His Excellency Count Tachibana invited me on duty (in the morning).

In other words, they were having such a serious conversation while they were eating booze.

Exactly how about as a work attitude... and not without the guilt of doing so.

I went back to Kingsguard once again in the evening and was just going to stay straight.

Is there a shadow in the shadow of the sun that has fallen?

... It's up to the Kingsguard team captains.

You look pale, Isen.

How squeezed...... no, that's not it.

I tend to be told my nerves are thin, but now this guy is beating it up.

My bosses mourn my patterned predecessors for their talent, little malice that I couldn't help but smash, even though I knew I was afraid of later. I threw it away and threw it up... you're a nasty teenager.

Anyway. If it is the reprimand of His Eminence Alba, who translates "the same uppermost aristocracy" dear, he should gladly accept it. Or return a sharp objection, or listen carefully to a certain baron… Either way, it's not "indulgent" for Isen.


"The other day, what do we do?

Rikkyo's Factory (Koba) City (?) against which a loan in the name of investment had been requested.

So this question comes out of encouragement or pure favor, something that should.

Little heartache about using it for fishing needles was smeared.

Similar to the sunset, by some other emotion.

- "Lunchtime" is in the regular royal palace, until the sun goes down. What were you talking about?

"Can I ask you, Hiro? Specific stuffing... yes, I'll follow."

You're a little cooler than the way you got into Rikyo, Isen?

You would still be able to pack up the story. You have as many numbers in mind as you need, right?

If it is illuminated from the bottom by the shaky lights, even the "thin face" seems to be an unpleasant shade.

The colour of a small agitation was floating in the demonic facade lining under his eyes.

"You smell like alcohol, Mr. Hiro. Isn't it just too soon to do it?

You can't refuse Count Tachibana's invitation.

"We're going to the christian mansion, what do we do?

White exchanges sometimes make sense.

"You are not calling". Out of the question. But clearly, that's what I was telling you.

"I came straight back to my place. I appreciate the invitation, but not today."

Until last year, I don't think I would have remembered the frustration.

At least, I should have swallowed the next word.

"I don't think we've talked enough about it yet."

Shit and shifted the place. I say run away here, but I win.

Still, it's cold.

Late autumn cold air is just not used to the body.

Though, I was just worried about skipping tonight.

Unlike the "with" (guarding all night), which serves His Majesty's side, it is an easy-going thing.

Still, if we become His Excellency the Commander of the Kingsguard Squadron, we need to be fully prepared for the crisis.

Sleep deprivation is my responsibility to dive into the blanket, the enemy of accurate judgment. Watching soldiers on guard all night - a nobleman full of them - on their asses.

I think you're acting so great just for that, personally.

Anyway, if you sleep now, you'll wake up at 2: 00 at night, just right for work from 4: 00.

Because of alcohol, because it must be easy or straightforward?

I knew I wasn't going to be able to do anything like sleep.

...... you were just the "hairy" guys, the ones who were face-to-face............ many of them are not even "general lord sons" yet our Lord's "grandchildren," you shouldn't be able to make big decisions (every single one)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... He's picky and he likes to play tie up...... hang a hammer on his leg and carve a small scratch on himself...... hmm? Looks like tie-in play is coming with different meanings...

Hard, the events of the day disappear in my eyes and in my ears. What the fuck?

... inappropriate... cereal exchanges, financial flows... Rikkyo and the region are tough... Count Tachibana, Lord Nanchu, Duke of Alba... Christian, Emile, Isen, Konrat, Albert...

"Hiro, you? Wake up... No, military nobles will wake up naturally."

Ethan. That's a slightly lower voice.

Something that tends to sink heavily to the sound of voices when it gets cold...

(Now that it's just now, it's not gonna crawl at night... hey Hiro, it's serious, right? I can really rely on that connection! Especially in the case of military nobles. Fraternity Battalion, you're watching, right?

(Why don't we just start with Mr. Veronica?

(You know, pink. People, liba, but no cats! Different order of remembering!

Can you give me a break from sleepless rest and late-night tension?

(Say, the Kingsguards are reciprocal (tame), and they're all people, aren't they?

(mount attachment (physical))

(This is not right. I need to find a guy's daughter for practice)

No, I don't think so.

(You hang out with guys because you want a connection? Do we have to practice? The fraternity battalion wasn't like that)

Superior Vagan's thankful discourse is always suggestive.

Everyone seems to be in deep business around not being purified by listening.

"My father, the Earl, says he wants to see me. I was wondering if you could make it convenient."

Listen, Mr. Ariel, Mr. Pink? I knew it was a serious story!

(Suddenly the tangle with Odysama is that nobility is deep in business. Hiro, I'm glad I followed you.)

(This is serious too, you need to know who and who you're willing to do that to?

Pretend to look at people and pretend to be me again, a stupid story that takes place next door is a good thing. It scrapes off the extra clutter you have.

Thanks to this I came up with a refreshing sleep and a quick setup.

Until then when it comes to coincidences, but if it's a rolling opportunity, let me use it.

Sensei Tsukahara, who serves as the guard of His Royal Highness King Aslan, is also a human being.

With that responsibility, you have a positive sixth place… and you are not in a position to be tortured. Even if you abandon your vanity and get real, you're a VIP guard. Its body and mind require enrichment in order to be able to react urgently.

And so I said. Naturally a holiday is given.

"Thomoe Asahi, Baroness Dexter, though. They're really blocking my mind here."

I was wondering if I could see you and encourage you. I've been thinking about this for a long time.

"You've become great ordering your teacher to run for use, Hiro... No, I have accepted your request (...)"

Yes, this is a request, no. As for feelings, "please".

Sooner or later, a proposal based on friendship with Tomoe of the same gate, although there is no lie there.

… if the guard Tsukahara teacher is away.

It is "as per the manual" that the squadron leader leads the arms of the Kingsguard and falls on the alert of Yasuen.

It is also "natural practice" for those who invited the guards - those who pulled them away from His Royal Highness - to follow the responsibility of defense.

In other words, it is "natural" for the President and Count of the Dexter family to go to the Yakuza for protection and as hostages.

I don't have anything to feel right.

"Does it still hurt?"

My little finger, which had been unbandaged, had my eyes poured out.

"If it's a teacher's blow"

"The wound shouldn't be healing yet, that's what I thought.... That's the Kingsguard Squadron Commander, sir."

He trembled his shoulders into small pieces, and came.

We looked at each other, and this time, we never pulled each other out.

"I'm not sure what His Royal Highness Wang has in mind, starting with my father, the Duke."

What is a kingdom nobleman?

I think I'm going to say something somewhat roundabout, and I'm going to finish my greeting and step in early.

How far is it good to talk, that's hard.

It all seems so mild and openly inviting.

At first glance - you can't help rebelling against that concept in the kingdom - it's rude to have a lot against them.

"Your Highness does not intend to engage in aggressive offensive against South Ridge."

"East-West, I mean."

This is it.

But there's no way we're going to show weakness here.

It mimics the hissing of Mr. Season Ethan and puts a smile on the wrought iron skin - a thin face is useful at these times.

"This is my opportunity. Please, be close to Your Highness..."

"It's starting to look like that. Do you remember the words I called you when you were awarded the Baron position?"

Words I've always forgotten.

I can remember because now I know what it means.

"'So I realized what Mel and his wife were thinking too late. And it matched my orientation and, in the big place,' …"

Dear Sophia, Alex's "thoughts".

If you now... when you create a "focal point" to replace an absent direct male. At least one of them should have meant something like that. The political situation in Wang Du, the force map, is complicated. If you don't paste "public", you'll be late for an intelligence battle.

And Count Dexter, who was Viscount at the time, said "orientation," "big place."

"I can finally understand that the Dexters are in a position to paint grand designs. No, I'm saddened."

Money is strong where you hold the budget.

It has the power to determine the policies, the needles, and the way they are done.

"It's as petty as ever. Exactly, the Dexters. Not me. It is the tradition of the central government of the kingdom not to allow it to be affixed to the king's capital all the time. Thanks to you, I've been in and out of the Far East for seven years. Ethan spent almost everything in between in the Far East"

Out and in, that's certainly a Kingdom tradition.

Learn to practice in Wang Du and make decisions in the outside world.

But that's the Grand Dexter family. I rarely get "skipped" by an unintentional department.

Even roughly, they can be tolerated with hope.

I let my general lord son go in and out for seven years, which means how much they value the Far East.

I see. Though if development proceeds, it is the land that produces all that wealth.

"Those who value the south, those who paint the future to the west, those who gaze upon the King's capital and Wang Ji at their feet... I thought you might be oriented towards each one of them"

Dexter family with an emphasis on the east.

That Far East is frontier, no, to be clear, "negligible" so far. Human resources are essential for development.

So noble, no bureaucrats, no, that's "stakeholders". We have to broaden that scope.

Mel Cubi is also in agreement with His Highness Aslan, who thinks he is part of the kingdom… at least he overlaps his thoughts.

"Turning east doesn't begin by not citing and working on layers called upstream aristocracy. General Xunbei, Inspector General (...), Olars Elan on Borderline Uncle... It's as if he doesn't have enough heads. Both Ethan and I were badly hit. I'm sure you've had your eyes turned too."

So also "speak up" to Karewala.

Take it in more than elimination, and say that's Dexter Party orientation.

"'Now that the kingdom is hard to see where it extends, it is first of all important to consolidate the base, the nucleus. It is the work of our king's capital, the upstream nobility, to' build '. Aren't the provinces understaffed? Then you should work in real life'. That is not one way of thinking. You'd understand the benefits of creating a framework first."

That's what Ethan did to the head of the commissioner.

Proposal for a framework to regulate local governance.

But the Count's words differ from Ethan's intentions.

Ethan looked at the Mel family in the Far East, compared to the direct jurisdiction. It may smell blue, but I designed the policy.

There are those who have taken, distorted and taken over the design. Those who have fallen into politics... they smell blue, too.

They say politicians (Statesman) and politicians (Politicians) are different. Because there's no way he can be a politician who can't even be a politician.

"Someone proposed a 'robust framework' and a 'slow uptake' in which Your Excellency is oriented. It's not an incompatible mindset, logically. … no, 'way up' what can I do"

So much so that we compromise and share the fruit?

Do whatever you want, though I can tell you that for one thing.

"I can't even be so objective as to be in a position to serve as the 'parents' of people who are still just 'Sir' and hang vertically. I can't help but think of the heart of the Commander of the Kingsguard Squadron."

Every time something happened, I came to my rights with a bite.

From above. Am I with Mikael Chagall?

But if you don't bite as hard as you can, food support... is there anything to worry about that much?

(But you mean you're kicked out of a lot of fruitful territory, Hiro?

(Right, Vagan, but hey. Ugh)

(Oh. So Ethan's voice gets cold. 'Cause I have to let my dad out to move Hiro)

I can't even tell you that military nobility is something that comes out early and will be pulled out later...

You're afraid of later. This. No, there's a current problem before that. I don't see anything.

"The other day, the publicans were face-to-face about it?

"There is such a thing as benevolence. That's all you can tell me. It should be noted that the Mel family"

"Regardless, I'm not calling from you. It is the benevolence of the kingdom nobility. but whoever comes up with anything, 'before it comes to fruition, it's bound to leak'"

"My Lord Marquis Sakti, the Viscount of the House of Ya, is not sweet together."

You think about smashing it before it comes to fruition, well said.