see. Just getting on the boat must be a risk to your life.
You can catch a 20cm fish, so it seems that there is a lot of fun.
"But I heard that you dropped the fort on a single ride." That Rociu-san was smiling like a coward, his eyes were open like the night sea... aren't you actually a bakemon? "
It's subtly inflated, but I don't know if it's okay, but sometimes it's cool.
It's just a rationalization.
... oh, here we go again.
Eyes that have encountered alien or heterogeneous forms.
I'm honest with you for saying you're a monster.
"No, it's actually a cut off train and it's quite bullish." It's been hard since I finished. "
I bumped it all up from idea to result.
I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop shaking, so I kicked the ink.
What's wrong with you? You're finally peeking at the white teeth from your beard... but it's a bad idea.
"But next time, I'll give you 30,000." Me and the guards can do it. "
It's not cool or anything, because that's the job I'm looking for right now.
I smashed the south ridge with the power of Konofu. Get Ethan, Emile, Konrad, and everyone else.
"Anhei, give me your head. If I don't have enough manpower... this is a rationalization point."
The color of my eyes had changed.
You've got a lot of trouble, too, Chiu-hee.
No, Ethan, me, Roshi.
"The money and supplies will be demanded from Roshiu-san, right?" Now I'm gonna cum in my eyes, so definitely. "