Negotiations with Zeke went well.

But that's why I can't be alarmed. If the plan becomes futile, the alternatives also need to be considered in parallel.

Moving people is easy in itself. If we stimulate the weak part of the heart that everyone has, that alone can guide us in the direction we want.

The problem is the occurrence of unpredictable irregular events. No matter how much further we try to anticipate, there is nothing we can do about the sudden occurrence of an incident, and the consequent unaltered consequences.

What is more of a concern is whether the period of expression of the Ten Kings of Underworld Prison (Valiants) is really six months from now.

In Harold's story, the first prediction was a year later. That's six months from now. There is a risk that the amplitude will be too large and that the occurrence period will be further reduced. To boulders, they won't be expressed today or tomorrow, but a month or so from now, the chances are not zero.

Even though, six months from now, becoming a seven-star (Legalia) and being recognized as the General who deserves an immediate head start command is a plan that will be built on a rather difficult time schedule.

It is absolutely impossible for us to play a role in the showdown against the Ten Kings of Underworld Prison (Valiant) when it comes to dramatically sooner.

Even if we desperately strive to strengthen our battles and make the most of our praiseworthy hands, only a month can be shortened. Conversely, you will be ready to achieve your goal in about five months, but it is subtle whether the expression of the Ten Kings of Underworld Prison (Valiant) will last five months.

Of course, I'm not going to give up until the end, but God only knows what will happen eventually.

"... God, huh"

In this world, the concept of God exists, but no one has seen it. No, I'm there, but I'm only calling myself that, and I'm not sure its true or false.

Led by the Church of the Holy Guided Cross, each religious community defines God as it pleases and rules the faithful with its teachings and commandments.

Not at all crap.

Even if it becomes a moral code at first, at the end of the day, the executives of the organization just end up fattening their authority greed and personal bellies with doctrines that are convenient to them. What can you believe in God when you see that ugliness?

It's not sanity shabby because there are skinny young stray children on bones and skins alone, while self-proclaimed clergy covered in thick luxury can be drowning in boy love.

If I were a god, I deserve to die at a time when such scumbags are working side-by-side with their names on kasas. Yet there will never be a divine punishment. That would be proof that there is no God in this world. - When I was a kid, I asked my grandfather a question.

Is there a god? and.

"I believe in Non."

My grandfather's answer was unexpected. I doubted my ears when I knew my grandfather was a hero when I was younger, and at the same time a desolate man who couldn't help himself.

My grandfather thought it was something that denied my question. All I asked my grandfather was a question I wanted to hear the answer I wanted. In other words, without God, he wanted certainty from his most respected and trusted grandfather.

But if you think about it, it was a long time ago that my grandfather was feared to be an indestructible demon (Overdeath). My grandfather, who had a family and became round, may have had a change of heart come. He may also hope that God will save his soul by losing his companion and daughter.

I could have considered it that way but still remember the shock was huge and I was stiff with my neck tilted.

"Is it so strange that Non believes in God?

When I snorted, my grandfather laughed luxuriously.

"Gahahahaha, you can't even do it! Well, now that you're old and weak, it's not like you're more confident now, is it? I have believed in God since I was young."

"... is that what you've seen?

"No way! Do not let Non be with the saints of Ese. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"What do you mean?

"The Church manipulates its followers with a God that is convenient to them, but such is only a product of imagination. A true God is not something that is only convenient for people, etc.; it is something that dwells in all of Mori Luo Wang, and in the totality of its destiny. If you like, it's like a big river. Nong et al., a drop of water that produces its flow. You can't go outside the river of your own free will. But if you accept that it's water again, it's not just a drop, it's a big river."

My grandfather's story to me at the time was something I didn't seem to understand. My grandfather gave me a gentle grin when I tilted my neck again.

"It might have been too early for Noel. But someday there will be a time to know. - Don't defy the flow. Accept the flow. You can't change the flow with the power of a person, but if you take the lead without defying the flow, it's equal to dominating all of the flow"

My grandfather's big, rocky hands caressed my head gently.

"Noel, if you do, you'll be God. I believe you have that power."

At that time, I only knew vaguely what my grandfather wanted to tell me. But now that I'm a Seeker, I know what I mean.

In short, if we can embrace all our destinies and still remain willing to aspire to the apex without losing them, then one day we will surely have the future we want.

In short, don't give up and keep refining.

In the end, that's the only way to go. Whether it stinks of mud or pointing your back finger at you for being an outside road, if you end up winning, it all pays off. If it's God who stands at the top of the path you want, I don't care if it's the devil, until it gets there.

Because in this merciless world, results are everything.

"Hey, Noel!

On my way back to Imperial City, I heard a voice calling for me. When I see those who spoke, Reesha, smiling, comes waving at me. Behind it are also the faces of the Purple Wolves (Lightning Bites). No, it's not just the Purple Wolves (Lightning Bites). There is the Fist King's Guild, led by Logan, and even the appearance of Red Lotus Raging Hua, led by Veronica.

Focusing on that large area, Riesha stood beside him at some point.

"Ouch! What are you doing, man?

"I'm a walk. What kind of gathering is that?

I heard that, but I have a big anticipation.

"Oh, that... Until just now, our leaders were fighting each other. Promise me you'll be the leader of a merged party."

"I see."

"Did you know that for a second? You're fast."

"Sort of."

I knew Veronica had proposed a merger to the Purple Wolves (Lightning Bites) and the Fist King's Guild in order to outrun the others. I was wondering what kind of story it would come together, but Wolfe and Logan apparently accepted the merger.

I know exactly because I am also in a position to absorb the Heavenly Wings Knights. Organizational mergers are the most effective means to get stronger quickly. There are problems, but the benefits to be gained are enormous.

"So, who won?

Well, if you look at Reesha's attitude, you know who's the winner.

"It's up to me."

It was Wolf, the leader of the Ultraviolet Wolves (Lightning Bites), who emerged with powerful words. The armor I'm wearing is worn out and I'm walking around with my buddies lending me shoulders, but I'm feeling more confident in that face.

More importantly, the quality of strength was different than before, as can be seen from the sightings. Seems like we've been working out a lot longer than we've seen each other for a while. Wolfe now is definitely in B-rank.

In the short time since I took the blast, I've always been strong enough. It would be the result of a meshing of natural talent and firm will.

"Congratulations, Wolf. You're the leader of a big party."

"... not the result I hoped for. If it's true, I wanted to continue the Seeker with only the Purple Wolves (Lightning Bites)"

"Then why did you choose to merge?

As I leaned my neck, Wolfe laughed ridiculously and looked straight at me.

"Noel, it's because you can't beat me."

It's a challenging word, unlike Wolfe, who was always floating. No, I guess you're tapping me on the challenge letter correctly.

"As soon as we get back to Imperial Capital, we apply to become clans. It still doesn't reach the snake, but I'll definitely catch up one day. No matter how long it takes, I'll prove we're the best. So keep winning."

Wolfe laughed invincibly, but accidentally looked at the wound for pain.

"Heh heh, I'm saying brave things, but you're not tight with that zama"

"Ugh. You're the only one who's ever taken a good place. I'll make you regret not being one of us."

"I'm waiting for you."

"Say it, snake boy"

Wolfe laughed delightfully and stuck her fist out. When I gently fist together, I nod satisfactorily and return to the path to the Imperial City.

"I was just there, walk a little slower!

As I dropped off Wolf complaining about his buddy who was lending me his shoulder, I got eyes on Logan, the leader of the Fist King's Guild.

He looks terrible because of the fight as well, but unlike Wolfe, he can walk on his own. The damage done by the winner is an interesting result. There is no wonder, though, if we think that whether we have exceeded our margins to the limit or not divided our victories and losses.

From what I've seen, Logan also seems to have become B-ranked, so in view of their previous combat history, there should have been no clear difference in their strengths.

In that case, Logan's loss would still be a difference in intensity of intent. An interpersonal battle depends more on your heart than on your battle with the devil (Beast). Because when we confront each other, the slightest difference in step determines victory and defeat.

Whether you read my thoughts like that or simply feel ashamed to have become a loser, Logan distorted his face uncomfortably and sped up his legs.

"I wonder why a man loses his peace when he wins or loses"

Reesha blurted next door, so I laughed.

"That, a discriminatory statement. When you win or lose, you lose your tranquility."

Veronica, the leader of the Red Lotus Fiery, who was crying with no eyes. I wonder how sorry I am, the damage of the battle itself seems to be enormous, but walking in spiritual shock is also unpredictable. With the help of my friends, I have managed to move forward.

Among them was the figure of Vrakav, a former member of the Heavenly Wings Knights and a werewolf beast. Vlacaf's becoming a member of Red Lotus Fierce was also pinned in his little ear, but it seemed true.

Judging by the way it is, however, Veronica seems to have challenged the duel as a delegate. I heard you solicited Vlacaf, so I thought you were planning on making him a surrogate duel, but that's not what he said.

Does that mean Veronica also ranked up in B-rank? Given his character, I don't see him challenging a thin battle of odds. Perhaps, at the time of the merger with Wolfe and Logan, they had finished ranking up.

But the last time I saw him, I didn't feel so much power from Veronica. Unlike the avant-garde, the rear guard is at first glance difficult to grasp his strength. Ranking up is because enhancement correction to the flesh hardly increases. It takes considerable experience and knowledge to spot this.

But based on that, I felt Veronica's abilities were lower then those of Wolf and Logan. In fact, I remember it was something that didn't make my combat career feel good either.

I mean, I guess I've been doing cover-ups since normal times to deceive Wolf and Logan. Skills and items can also be used to hide combat abilities. Making strength appear weak can only be detrimental in the activity of the Seeker, but it makes a lot of sense if it is to deceive and alarm someone.

It's called the merger plan, it's called headhunting Vlacaf, it's an unapologetic woman. It should therefore be all the more regrettable that he was defeated in the duel.

"Men and women have nothing to do with it. I'm serious, I can't stay calm."

When I squeal, Risha snorts.

"Maybe.... Noel always means it, so you can kick someone else off fine?


I didn't hesitate to ask Risha.

"Speaking of which, you and Ophelia from the Heavenly Wings Knights were in the same town. Are you going to represent Ophelia's grudges?

"I won't do that. Even we are Explorers. Whatever hand Noel uses to win, I know it's worse that he couldn't take care of it."

I deny it with my mouth, but the word has a little thorn.

"Then what are you unhappy about?

"I'm not dissatisfied with anything else, but I was just wondering..."

"Sometimes you can afford to worry about your rivals when a party merges and you're going to be fully active as a clan."

"Mmm, you don't have to say that!

"But it's true. Leesha, I'm not the one you should care about. You mean the members of the Wolfe Wolves, and the new people?

"Ugh...... Oh, well, yes..."

I laugh bitterly when I see Leisha, who I can't argue with and hear.

"What cares about others is proof that you're lost. I know it's confusing to be a new environment, but don't lose sight of what's most important. You're a long-lived elf, but most of my people aren't. Take care of this now more."

"Is that a sermon? I'm still much older than Noel."

"No, it's advice from a friend."

Risha looked at him for a moment but immediately gave him a big round of grin.

"If it's advice from friends, we need to listen properly."