Tremors didn't come.

Is that the result of the typology?

As an ambassador for hunting, the business of making you feel responsible?

Were you immune by killing ghosts?

Either way, your body moves naturally to do what you have to do.

Take the residue, wipe the morning barn thoroughly, and tuck it in the sheath.

Look around the rear and make sure there are no further ambushes.

Ride the horse and declare.

"The enemy ambushes have been defeated!

Thousands of mornings were coming back.

"Back row of the main unit, move! Join the front row night formation!

Philia nodded.

I haven't turned around once.

While dealing with the ambush, the bandit's general stock had been captured and it had been declared to that effect.

Already, half of our enemies have abandoned their weapons.

No, the siege net has narrowed a lot. There is also no need for the main unit to advance as a hindsight.

"Pursue the deputy ambassador. Please." Phyllia urges me.

"Drop your weapons! If you surrender, you won't take your life!

Competition available.

Prisoners and corpses, combined 31.

The guerrillas brought in three prisoners. Now the numbers fit.

"You need a test in the cave. Ask the guerrillas.

"I say!

One prisoner, a small man, shouted.

"There are numerous traps in the cave. I will guide you, so please, only life......

"You! Forget I saved you from starvation!

"You're less than a dog!

Two captive general stocks curse.

"Ugh! How dare you use me! Hit people on the whim! You guys are tied up! Look at that!

The prisoner who betrayed me says it back.

Everyone looks at each other. Nodded. Definitely.

"The guerrilla captain?

"I'll take care of the rest. Li Xiao, who are you accompanying? Lord Nobles, can I borrow Lord Rakuru? I would like to ask you to carry the documents, etc.


Reading of the Arbitrage Award in Combat Now.

It's my job.

"First Class of Merit are Theodor van Bosse and...... of, two! Theodore presented himself and seized the General stock,..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... It should be noted that due to this achievement, the disposition against the Fan Bosse family is withdrawn!

On the head of Theodore, there is a bandage wrapped around him. Whiter than gray hair, the bandage.

An injury that will never heal, but everyone thought that the wound should be covered.

The old man, with his own life, redeemed his sins.

A small sin, perhaps vague.

For the house. for children and grandchildren.

"Achievement Second Class is Knobless Nobis! Two prisoners, including the General's stock, were taken prisoner. Considering that there was no direct combat and that it was an easy placement to merit, second class!

A little sweet, but a participant from another house. If you underestimate it, it sounds later, as a matter of the Mel family's reputation.

"The third class of merit is Domenico Duomo! Presenting himself, he defended the Hunting Angel and took over one of his enemies!

Shields full of holes stabbed with arrows and spears, snagged armor and helmets.

I didn't want to get as many winners out of the squad as possible, but it's a distinct feat from anyone's eyes. The decision not to evaluate does not pass.

The result was to start with one from each team.

After that, we will appreciate the achievements of the two avant-garde units.

From the main unit and the guerrillas, there's no way we're going to get dissatisfied.

"The Hunting Angel was watching your struggle, all of it! Even for those who were not called by name, the reward will surely be given at a later date, on the basis of the roster!

Declare so, and close.

Around that time after a brief merit award.

The guerrillas finished their search in the cave and brought back what was likely to be investigative material.

"This man has worked well for me.

"Now, let me reward you for a few things. Mr. Nobles, please give us a light meal.

"Thank you! Um, only life!

"Yeah, because it's a promise.

"You traitor! Go to hell!

General Stock keeps cursing.

Where no other prisoner could see him, Knobless fed him a meal.

"Thank you, Bo. The Lord will be seeing this mercy.

The little man cheeks happily and wields a lot of love.

I fell in just like that. I'm sleeping.

"I was so nervous. I know how that feels, too.

"Apparently it worked.

Hume, who appeared without sound, tied the man up tightly.

When I wake up, I push a cloth into my mouth so that I don't get myself killed.

"Thank you, Lord Nobles. There is still nothing else left to de-alert this man.

"... sleeping pills?

"I don't know. This man is one of the generals' stocks. Probably a true leader. Because there are so many things I have to ask.

"You tricked me again?

"I haven't heard from you. What do you mean?

Fumes that cloud.

"Whatever it takes, you won't be fooled by such lies! Wow, Rascal!"

Achievement number three!

I can't believe Knight's me was able to give you a hand!

The senior knights gave me a hard time.

"Chickshaw! Take something delicious! And in the first line!

"Luxury Cono Yarrow! I just want to say, you can't even take a kid like this!

"Whoa, the next time we see each other in battle, we'll have a drink.

"Oh shit, it's not cool to insist on getting involved!

Well, the truth is, Knight has a lot of gear, so it costs money.

There are a lot of people in "quite a house" just because it costs money.

Because you're a decent nobleman, it helps not to get too maliciously tangled up.

I received the rough blessing of one street, but I was soon freed. Feeling good, seniors.

I knew Knight was the best.

But to Mr. Claire, I was impressed.

"Mr. Domenico! What do you mean, leave the premises and be mindful of anything but Miss Philia!

"I'm so sorry.

"Claire, isn't that the person who protected you?

Mr. Masakami?

"It's more like me or something, it's Miss Filia! That would be Knight's job!

"Domenico, answer honestly. What decision did you make then?

"I knew that was the last spear, the last flying tool. Because he caught Chiharu on the edge of his eyes attacking the enemy. There was still plenty of room for the quartet coming forward. From the above, there is no attack on the current Master Philia. Mr. Claire is in imminent danger. That's what I decided.

"You heard me, Claire. The Duomo owner, Knight in person, is a professional judgment. It's not good for you in Ninja to speak up.

"I apologize for this....... Dear Domenico Duomo, I would like to thank you for your help. Forgive my disrespect.

Thank you for your sophisticated greeting.

But those eyes, they're still angry, aren't they?

"It's a natural thing to do as a knight. I don't need you to thank me, but thank you very much for your heart and words.

I wonder if I can do this.

"Bye. I'll be at the lady's.

Mr. Claire leaves with a curly back. I'm angry, but it's still beautiful.

"He's not cute at all. No, you mean there was something extra cute about it.

Sensei Mashimura is giggling.

You gave me a help boat, so I guess I should be thanking you.

For some reason, I didn't feel very good about that word.

Mr. Hiro's voice approaches. You came over here, thank God. I can change my mood.


I wasn't excited about the feat earlier and realized it, Mr. Hiro!?

You're bathing in your face. You haven't wiped your blood back!

No matter how much older veterans you say you have to contain, Doss says it's working a little too well!

"Hey Hiro, face. Returning blood."

"Oh, I forgot. Wow, were you arguing with this face, me!?

"I guess it was moving somewhere, it's the first line.... So, I slaughtered people, were you okay?

"Wonder, no tremors have come. When you calm down, I don't know what will happen. Now if you don't work, you may feel strongly about it.

"That's how maybe it's something we're going to embrace. Maybe it's good to be appointed deputy hunting ambassador.

Mr. Hiro is in conversation with Dr. Mashimura.

Couldn't you slaughter people? That's who you are.

Well, it was my first time, too. But I didn't hesitate.

It's kind of surprising. That's all my arm stands. No, based on character, I don't know if it's surprising.

But I might be a little relieved to think that Mr. Hiro isn't good or good at it either.

"Is that it? With that said, what's Mr. Hiro's reward for slashing one and captivating one?

A solo with a fuzzy mouth.

It was picked up by Claire, who was coming back.

"Mr. Hiro is a hunting deputy. It's not the recipient of the prize, it's the giver.

"Speaking of which, I was. Looks like I was moving in the first place, too.

"No, it was calm. Dear Philia, child, protect me. I could have been moving, too. I'm sorry about earlier. And again. Thank you, Mr. Domenico.

I went over there again. They got away with it.

Ha, I knew we wouldn't be enemies.

If you say you're no match, it's the difference between heaven and earth.

And that blow.

He got up and swung down in front of me, that knife.

It was awesome.

Both ways.

I wonder what would happen if such a caretaker turned to the enemy. Can you stand it?

No, Mr. Hiro is near Master Filia. That's not possible.

But besides Mr. Hiro, I'm sure he's got one of those arms.

I need to be able to wear my grandfather's armor soon, too.