Passed to the front seat of Sakuma's house.

Normally, the chair was attached a step high in the back where the Lord was supposed to be sitting.

Phyllia lowers her hips in that chair. Don't show any stray or hesitant.

And snort.

Using that as a signal, we sit together.

On the right hand side from the philia, a party of recruiting ambassadors from the new capital.

On the left hand side, Sakuma Family One Party.

In "great" order, from seats close to the filia, flow.

I'm the deputy ambassador.

Sitting across the street is a sleek, magnificent man who was smiling in a portrait.

My lord, Takashi Sakuma, the man.

Filia opens her mouth.

"It's a pattern between the Mel family and the Sakuma family, the Mel family and the Fanzo hundred people. Unplug the long front door. This is Philia S. de La Mer, the cheap angel. I came to the Sakuma family to be the flag bearer for all of South Fanzo. To fulfill your purpose, start with a smooth relationship. Please introduce yourself in order from the owner.

"Ha. Sakuma, the owner of the house, is in Sakuma Hitomi. If you would like to introduce yourself in relation to the purpose of this incident. I would like you to accept Sakuma, Fukuda, and Kachikama's role as the voicemailers. As an understudy, I will keep Shinji with you. Forgive me and pray that I may put my faith in the foreground and use it as a flag.

Low, thick, loud.

"The Sakuma family wants Shinji to succeed them. In the future, I would like to inform you that the flag holder is Nobuji Sakuma.

That's what I'm saying.

It was a full mood, a plea.

"On the matter, from the deputy ambassador.

"Ha. My name is Hiro and I am an ambassador for recruitment and a necromancer. We will be responsible for the exploitation on the battlefield. In this case, Sofia, the Merle family president, has spoken...." With Nobuji Sakuma, I allow him to be the next owner of the Sakuma family. Together, I give my name a single word. From now on, let's call him Chi Ma Sakuma. 'That's what I said.

"Oh! Thank goodness happiness! More encouragement, all of you!

"Thousand Mornings.

"Ha. I'm here a thousand years ago as assistant ambassador for security, preacher (monk). He is in charge of negotiations with hundreds of people, and on the battlefield he will assume the command of the troops under the extraction of His Majesty the Deputy. It should be noted that one will not name Sakuma in the future. I want you to make a good deal of it.

And, loosen up the stubborn look.

"Congratulations, brother. I guess this will get me back to my siblings.

I need to be forgiven for this. It's been eight years.

"That's all about the succession.


That's what I said, Philia leaned her neck to the left.

"Ha. Mr. Sakuma, I'm here to talk to you. This time, it will be the shield of the Angel of Adventure, and the entire South Fanzo will be put together for a look. For a fold in which a hundred people's gestures have participated, there should be a certain way to go.

"It's in Yoshiji Kachi. Every day, we will be dispensing with a healing set. In this case, the presence in charge of water transport and working in naval warfare.

"It's in Shigehime Boda. We rule the Tabata Mountain Forest. In this case, I would like to work mainly with manpower.

As I had heard beforehand.

Kachi of the Sea, and Boda of the Land. Mr. Sakuma, who stands on top of it and is in charge of politics and warfare.

Northwest South Fanzo is turned by this trojan system.

Encouraged by Filia, "guests" Lina de la Tachibana and Alan introduce themselves.

Subsequently, key members on the right completed a very brief introduction.

"Okay. Okay.

Once again, Philia leans her neck to the left, far away.

On the last seat on your left, a hostage returning to South Fanzo... No, an international student was taking a seat.

Behind international students, too, there are chairs lined up, about the same number as them, sitting there. He shall be sent from every house to the house of Sakuma.

"Can you tell us the existence of each house?

"We will follow your instructions.

"There is no difference between using Lord Sakuma as the flag.

Instead, it was the northeastern households and the southeastern houses of Nagao who raised their voices stuffed with cut wings.

"Are you sure?

These two houses were attended by only international students. No one has been seconded by my parents.

Philia said, "Don't you have to check with my parents? I'm asking."

"Because the Oyama family is staring at me, they can't come here.

"My house is about to lean. There is nothing else you can do for the Merle family.

The House, as its name suggests, controls a fishing port in the northeast. In order to come to the northwest, we had to pass through the Great Mountains' sphere of power, which was putting pressure on them.

The Nagato family...... has many uncertainties about the southeast. You need to ask later, but for that reason, believe me, it sounds good.

Even in the same Northeast, Tojo and Nishijo had slightly different circumstances.

The two neighboring houses are in constant dispute.

"I don't care about flagheads, etc. Anyway, I want a guarantee for the Mel family." I encourage loyalty. "No, should I say that I don't want them to let me out?

These two houses are definitely on this side, although they are difficult people.

Conversely, there are three houses in the southwest that cannot be boiled.

"I only came here because I received an invitation from Lord Sakuma.

"So far today I've talked to you and brought you home to consider...

"Whatever we are, it goes hand in hand with a house that has not been here...

If we don't see how it goes yet, huh?

I don't even know what Philia and Sakuma are doing. Sometimes you eat in a hurry.

I don't know how that feels, but I don't.

Southwest, it's going to take a while to get together.

It's not a bad thing. Their time is good for both of us.

Finally, three houses in the centre raised their voices.

"We have deposited a letter from the Takida family who have not gathered here.

Phyllia turned to me.

It's my job to receive and read the letters.

"'The Mel family is our closest parent. I want to obey that life. I see, just because you followed Sakuma's house, Takemen's name broke. I want to be allowed to speak with my fist. I will not be opponent in the Hiraji Temple, so I will not apply for a single ride to the Chiharu Temple.'... Changzheng Takida.

Three families asked to speak. According to what I told you with the forgiveness of Filia......

"Lord Taro Takida (Changzheng) is a well-known user in this area.

"The five houses in the central part, including our three houses, were the hearts and minds of Lord Taro, who succeeded the governor, and then put the Takida family together as flagheads.... No, I still intend to. We think it would be desirable to have it together under Takida, and that Takida will be on Sakuma's side.

"Another house that hasn't come here, the son of the Sanfang family and Lord Taro, are planning to exchange fringes. If Takida is satisfied, there are no five of us, one of us, in existence to follow your intentions.

I see. Apparently the central part is easy to do......

And just what I thought.

"I don't know if I'm going to be the other guy, but I can't listen to you.

Sakuma Chi-jing is sudden.

"Mr. Heiji, refrain. This is an offer to Chiharu, who left Sakuma's house. This battle is for the Mel family to receive.

"Guru. I see...

"Lord Heiji, can you see me?

"Our five houses and Sakuma are together a hundred people, twenty-eight horsemen. Whether we celebrate it as a flag head, we have a position.

"When they say, 'Obey,' they do not listen to what they say. Unless we 'work together'. And if we work together, we have to show that 'power'.

"If Lord Heiji and Lord Taro meet, whichever wins, the lump will remain.

Subtle balance of power. Consideration of position.

In a troublesome but next-door society where we keep going out with each other, it's important.

... What an enlightenment. Soon, the remarks will follow.

"If you're going to take it as a Mel family, I want you to leave it to me. I know there's nothing like borrowing Mr. Chiharu's arm.

He was the captain of the cavalry, deposited by the Mel family.

When that happens, the captain of the Knight squad won't be able to keep quiet either.

"Please wait. I...

Oh, this guy's already a pain in the ass.

You have to adjust for these mean bumps.

Now what to do......, just starting to think.

"Someone has to take this.

Thousands of Early Chicks got up.

"Lord Takida has nominated someone. Others will convince you.

Everyone who was speaking pulls back.

Nothing. Everyone just thought, "I have to say one thing".

"Me," "me," "then me," "go ahead."

of, that stream.

Although I can't laugh at the fact that it leads to serious battles, not hot water baths.

Where the strength of his shoulder had fallen, the next word of a thousand early pierced his ear. It's bad for the heart.

"There are also causes in the past. It has to be something.

That Loricon!

No, a gentleman's boy...