The Strategy of Walkthrough

Chapter 1964 Your blood is so sweet54

You can search for "Quick Crossing Strategy: Enchanted Male God, Super Su's! Search Novel (" to find the latest chapter in Baidu!He also has a little curiosity now.

But Uncle Liu still didn't give up on Baimu. After all, Baimu was more suitable for them than people in terms of status and conditions.

Su Ci pursed her lips slightly: "It's very sweet, if you taste it, you won't say that."

She supported her cheeks and got an idea.

Let Uncle Liu drink the blood of Song Pei.

It proves that Song Pei’s blood is really sweet.

But the Celestial Spirit retracted his thoughts in the next second.

Just how sweet Song Pei’s blood is, she would know it by herself.

In case other vampires come to snatch her, it's not good.

Porcelain Spirit Shangxian felt that if there were any other vampires robbing her.

She may be unhappy.

Bai Mu still seemed a little unwilling to give up, even put his own blood in a glass vial and gave it to the girl as a gift.

It seems that there is a full thumb high.

In the vampire world, if there is a vampire who can give so much blood, it proves that the other person is serious about you.

But Su Ci did not understand this.

She is not interested in this glass bottle at all.

Su Ci turned into a bat again and flew to Song Pei's house.

The other servants of the Song family were accustomed to seeing it.

Although vampires are scary, this bat is really cute. They have never seen such a cute bat.If vampires were so cute, they wouldn't find this race scary.

Song Pei seemed to be opened by the glass cover every night, so the porcelain spirit immortal flew in without any effort.

She flew to the boy's side.

Song Pei was reading a book, raised his eyes and glanced at the girl.

Su Ci flew to the center of the book.

Two dark eyes stared at the boy.Haoyi Novel

Song Pei raised his finger, fiddled with the bat's body, and said, "Change back."

Su Ci suddenly changed back, but her body also suppressed the teenager.

Song Pei was pressed by her half of her body, raised her hand, and hugged someone.

Su Ci said, "Apei, that vampire has come to my house."

System: "Boy, you are also a vampire."

The porcelain spirit Shangxian said, "I am not."

She is a fairy, not such an ugly thing.

Song Pei's eyebrows immediately became slightly cold: "Bai Mu?"

Su Ci nodded and thought for a while and said, "He gave me something back."

Actually in the fairy world.

No matter where he went and did what he did, he was never used to telling anyone, even though he had no friends.

But don't know why, she started to like to share some things with Song Pei.

Song Pei did not speak, but his eyes were frosty.

Then he said, "He gave you blood, right."

Su Ci thinks Song Pei is very smart, and he deserves to be Song Pei.

She sat in the same position obediently and nodded.

"Ape, you are so smart."

Song Pei's face was not very happy. He stared at the girl for a long time, his muscles tightened: "Then you...did it?"

Su Ci shook his head.

Song Pei's face looked better now.

He said: "Where is Baimu's blood?"

Su Ci took out the small glass bottle from her body.

Song Pei frowned, then took it over, and then said lightly: "If you bring this kind of thing with you, it will confuse your mind, and Bai Mu has no good intentions."

Su Ci stared at the young man with beautiful eyes and nodded his head.