The day after the successor priest took office, Philia and I were to travel through the village of Kumalloy.

Originally, Filia was enrolled in a school in the new capital and stayed in southwestern Gummel as an internship. Upon meeting the deadline for returning to the school, a priest Johann of the village of Gunmel West End Kumaroy in the northwest died, so he has been assigned as a replacement personnel of the seat. It was only natural to return to the new capital, which had been ready for a long time.

As far as I'm concerned... for a while, it seems that Philia's under surveillance.

"I didn't work evil, so there will be no punishment. I will never make it worse, so please until I get to the new capital.


Is it really okay? Whatever the lower end says, won't it burn with one of the cranes in the upper level?

Although there is anxiety, there is no one else so far who can rely on more than good and wise philia. It's a lot of pity to depend on your child for where you are, but you can't help it.

During the trip, many people from the village came to drop me off.

Mr. Ben split the pennies from Grandpa Tom's whiskers.

"You helped my father, and I want you to let me do this.

Tomas' house uncle, who has an escort on his arm, says he'll follow him along the way.

"Because I'm a benefactor of my life, and my arm won't do my job with this.

I'd like you to rest, but you won't listen to me.

It is a journey from the village of Kumaroy, but first we walk to the southeast.

In three days it is going down the hill looking at a volcano in the middle of Gummel territory to the left and a mountain range to the right, hitting a large river. It is the Great River Tine.

By boat, take the Tine, which flows eastward, or continue along the river, to the city of Caden, the largest city in Gummel territory where Filia was staying.

From Caden, in the southeast direction, the Great Plain stretches to the new capital.

Tomas' uncle followed me for two days.

Originally there is a church for each village so there is no problem with accommodation. The ramps are like streets and safe, and Gummel is not insecure. Well, it was an easy-going journey, but still comforting, as it meant that the undelivered were not bad enough to target the clergy.

The last day, all I had to do was walk to the river and say goodbye.

Almost a month after I was reincarnated into this world. I walked around the mountains and farmed, so I think my strength got cool. The footsteps were also lightly down the ramp......

There he is.

A ghost.

On such a safe path, at first I wondered how that could happen, but at first I was convinced.

It is a rockfall. Because of the rain that kept falling until a few days ago. So I got hit by a rockfall at the pinpoint.

I'll get an understanding from Phyllia and I'll listen to her for now.