The Strategist Knows Everything

Chapter I, preamble 2

In the carriage Lady Diorud came on, I was headed to the castle of Count Eulen. Honestly, I'm sick, so I wanted you to wait for another day or so, but since Dear Diorud is busy, I'm trying my best to hit him with a nasty body. Well, I'm pointing my soldiers at the king. I'd be surprised if you weren't busy.

Master Diorud, sitting in opposite shape, looks at me seriously with his red eyes, or my face.

"Yukito. Are those hair and eyes still born?

"Huh? Ah, yes. I've had this hair and eyes since I was born. You've never asked me that question before."

"I'm sorry. It's a very rare color on the continent. I hear that only people from the island have dark hair and dark eyes."

"I see. Because there are only people of the same color around me. It's rare, it doesn't attract attention."

While I was doing well, I was reading information about the island in my skills, as Diorud said.

[Island. About the islands around the continent of Rhodinia. Marine technology has been developed and exchanges between islands and islands have flourished, but not so much with the continent. They form their own culture, and all the people of the island have dark hair and dark eyes].

I see. Is it like Japan? Is that unusual? If you're someone you've never seen, it's no surprise you're making a scene.

"I like black. Is that weird?

"What do you think? There is also a variety in black. Some blacks attract people, others terrorize people."

"Hehe. I picked you as the person to talk to, and I thought you were right. When people say they like black, they say they like it too. It's not funny."

You will have no choice but to follow the Prince's question. Even I am cold sweating now. It was dangerous. I answered with vegetables.

"Follow me...... do you hate her?

"I hate my father. Because I have convenient ears that only pick up comfortable words. So I don't even like the convenient words."

"I understand. I'll do it right."

"I don't mind you talking to me like you normally do. I don't care how much cursing noise I get from you. [M] If you're really angry with me, I'll take it spoilt."

"Maybe I don't speak from the bottom of my heart, do I?

"That's just that I didn't have the eyes to see. I'll give up."

Lady Diorud said so with a smile as she sank her hips deep into the carriage chair.

Unrivalled. Is this what royalty is all about? I'm not half confident. Is that backed up by previous efforts, or is it talent? At least, I saw the king in Lord Diorud's face.

"I have a question I would like to ask."

"Anything at all."

"Why... did you march?

I wipe my hands wet with cold sweat with my pants. I was worried it would be disrespectful, but Master Diorud wouldn't break his grin.

"As I said earlier, you don't like my father. I don't like everything I do. That's why I raised my soldiers. Well, Count Eulen's the only one who joined me in the march."

"Not so much…… Your father, His Majesty the King, that………………………………"

"I'm a bad man. As a king, as a man."

I wondered about Velis' king, but the screen didn't come out. Maybe we should look at the person in person.

For now, let's find out about the king. I don't really like it though. Because Master Diorud is clearly grumpy. I wonder how much you hate kings.

"Even as a person... you think you're off the road?

"A man trying to get his hands on his real daughter, isn't he? It's just unpleasant to be seen as the same person."


I thought I heard something terrible right now. I tried to get my hands on my real daughter. I heard that. I heard it.

My face would be ridiculous. Stunning, fear and confusion are messing up the inside right now, and I can't fix my expression.

"My father's stunt is in battle. I haven't lost since the first battle. My favorite thing is beauty. If she's a beautiful woman, she can be anybody. A messenger who came to peace, a daughter of a comrade of war, a real daughter."

"…… Is no one saying anything………?

"All the people I said are in the grave. Other countries are reluctant to be stimulated and targeted. So do whatever you want these days. For trade, for friendship, for marriage, for all kinds of reasons, look up the people who go through their country and if there's a beautiful woman, they'll take them to the castle."

Does this mean there are no words? It's too much to do whatever you want. If we do that, other countries could join the Union.

"Working together, there was no country to unite?

"Twenty-three years, from the king at the time of fifteen. My father has defeated coalitions in other countries three times. There are many small countries around Velis. This little country is in the way, and I can't even intervene in a powerful country that can challenge Velis alone."

I can't keep up with geographic stories. When I thought I wanted a map, the screen suddenly came up.

A really handy skill. Complete with maps.

At the bottom of the screen is the land and sea marked Velis, on which there are three small countries.

I see. Can we basically concentrate our forces on one side because we are facing the sea? Are the top three small countries?

"It's a troublesome country. 'Cause you have power."

"Is that why you got up?

"I've always had it in my heart. I just heard about calling my sister into the bedroom. That's about to cut it. Not for the people, not for the country. I'm raising a soldier because I don't want to give my sister to that man. Heh heh, that's crazy, right?

"It's not weird! Nothing strange about wanting to protect something important, or trying to protect it! No one can laugh...... I think it's a noble act"

I didn't think of it. I said something so embarrassing. Master Diorud is surprised, too. I did it. If it's not in the carriage, it's not strange to be bored.

"Ha, ha, ha! Yukito! Exactly! I don't know what bothered me... I can't turn back anymore. Then just go straight down the path you chose! Thanks, Yukito! I got a chest grip!

Lady Diorud, who grabbed both my shoulders with backwards force from the luxurious look, said happily.

"Oh, I wish I could help………………"

"Well, then you have a lot to do. I will persuade the marquis to go around and join the army myself! Yukito! All of it, I'll have you follow me!

"Ha ha... So, Dear Diorud"

"Dio is fine. That's what those close to you call it."

"Okay, Dear Dio. Where's Dio's sister? I thought I should hide it immediately."

"Oh, you didn't say. There are three of my sisters. Of which, the two have already let them flee the country. So my sister, who is being targeted by my father at heart,"

Lady Dio cut the words there and sighed out all the while. With the current flow, why does the sigh come out?

"Dear Dio?

"Yeah, well, the sister they're after... is the enemy..."

"……… Yes?

"He has the military talent of surpassing even his father, and is feared by other nations in the name of the Black Princess, the current head general of Velis. Kaguya Hulberto. That's my sister, the woman my father tried to make his own."

I thought he didn't need help. It turned out fine.

Or was my sister not in tune with the rebellion?

But I have one question.

"Dear Dio is Arklight, is your sister Hulberto?

"The royal family is Hulberto. Arklight was given to me by my mother's birth house. I can't name Hulberto to fight that man."

When I was wondering what words to say to Dio, who shrugged his shoulders and looked away, I heard him calling Dio along with the sound of something rushing from the outside.

■ ■ ■

"An Albion messenger was attacked by the King's Army"

The bearer, who took a side by side to the carriage, briefly told Dear Dio.

Dear Dio, who had his face out of the carriage window, told the transmitter that, okay, he sat back with a face that looked serious.

[Principality of Albion. From Velis' point of view, the great powers beyond the three small nations. Sorcery is developing, and an army of powerful sorcerers exists.

As soon as I read the information shown on the raised screen, I grasped the situation. You mean there's been a bad habit of kings?

"... That's not good. This time Albion's messenger is different than before."

"Are you a person of high stature?

"It's not expensive. A maiden of the supreme (Kelsus), born around the stars on the day when magic is most elevated, a presence that gathers the respect of all magicians. It is said that only two things are used to parable its beauty: the heavenly rising sun or the moon shining in the night sky. Otherwise, they're inferior."

"I know you're an amazing person and a beautiful woman, but why is such a person in such a dangerous zone..."

"Dangerous zone? That's a good expression. It must be the most dangerous place in the world for a beautiful woman."

I thought it had happened after I said it, but it seems that Mr. Dio liked the expression "danger zone". Squeeze a few times, let's use it next time. And he smiles and squeals.

"Dear Dio... Could it be that you're not in too much of a hurry?

"Yeah. I'm not in a hurry. Velis' position has gotten very bad, but as things stand, that's the only problem. All sorcerers will be hostile to my father, but for that matter, it might be a good opportunity to be cooperative with us."


"Nothing is said to be a supreme maiden but the day and beauty of her birth. The top magicians are given two names, called magic names that manifest themselves. The magical name of the supreme maiden is the wind (Ventus prochellosus) He

The magic a woman deals with is wind. Rumor has it she can manipulate the wind around her as she wishes. In fact, I hear that no one has been touched by her without permission, and there is talk that she walked amongst five thousand armies, lying or true, and stunned the commander of the enemy army to retreat. Besides, it's Albion's elite to protect her. He's a supreme genius in a magical sense. So I can also come to the danger zone. Maybe my sister's the only one who can cross with her in Velis. "

"So... why did you look so serious?

Lady Dio smiles bitterly at my question and puts her elbows on both knees, hands together and jaws on top of it.

"I've been thinking about the possibility of coming to me. The messenger twirling to the rebels is, well, a lot of hassle. But while I was explaining it to Yukito, I thought it was impossible. If you're going back to Albion, you're not going by sea, you're going by land, and I don't think you're going to evacuate me even though I can drive you back on purpose.

This time, the supreme maiden came, maybe to show foreign countries that even if they came out with their hands, they had just the power to pay. This is a danger zone. You must have decided it was indispensable for a disturbance. "

"Really? If you're sure you're that strong, you don't have a problem. But that's a lot of abusive treatment. No matter how strong you are, there is just in case. I would hate to send someone important there..."

"I agree with that. Shall I send it to Albion in protest? Please don't send beautiful women to my country."

"Dio must be the only one who protests like that."

Me and Dio laugh at the same time. Because Dear Dio's demeanor made a complete fool of his father, the current king. But aside from the sun and the moon, there's not enough service to use for analogy. If you're a beauty, I'd like to meet you. No, is it possible to just have a little gaze and be blown away? I don't like that.

If I don't care like that, I hear the horse running again. I was laughing. Lady Dio and I harden. I kind of have a bad feeling about it.

"Your Highness! We've got a report that Albion's envoy is on his way here, not at the border! I thought I should be ready to pick you up right away!

"Ah, oh. I'll take care of it... so that it doesn't fall out."

Dear Dio, who drew his cheeks together, began to stare at his hands, assembled in a dismal manner, after saying so to the knight who came to report.

"…… the truth that lies and jokes come true in my country…………"

"Good word............. Remember……………."

After that, it was a short time to the castle of Count Eulen, home of Master Dio, but me and Master Dio were silent in the carriage.