"Long time no see, Hiro... n... no, Baron Karewala"

The boy, invited to the mother ship of the Karewala Navy, was showing a small bewilderment.

"Please call me by name. You are my boss, the former Squadron Leader."

"That's what I'm talking about, Bayajit. Let's go with a thoughtful call out, shall we? I'm a man trying to run away, I need to show you something more prestigious."

The boy showed more white teeth.

I think the Holy See was right.

It can't be good to throw this smile into the vortex of inheritance rights disputes.

That's a decent job. It is a battle to be fought by men in their twenties and thirties.

"Then will you call me out, too? Hilo, Edward......"

Before I said it to the end, I was blocked by a man standing by my side.

"That's unacceptable. But, you know, if it's about to be" Mr. ".... so, that. Is it okay?

Though I thought I'd come to understand the surroundings a lot. Now a little......

"It would be your job to make it okay. No, I have nothing to do.... I invited you because it's a battle you can definitely win, isn't it, Edward?

I say it off with my entangled body as I pull the thread behind it.

It was Edward's sunny smile that returned.

"Yes, yes. You can just hold back. Because it's absolutely safe!

I was dazzled and distracted. To the end of the ship.

You don't have to. Staring straight at you, too, should do it.

There's never going to be a fight, but it's still a fight we can win this time.

Magnum, Timur's got Ethan. I also attached Edward. It can't be dangerous.

The former Commander of the Kingsguard Squadron was originally a good battlefield for His Royal Highness the Third Prince.

It's an honor to have a meal. You can be proud of it as a handle. It's supposed to be.

"I love you, head!

The word is salvation, but I don't want you to smell my involvement.

That's why I'm going to put a headbat on it.

I stare into its eyes at close range.

And? Don't tell me you love me with your face that reflects Ariel's face, let's go.

Don't squirm in the back! I'm scared!

Leaving aside the thoughts and other things of the crew, the ship kicks up the water.

Shout out loud so that you can't beat the sound of the wind on the sail.

"We've already delivered the weapons food and everything else. I will continue to send it in the name of Mr. Bayajit, apart from the Ministry of Military Affairs, so please take it."

This will not starve the Kingsguard units on the front line.

As planned.

Pardon me for answering the humble behavior at the same level.

A graceful return is the only return of interest.

Let His Royal Highness Aslan burn a subtle Edward and instigate a motivated bayajit.

Her Royal Highness the Queen... The Back Palace is fast in purchasing information. I'll find out when I'm ready to leave. My son can't help but say, "Danger, don't" about Her Majesty the Queen. So I tuck Rants' letter in and rock it. "It's due to favor from Sarasmus, I'll take care of it," he said. And if even the rear palace is deluded, the men's society... the non-military lord. The palace valves pretend not to see it, even if they realize it.

Return handy and it will fit round with "Boy Growth". Her Royal Highness has also decided to boast as if she had not objected or otherwise.

And locally.

No matter how much you dislike the Kingsguard, Sergeant Miyama of the Military Ministry, I can't let His Majesty's son harass you.

Same royalty, relative boy. He is also a young man who tries to live in the army, just like himself on a young day. I don't even feel like harassing you, I should.

The prominence of your young son was reported to the Cabinet in white.

I ask His Royal Highness Aslan to put it out again.

"Isn't that good? My brother Bayajit is also fifteen years old, and young men around that age, the military, can't wait to get a handle on him. The Kingsguard gave him martial name Edward Cubi, as well as an elite. It should also be noted that I have asked the former ceremonial palace to run as a hindsight."

Yes, I also burned the Palace of the Lord of the Formula to waste.

"I never thought about it. I didn't expect Master Bayajit to run out...... From His Royal Highness the First Son of Wang, whether it is necessary to be a guardian and advisor in the first place."

If you are the man who painted the picture, but pretend to be the body that is swung by the situation.

Mamiya's brother-in-law party returns a very comfortable face to this troubled face.

"Miyama... No, what I asked you to do while stepping on the feelings of Miyama Mae is no."

Sounds good to me, huh?

But you can't go against me, you want me to remind you of that?

"I am not speaking to Mamiya, I am speaking to you admiring Mamiya. … don't you think there was a slight problem with the behavior ahead? I can teach you how to give back."

While the assassination failed and the referent was held down, it's a good thing you're good at.

No, you don't have to turn blue.

"I haven't handed it over to Timur Bentham yet"

I'm not even going to give you a think gap.

"Don't get me wrong. I am a Kingsguard, an indie military nobleman. I have respect for the royal family. The matter of the election to the head of the dispersion (Kami) was also something I just wanted to help Lord Miyama return to. It is misguided by the unfortunate mistakes of the past and does not become distressing. That's why I'm here to see you, something you don't understand."

Knock it off, throw candy.

"As you know, military merit is above all an understandable and gorgeous achievement. I would like you to keep one or so for Mamiya, who is strong at work in the inner morning. Is that something I'm not even allowed to think about? I'll never win a battle like this again in my life..."

And I'll make an excuse, and I'll get you an escape route.

"Previous (Sachi's) Left Horsehead (Samanokami), now Jail Sasuke (Giubuji) Which do you know? Stand up and defend your weak jail lord, the Palace... That is why he aspired to emerge and is now leaping away from his idleness. I look up, loyalist, and I'm asking you to exchange your son."

We hold the bottom while we serve the top.

If you sink, one party will all be unhappy, and if you float, everyone will be happy.

The twist is as a twist. Stand up for yourself, will you?

That's a subtle look, isn't it? Just laugh.

Look, he said to make the same face as me. Yeah, yeah.

"His Excellency Karewala is also a loyal minister who serves His Royal Highness the King. Unlike the Lord who serves, I knew about it. Apparently, there has been an unfortunate misunderstanding between us."

You seem to understand. Above all.

Come on, I'm sick of the Cold War with your valves.

"What should I do with your feelings about the discomfort of the palace, etc., is very, very much. But sincerity passes for loyal ministers... it's still good to discuss"

If I'm gonna lose my leg, this guy's gonna show his back first.

That's not a bad relationship. I don't need to feel comfortable either.

... Hey Ariel.

What did you do when you were 19?

(You look great. The inheritance race wasn't this long when I was 19. You know what I mean?)

That's a lot of faceless. You don't look like you want to cry, a face you don't show.

I knew you'd look like that.

(... I can't believe it. I was moving a little more straight... you could only move straight, me. I thought it was 27.)

I feel that way because of everyone over my age.

I don't know, right?

After it's all over, in the Yakan.

What His Highness Aslan was showing me was a soft, unyielding smile.

"By sending Sir Mo's Palace and Bayajit to the front line, we will hold Sir Mo's Palace hostage. But we must not set a precedent for military intervention in the field by moving the political scene. Therefore, Hiro, Sir (you) thoroughly turn back. And stand out and let me take the lead.... I know what you mean, but why go around so hard?

The Kingdom of Advocacy triumphed and reclaimed the Old Capital.

Sergeant Miyagi, Bayajit, and Sergeant Miyagi shared the glory.

Most of them returned safely.

"Because I don't want to make the throne inheritance race a bloody thing. I don't want to replicate the tragedy of His Royal Highness Prince Hagibana."

That thought that has been in my mind for a long time. I was getting stronger every month I lay down.

So again, "I decided so". If there's anything you can do to do that, try.

I don't know what life's goal is.

In the meantime, I want to try to emerge, I want to do some more swordsmanship. That's not a lie either.

But... with Drownetinechi in the court. Or take a blood splash on the battlefield. Because I just feel happy about it, mad, and unwilling to be delayed.

Beautiful mouth goal, can I have it?

It's not a bad idea to go for a goal where everyone is going to be happy in the environment in which you are placed, just a little brighter in it.

"Sir is honest." To make your world glorious. "

It's because of Acaius' education program.

I really feel resistant to the fact that it mesmerizes/takes in on top.

"Thanks to Sir, I was treated like a Fixer this time. When the cabinet members who were in the formation came to their attention,"

He said that he seemed restless and ill-suited.

The look on the face of His Highness Ashlaan, who tells him so, was only a little stiff. To trap emotions within.

If you lay down your face, have you read the meaning of "education" there?

Signs of overhead are restoring softness.

"Is it time for me, Sir of the Ministry of Military Affairs, to extend my tenacity to the authority of the Miyagi?

At least with regard to the former, it was no longer necessary for the time being.

It's the old capital I took back because of it, but it was soon recaptured.

Then there is no ex or son, what is it that repeats the same failures... and the majesty of the Ministry of Military Affairs is daunted.

The Kingsguard lowered his drinks… and that's not what the two military forces defending the kingdom should do.

Politics is what emotional theory is.

It should also be noted that I have come to announce the re-failure of the Old Capital in the face of the Inspection and Misconduct Agency, whose return was somehow delayed.

"The flag was on the lion, a hazel blossom"

I could clearly understand that.

Even in the South Ridge, nobles and powerful people are fighting for power of initiative.