Late August, about one day of summer vacation.

Once we got home - Avon (age 34) soon came to visit Panmori Hall. Take two men and one woman.

"Your head! I'd like you to meet my kids."

Note that "head" is a designation for the Kalewara principals from the Avon family.

That's how it's been decided from generation to generation. I guess I was a lake thief.

"First of all, my oldest son Amen. Yes, I'm thirteen. This is my second son, Anthony, twelve."

(You're a brother and you're not united at all!

(Both have "Amen," pink)

(No, Lord Vagan. Lord Pink is right about this)

It would be the difference between inheritance rights or extinction and commonplace.

Is it a household pattern that makes you clear there, or is your mother's "identity" very different?

(Hideous names are more likely to succeed, so you can't expect to improve your sense of naming)

Ma, I want to be a clan that fits in with such a joke.

"It's our Lord's Hilo. You both get a good tan, you're reliable. Let's take a look at the first fight, shall we?

It returns a full smile.

If you hear of war, you will rejoice, and there is nothing you can think of in its reaction.

Kingdom society is healthy, I'm sure it will be fine. We should be careful around here.

"So, this is my youngest daughter, Angelica, eleven. My mother's the same as my oldest son, right?

After all, she was an adorable girl with "Amen" on her.

I'm glad he doesn't look like his father on the beard side...... no, on the beard side, but he's so handsome in Chihee. It's good to be similar. Even for the peace of the family.

Forget about it. I was flattered this day.

I came up with a good idea.

"Wouldn't you like to be my kid?

The air that was almost frozen somehow.

Put aside a beat and I understand what that means, too.

"Your head. Ask for an explanation. I don't think so, but I'm a parent too. You got orders you can hear and orders you can't hear?

"No! I'm not!

"Don't you live with me? I'll do anything" (only handsome are not guilty, no even handsome are out) or that's not what I'm going to do!

"Can you explain how it's different?

"I'm an adopted daughter. I don't mean to bring anything to Iwamori to be held hostage, or anything like that... Ask him to live at our place. I don't have kids, on the contrary, you're unmarried, right? When something happens to me, when I let this kid pick up my son-in-law and inherit the house, that's the story."

"What if your head gets married and you have kids? It would get in the way, wouldn't it?

"If the adopted son is a boy, he's in danger of it, but it's a girl. If I have a son, you can give it to my wife. Even if you put it out to your daughter-in-law as the daughter of the Avon family, 'the adopted daughter of the Karewala family' will be foiled. Let me do that."

The air has finally thawed and the August heat is back.

Ladies and gentlemen, what did you think of me?

"You guys, it's a workout? That's the best way to shake off strange delusions!

But the calamity of the girl (Lori) was not confined to this.

In the Royal Palace, where he rolled up the vacation granted for about five days (grief is Japanese sex), a small disturbance was lifting.

"Sir Ozo's Palace?

"Anything, I hear you've been impressed by the desire to marry His Royal Highness Ashlaan and Clementia. She fell in love with Her Royal Highness and was suddenly aware of her marriage."

I think that's a good thing.

His Majesty the Father would be happy to come.

but what is this? Dirty words.

"So you're writing song sentences all over the government."

It's better to do it than not to do it, it becomes a song and word practice.

But hey.

"I don't care if you give it to me."

Married, that's also Ethan the newlywed, had a head.

"Bachelor Han Lin's arm show. I showed you well."

"Mr. Shimei, please substitute. Of course I thank you."

That's why the famous singers here seem to be encouraging pennies.

And about that afternoon.

A samurai showed up quickly.

"The first wind of the flattering autumn (the heartbreaker came)...... it's a hiccup, Lord Kalewara Platoon"

Mr. Hiro de Calewara does not tease the samurai as much as Shimei.

As for Ethan, there's no need to worry about giving or being given.

If you turn it into a samurai, it will be a heartbreaking delivery address.

Anyway, Autumn Wind...... then.

"Who (did) sprinkle Tamazi (Tamazusa) to come (who wrote to you)?... under the flawless Vine Clothes (light students)"

and so on, and I handed over the letter to you in a smile.

Sir Ozo, I just saw your song.

"... if you pretend to be in the rain..."

Um, come on, uh, come on!

"Pretend". "Past Woman" If you say it in a disgusting way, it would be "used" though!

When did I make Miyama "used"?

No matter how many songs you say play words and enjoy "its body" Come on!

"It's going to be pretty tough, Mr. Hiro?

"Hey, Shimei, anything? How is it going with everyone, Lord Ozo?"

Instead of replying, it covered his mouth with a fan, something that had returned a grin with only his eyes.

Still, what the Kingsguard platoon captains, bureaucrats of each ministry, feel about this commotion… is, for one thing, a "cheer".

Because I am happy to be with Lord Ozo's palace on a whim (which I am soon tired of anyway).

Then there's no way I'm going to shut myself up.

Totally disastrous, but I have to write you back anyway.

"No white dew, no time rain, no leaks yet. You'll come to your heart in autumn."

(It's only August. Even though the time rains season hasn't come, it's raining time for you...... isn't that the one where the "tired" is coming?

Tie it to the grass, as appropriate.

Now up for delivery, on the road.

"... the left horsehead? No, you've now been glorified by Jailmaster Sasuke."

A strangely tempered middle-aged man wrapped a thin piece of paper around seasonal flowers and was on his way to the rear palace.

"This is Mr. Hiro. Yeah, thanks to you."

Left Horsehead revamped Jailmaster Sasuke. His son-in-law is in the Palace of Prisoners.

"section chief with the same provincial director/deputy secretary of state as son-in-law," so it would be quite cozy.

"Within a few years, I think I'll be able to become Daisuke Kwon. I wondered if I could line up in the 'grid' that I had inherited from my ancestors, just because I had given up, I was joyful..."

So, that means he's headed to the rear palace...

Oh, you can't keep it in the corner.

Originally a family member around "one step above/upstream", Jail Sasuke.

As for the wind currents, they have better taste than me or something like that.

I blossomed on the subject of elegance.

Submitted the song first, same samurai which.

Prison, no way...

"I lost my wife, too, and I'm single now. Besides... the public despises being a horse (Fuba), but me and others are still good. If you can sit in that chair, the bureaucratic rank you admire, are you concerned about some shame or something! Even to Lord Ozo's Palace, young people have said," Not feminine enough, "etc., but from middle-aged people like me, it just shows adorably. Something that's gonna be okay, a little wife that dreams about it for once!

Oh, whoa.

Sounds like a story I don't get yet.

Indeed, in the kingdom, "couple of years apart" is not considered a bad thing. But, hey.

Easily, I'll give you some water.

"You're worried about the memories of the ladies in the backyard."

If you can metaphor modern Japan...... it's still scarier than all the women in the company turning to their enemies.

That's about as much power in the rear palace forces.

"There's no drain. To the extent that they didn't say," Recruit to one of the white-headed people, say, "Tomorrow (that old man is serious, kidding)," I meant to poke at that criticality with seriousness. "

A decent man, who didn't show a millimeter of agitation in the throne inheritance race, is slowly floating.

Is this love...?

(Instead of getting caught up in big frauds like being able to wind up all your property, it's like you're easy to get caught up in dimensional fraud and investment fraud to the extent of a penny)

You'll get a billion yen! Though I laugh with my nose when I'm told.

You'll get 100,000 yen! Weak type if they say so, huh?

(It could be a horse race, right? Feels like stretching it in a big hole)

With a little effort or expense, Wang Chang, if there is a big return......?

The throne inheritance race is exactly "neck-consuming," but this time to the extent of the exchange of sentences.

Either that or Sir Ozo's palace, that seems quite sinful.