Continued to the Dayama Mansion, we secured Tetsuji Road.

Instruct the hundreds of Fanzo people who had refrained in the rear line to base the junction.

The main unit heads further east and controls the Amano family barricade.

There was no great resistance. We were already in the phase of exploring where to drop it.

The "drop" sought by the Tahara, Yoshio and Amano families who showed resistance.

That means "I want the fact" that I "resisted, fought, lost". Because the fact that "I spoke with my fist" is heavier than anything else in Fanzo.

I mean, once again, a ride.

The Tahara family, the Yoshio family, and the Amano family have no users who said this.

Output magnums, trees, Nishiyama, and filial piety, taking into account strengths, positions, allocation of appearances, etc.

He won without a problem.

Three promised to follow the Merle family's policy.

Thus, the "long road" was completely liberated.

The only thing that remains is a response to the enclosed Oyama family.

Again, me and Dr. Tsukahara stand as messengers.

"No, I haven't put a knife together in 20 years, but I did. It wasn't a battle.

"It's just that I've always been a child, a martial arts idiot.

"When they say that, I'm getting angry. Long rolls won't beat you.

"Excuse me. Oyama seemed to remain an idiot, too.

The conversation between Souji Oyama and Dr. Tsukahara was soothing.

Don't pinch your mouth.

"Do you also have a three-foot knife? Tsukahara, what if...

"Yeah, he's my apprentice.

"If so, will you ever speak? What about arms?"

"I have something good. Especially good legs.


Keep talking, will you?

Fine, but that's not what's important right now.

"Your oldest son doesn't have the arms yet. It was a brilliant breath, the way I stopped a single ride the other day.

"Wouldn't you be humble? Including pride in disciples, to say that we are the ones who do the willingness.

"This Hiro is a Necromancer and can serve ghosts. Your arm is incomparable. You can't win unless you're going to deal with four or five people instead of one.

"I see. Then so are those on its hips.

Souji Oyama turns his face here.

"Yes, a ghost is possessed.

I finally pinched my mouth.

"Taro told me. The deputy ambassador said he was hit. If you like, next time, deal with him for once.

All right!

I am not going to let Taro Doji die. I intend to leave the house. That's what I'm talking about.

Then we can talk.

Right here.

"I was also drunk of boiled water. Angel Philia, too, looks bitter. After all, the Oyama family, twenty-eight horsemen, no, is one of the houses representing hundreds of people. I would love for the Mel family to cooperate......

"You're young. Straight ahead."

Don't tear it up!

Well, a young monk would be a young monk compared to you.

"No, I'm sorry. Don't get mad at me for that.

Did you put it on your face -!

Dr. Tsukahara smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Oyama, if it was you who was asked to speak like that.

"Sure. I'm about to hit you. You raised him as a well-behaved apprentice, Tsukahara.

Two people laughing out.

So come on. Seriously.

"As for the Mel family......


Dr. Tsukahara called me.

A chopping voice.

From laughing, unexpected. Sudden breathing.


I was distracted.

"That's the story. Stop it.


"When we met first, you already knew. It's still the same now.

"No, I'm sorry. As your deputy ambassador, you can't keep persuading me.

Once again, the tone has changed, Oyama.

"On your way home, meet them all. Because they will pull the sleeve.

The fact that the Mel family is not going to crush the Oyama family is a stark read.

But what's the matter? You have to put "drop" on it.

Clean. Ready.

It's a common attitude to be a samurai nobleman in this world.

I have to accept it as "that kind of thing".

My attitude is untrained. "I haven't worked it out yet."


"How can you be so fine! If he's dead, he's dead! I can't do anything anymore!

I said it.

Enough, don't you mind?

"I don't care if you live! Mostly you, you've been dead before!

"Is that the root, Deputy Angel which. No, Hiro, you.

Big Mountain cheered.

"Yeah. I'll tell you as many times as I can. Keep your head down and survive. The Mel family will never do anything to trample on the dignity of a boarding ride.

"Now the persuasion sounded extraordinary. Your words so far have been a lie. A good young man lined up the words that adorned the rabbit.... As a messenger, I guess I can't help it.

"You're hiding something from me, too. Seems like I've had quite a complicated experience this past year.

"Is that true, Tsukahara? Hiro, that's not right.... No, I don't think so. With my mentor, another personality. Maybe it should be.

"Yeah. I don't think you mind.

"I've been dashing Tsukahara, but I have to answer this honestly.

He had a clear smile.

"There is something more important than living and dying. If you throw it away, that's it.

It's over, Oyama repeats.

"Hiro, you got it. Your claim and that of Mr. Oyama are incompatible.

"The Vice Envoy. I would like to thank the Mel family for their generosity. And then with my sons, please.

There was nothing more I could say.

"My deputy, I'd love to, here, get dressed.

A bend that has exited from between the back.

He was called out by his eldest son, Taoji Dayama, with a gentle colour on his face.

To a lying look, lying words.

But that's why we can have a fruitful conversation.

I was put through to a hobby, small room.

I can see the garden.

It follows some landscape. That's all I know.

I thought it was just my oldest son, and my two brothers, they were waiting there.

I'll have the tea served.

"Maybe poison, or don't you doubt it?

Sounds like everyone uses the common language of the kingdom, not just in the Oyama family.

"Jiro, what happens when you poison me? Your father's hard work is the bubble of water, isn't it?

I'm not going to be complacent about me being important to the Mel family or anything like that.

But if you send a deputy general to a messenger and he poisons you. That's the act of applying mud to Philia's face.

... definitely annihilated. It doesn't matter if it's a horseman or anything.

"View the garden and get some tea. I don't want to make an uncomfortable imagination.

"I knew it was for you, brother. I'm interested in your teacher.

"It's not a rude mouth, Jiro.... I apologize on your behalf.

Oh, you're lying.

I wouldn't even call it hostility, Taro. Your attitude towards me.

Don't you think it's a good idea?

Then let me slash you in.

"As for the Mel family, we are not going to destroy the Oyama family.

"I appreciate the story, but is it okay if I say it?

"Taro should know and come. In the northeast, everyone is weak except the Oyama family. The destruction of the Great Mountain family and the division of its territory cannot be ruled by them. If the Mel or Sakuma houses manage it, this buys disgust. After all, there's nothing else to leave the Otayama family behind.

"From earlier on, it's just like weighing the Vice Envoy. I beg your pardon.

"No, still immature. I've just been scolded by your Lord earlier.

"I'm just curious about what my father said, but if you don't be honest with me about this one, you're not going to have responded to the mercy of the Mel family.

Taro Doji, once, cut the words.

Slightly, open your mouth.

"My father, away… the fruit of it, though it should be called a circle or a curve. I'll hang out there. Siege the separation with brothers, and consider where my father dictates himself or strikes out. That's how I settle.

It's a radical deal, but after I've met Jongji, I can only feel "I guess I will".

That seems natural to me.

"On top of that, I promise to apologize to the Mel family and follow the policy.

"As for the Mel family, you're glad that we're going to see the whole thing through.

"Yes, pitiful story, but when I divulged my father, who has protruded, with my brothers, I beg you.

Taro Doji looks straight at us.

"Just give me a minute. Isn't that too sweet as a condition? It is only by giving guidance to my father responsibly that I am finally forgiven. That's how it's supposed to be, right?

"Jiro. I didn't know you rarely moved your head. My brother will be delighted.

"Brother, don't be silly!

"Even if that's about it, it means you can accept it. It's all about Father's fortitude, and what struggle has brought. This is what your father gave us, a virtue. Bite well in the future.

Virtue. Yes, it's just virtue.

He's not dead yet, but Taro Doji didn't take care of that kind of physique.

"No, Mr. Taro. It's not just you and your father. From your brothers to the Brotherhood, this is what the Great Mountain family's struggle has brought.

"You weren't wrong about my father's policy. As a son, I'm delighted.

"Well said, my brother was against it. He wants to follow the Mel family. I was the one who was in tune with my dad, wasn't I?

Jiro Yasuji turned to him.

"The Brotherhood worked well, but our brothers couldn't do anything.

Samuro Yoshiji opened his mouth for the first time.

"No, I was moved by the behavior of offering a ride to help the Brotherhood. Jiro also sees that standing around against Magnum, a skill that is hard to see in the new capital.

Above all.

"Taro also made me struggle. It was a terrible sight on the climb. The night before that, he said he was withdrawing, and his angel, Philia, looked bitter. There is no doubt that your work has also elevated the name of the Dayama family.

It's not a social dictionary or anything. It's all an honest feeling.

That's why I wanted to leave the Oyama family, to keep Joji alive.

"The Vice Envoy is the one. In the end the formation was pulled out, and the luggage truck was forced to shut up...... Now that I think about it, I also feel like that weakened the hatred between the two armies a little. It was a proposal to frustrate my father's intentions.

"Ha, are you winning and losing?

Sensei Tsukahara opened her mouth for the first time in this room.

"Mr. Taro sees himself as a considerable user. Mr. Oyama... No, your father also said to this Hiro, 'Next time, do your best'... I'd like to ask you something here.

"Yeah, soon, I'd love to.

"Best regards,

Apparently, it's going to be nice and tight at the end.

Though I'm never convinced by the way Soji Oyama thinks.