The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 122: An Invasion of Red Mountain Star?

Since the Saiyan departed Red Mountain on his mission, the Saiyan figure began to appear in several nearby stars, this time terrorizing a small and vulnerable people who had heard of the Saiyan's bad reputation and fearing aggression by the Saiyans.

After a period of fear, the expected invasion did not occur, and they realized that the Saiyans of Red Mountain Star seemed different from the Saiyans in the rumors, so they were relieved. Some bolder peoples have even begun to try to connect with the Saiyans.

An employment relationship similar to the protection situation has been established.

In this regard, Red Mountain Star is also widely accepted, and the range of power begins to expand. However, at this time, the number of Saiyans on Red Mountain Star is still small, so there are not many nations of the universe who have established cooperation with Saiyans, but since then, the fame of Saiyans in several stars near Red Mountain Star in the eastern galaxy has also begun to spread.


The mountains run straight into the sky, and the snowy hilltops connect with the clouds and fog, providing a quiet and deep view. Suddenly, a deafening burst suddenly crossed the sky, the shadows sank and a spaceship slowly landed through the clouds.

The roaring sounds suddenly broke the tranquillity, “squawking," shocking black-pressed flying birds in the lush forests of the mountains.

A luxurious dark golden spacecraft, like a beast coming out of a floodplain, pressed directly onto the mountains, trembling sharply, the ground sinking like soft mud, trees directly bent and broken, waiting for the ship to stagnate before five stately figures emerged from the hatch door.

“Cough, the air on Red Mountain is pretty good, I can't believe those Saiyans didn't destroy the environment above the planet.” Captain Didtonja took a breath of air on Red Mountain and expressed emotion.

In his eyes, the Saiyans were a rude and barbaric people, a planet that they had conquered, which was not full of ground sores and greatly reduced the environment, and the Red Mountain Star maintained a pristine view, which surprised him a little.

“Hahaha, after all, the planet on which the Saiyans depend for their survival may be constrained!” My teammate Czech replied.

Ditton nodded and took another look at the surrounding scenery. Tsk, but it was a very nice planet, which was somewhat unfortunately occupied by the Saiyans.

At this point, the green hair alien seine responsible for the instrument reconnaissance operates the detection instrument in hand and tells the detected data:

“Red Mountain Star, 6768 km in diameter, has 12 times the standard gravity, with approximately 67 per cent of the ocean area, while the remaining 33 per cent is partly polar glaciers and 21 per cent of the habitable area. ”

This is a very standard parameter that can reproduce species diversity, and planets that are largely living and rich in food chains float up and down this parameter.

“12x Gravity? ”

Dittenja was surprised, and then felt the gravity on Red Mountain, well, it was 12 times gravity, and there was no indication. The gravity of Red Mountain did not surprise them, because aliens like them with more than 10,000 battles usually live on planets of greater gravity.

“Hey, Sayin, check on the Saiyans. I already have some itching on my hands.” The Czech hip-hop said beside.

“Yes, look into the situation of the Saiyans. Although they now have a cooperative relationship with the Galactic Patrol Organization, let them know the strength of the Galactic Patrol Police and not make the Saiyans too arrogant.” Another member of the team called Afde shouted, "He's the best fighter in the Didunga Guard.

Green-haired alien Sain nodded his head and adjusted the watch-type detector, and a series of Saiyan data appeared on the display with the electronic sound of "beep, beep, beep”.

It's just that the data is a little messy, and it keeps beating, and it looks like it's chaotic.

Dozens of these data are even weirder, rising and falling, and suddenly some of them start to rise wildly, and all of a sudden they go beyond the detector's range, and they burst, and the detector comes out of smoke and burns because of overrange work.

“What's going on? How did the detector burn?” Didunjia shouted.

This detector is a brand new product they have received from Galaxy Patrol with a very high tech content and a cap of nearly 50,000 combat power! But how can such a sophisticated detector say it burned down?

“It's not clear, the device may have malfunctioned.” Sain shook his head inexplicably.

“Che, high-tech stuff is so unreliable! ”

Didunjia, of course, will not associate the possibility of measuring beyond the range of the probe and burning the probe, because the Saiyans could not have done this during the height of the day, and how could they have done so with only a few remnants?

When they think of a series of weird chaos codes that appeared on the previous screen, they conclude that the instrument is malfunctioning.

It's just that they can't imagine that everything that happened on the screen before was true, and those constantly changing data were the result of those Saiyans trying to control the gas.

“Brother, we can't find Saiyan's location without a detector!” Visa always looked carefully at Didunjia.

This is really difficult, I knew I should have brought a few more detectors, Didunjia waved, "It's only a little bit of checking now, good thing it's not big on Red Mountain Star, it should take some time to find Saiyan traces. ”

“Huh, what a disadvantage! ”

“So, Czechoslovakia, Afd, Sain, Visa, we look in different directions, and as soon as we find the Saiyan trail, we notify you with a contact.” Didunjia spit, only in the most clumsy way.


Several teammates responded loudly, and even when they acted alone, they were completely fearless, because each of them had more than 10,000 fighting power and were already one of the few masters in the universe.

So the five men were assigned to each other, looking in different directions for the Saiyan traces.

Meanwhile, as Didunga's spacecraft entered the atmosphere of Red Mountain Star, their image had been discovered by the Fidaya surveillance system at the Guard Survey Center.

When it was detected that all five strange energy sources entering Red Mountain Star were above 10,000 energy, the Guard Investigation Center alarm burst into a "buzzing” alarm.

Still in various parts of the city, the members of the Red Mountain Star Guard who practiced daily were stunned when they received the alarm signal. Has anyone invaded Red Mountain Star? Their faces got a little weird. If the Risaians don't invade, they should burn incense. How dare they invade Red Mountain Star?

Then there was some ecstasy on his face.

Someone has invaded Red Mountain Star. Isn't this the time to play their Guard Squad?

So the Saiyans who were stationed on Red Mountain Star but did not leave with their mission began to soothe their bones and rushed to the Guard Investigation Center.