The strongest bear system in history

Chapter 701 The Truth Of The War

Chapter 701 The Truth Of The War

What is war, different people have different understandings.

There are many functions of war. The most significant function is benefit. The starting point of any war in the world can be explained by benefit.

But in fact, few people know that a more cruel starting point for war is to weaken the population!

The world’s resources are limited. Some people start wars to have more resources, but some people get more resources by reducing the population.

But regardless of the above two possibilities, from the day Zhenwu Great and Fuhai Great Sage appeared in Beiju Luzhou, this one-fifth of the chaotic zone was born, and the flames of war were burning all year round.

War is the most terrifying enemy of life and the most reliable friend of death. It is a well-deserved crematorium for all life. At the moment when the war starts, countless lives will be swallowed by the flames of war.

Tianxuan City was defeated. At the moment when he wanted to face the Black Demon head-on, the ending was actually doomed. The only variable was the question of speed.

A group of recruits who don't understand anything, just want to use their enthusiasm to defeat the elite soldiers several times their own?

Don't be kidding, if the war is really that simple, why build a city, and why do you need an array mage to lay out a great defense formation?

Besides, if the Yaozu is really weak, how could the war in the chaotic zone have been burning for so many years?

Defeated like a mountain, Ye Qingshan knew the end when he saw that less than one hundred thousand heavenly immortals had finally gathered, and rushed to the battlefield outside the city.

What are the advantages of fighting between humans and monsters in a war?

Single strength?Stop making trouble, in the same level, except for a few geniuses, most human races will be beaten by demons.

In the one-fifth chaotic zone of Beiju Luzhou, the reason why the human race can be evenly matched with the monster race is mainly based on two magic weapons, one is the formation method, the defense is the attack, and the defense is the defense Power and offensive power, absolutely belong to the big killer level in war!

The other is the cooperation that human monks understand, which can integrate the power of tens of thousands of people, and through tacit cooperation, the effect of 1+1>2 is finally achieved.

This is the magic weapon for mankind to win in war, and it cannot be learned by the monster race.

For most humans, the formation is extremely profound, and it is simply a nightmare for the monster race. This is destined to be impossible for the monster race to have a large number of formation masters.

Next is the wild nature of the monster race, and their blood is flowing with the factors of freedom and rebellion.

Although human beings sometimes fight fiercely, even if they start their hands, it is more terrifying than the monster race, but in the face of the overall situation, they will often restrain their evil thoughts.

But Yaozu doesn’t care about these things. I don’t like you or don’t like you. If I want to kill you today, I must kill you. Do you care about me?You restrain me?On horseback!Believe it or not, I even bite you?

The strength of Tianxuan City was inferior to that of the Black Demon. Even if Ye Qingshan was stabbed to death by 10,000 before, the Black Demon still had an army of hundreds of thousands of Demon Kings.

It was originally a recruit, plus a few times the force gap, it would be strange not to lose!

In fact, Yang Wenping also knew that he would lose, but there was no way. This war was very important to the monks in Tianxuan City. After all, Tianxuan City had closed the ascending channel for so many years. Without war, there would be no possibility of turning over. Yang Wenping is the city lord. , Even if he knew this situation, he would definitely lose, but in the end he just bit the bullet and let the cultivator who was close to one hundred thousand rush out of the city.

For the monk, there is hope for war. Although it is safe to shrink in the city wall to defend, the military merits obtained are too little to change his own destiny.

Everyone knows the risk of fighting head-on, but there is a trace of luck in human nature. No one thinks that you are the hapless one who was killed, but this is war. Do you think you can't die if you can't die?

The one hundred thousand monks faced hundreds of thousands of monster races, and it took only a long time to contend with signs of defeat, and then gritted their teeth for an hour. After paying more than half of the deaths, the hundred thousand monks finally collapsed. !

Facing the bloodthirsty and crazy monster race, facing death everywhere, this group of recruits who have not experienced the baptism of war, whether psychologically or physically, were completely defeated by this group of monsters!

The bloody reality shattered their original ambitions. The timidity and death in their hearts forced them to give up fighting, crying one by one, stepping on the broken bodies of their comrades and fleeing to Tianxuan City. Behind them, one after another was killed. The eye-eyed monsters, staring at their bloodthirsty eyes, gave out a terrifying laughter. With less than 50,000 monks, they looked like 50,000 prodigal dogs at this moment!

On the opposite side of Tianxuan City, among the group of demons, at this moment sits a burly man with a height of more than one foot, with a fierce face, and a mouthful of serrated fangs in his mouth. He is wearing his body as hard as a rock. A black-scaled iron armor exuding huge spiritual energy fluctuations, on the thick legs, there is a three-foot-long sword with a thick palm on the back.

He is the Dark Lord, the once overlord on this land, looking at the monk who was being chased by his army at this moment, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of the Dark Lord's mouth.

Many people did not understand why the Dark Lord would attack Tianxuan City.

Yes, Tianxuan City has a lot of resources, but it is also a human city. The Dark Lord attacked Tianxuan City, which is completely equivalent to a face-slap. Even if there is no previous grievances, Tianshuang City next to it is definitely Will not ignore it.

To ruin your own power for a sum of resources, or even ruin your own life?

Even in the impulsive monster race, they would not make this choice, but could escape the chase of Tianshuang City three times and four times, and regain their strength in the following years, and once again become one of the hegemons of the surrounding land. The Dark Lord doesn't look like an impulsive type.

So many people don't understand why the Dark Lord wants to attack Tianxuan City.

But if the Dark Lord told you that he used the eyeliner of Tianxuan City a long time ago to reach an agreement with the big figures of Tianshuang City to ensure that even if he annexed Tianxuan City, the next Tianshuang City would not take action, right? Does everything make sense?

And if the Dark Lord tells you again, in fact, this agreement was reached a long time ago. The reason why I didn’t attack Tianxuan City in recent years was not because of fear of Tianshuang City’s revenge, but because the fruit of Tianxuan City was returned. I haven't been well-done, so I haven't picked it. Isn't it clearer?

The chaotic zone has existed for so many years, and in this war-burning land, I don't know how many complicated relationships are secretly hidden.

The hostile relationship between humans and monsters is not eternal. There are too many infiltrations and exchanges of benefits. It can only be said that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits.