The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 231: Frieza the King of the Universe

Shaia stood in the original orbit of Vegeta for a while and gazed at the fact that the dark red planet she remembered was now gone, giving people a sense of indifference, making them feel grumpy and sighing. He turned around and disappeared into space to find the location of Frissa's headquarters.

Situated somewhere in the south of the Northern Galaxy, Frissa's headquarters is a technologically engineered giant planet, more appropriate than a moveable interstellar fortress. Frissa's headquarters location is also constantly changing because of the ability to constantly change locations.

The coordinates of Vegeta were definitely out of use before, so in order to find where Frisa's headquarters are now, Shaia would first have to start with some of Frisa's key men and get the Frisa headquarters' location from them.

Too bad I didn't get any useful information from the Ginut squad before, and I didn't find Frissa's real-time location on their ship! But Shaya didn't pay attention, and it was normal for the Ginut team to fight outside for years and not hold Frissa's position in time, so he continued to look in the universe.

His next target is Frissa's First Corps, which, as Frissa's most powerful corps, may not have the same individual strength as the Ginut squad, but whose group advantage is considerable and heavily dependent on Frissa, is often used by Frissa to carry out short-term and large-scale tasks from which Frissa's position can certainly be obtained.


Frieza HQ Planet, in a very large workspace.

An alien of all sizes who worked diligently and persevered in his position, they were the scientific and technological talent of Frisa from all over the Northern Galaxy and were usually responsible for the operation of headquarters and external liaison.

The entire work area shows a ladder distribution, with over a hundred meters of elevated workbenches divided into dozens of floors, each filled with a wide variety of aliens, with a hundreds of square ring-shaped displays in the central position, with dense numbness distributed over a star-like signal point.

Each signal point corresponds to an important team and requires constant attention.

The task of these aliens is to closely monitor the status of these signal points and to report any changes immediately upwards in order to keep abreast of the situation.

And one of the yellow-skinned aliens suddenly noticed something wrong with the signal on the screen, and said to his companion, "Hey, look, did the Ginut signal go away? ”

“It could be a communication problem, which is common!” Another winged dragonfly alien glanced at it and said.

The northern galaxy is vast, the vast majority of the planets are unclear, and there are many occasions when the signal interrupts, but generally it will soon recover. Not to mention, the planet that Ginut Squad went to is on the margins of the northern galaxy, almost bordered by the eastern galaxy, and the signal difference is normal.

Yellow-skinned aliens did not care after listening, continue to pay attention to the signals of Genuit squad, but after a long time the signals of Genuit squad still didn't show up on the big screen, at this time the aliens began to get nervous, because every signal point on this big screen is what King Frissa told us to pay attention to at any time, now the signal points disappear for so long, according to the workbook he must report immediately.

“No, the Ginewt squad could really be in trouble!” The yellow-skinned aliens began to sweat on their faces, and the winged dragon mouth aliens panicked, hurrying to get up and report the information. If King Frissa blamed them for delaying the time, they could not afford it.

Thinking of King Frieza's mighty invincibility, they suddenly felt cold and rushed to pass the message on step by step.

King Frissa has always been invincible and can destroy the planet by waving between his hands. Weren't those Saiyans who had always regarded themselves highly destroyed by King Frissa? This power has gone beyond their cognition, and they can't imagine anyone else like King Frissa, the true king of the universe!

When they think of King Frieza, their hearts are filled with awe.


At this time, inside the palace of Frieza.

Frissa sat on an egg-shaped little aircraft with a tail dragged off the aircraft and a frog-faced alien standing beside her. Frissa's aircraft floats in front of the clear glass of the palace, and a brilliant star crosses it, gleaming like a meteor.

“King Frissa, in a few more years most of the northern northern part of the Northern Galaxy will be completely under control, but with all due respect, is the king really going to hand those over to the eastern forces? My subordinates believe that the King can fully rule by himself.” Frog-faced universe says.

Frisahahaha laughed: “The king will not follow my stupid brother. The father is still good to me. When the king is strong in the future, the father will naturally return those territories to the king. ”

There is no affection between the Frozen clan and anything can be sold for the benefit of the Frozen clan, perhaps because Frisa is still very dependent on King Kurdish because she is quite young in the Frozen clan.

But with strength and age, this dependence will diminish little by little until it is completely opposed.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” A series of hurried footsteps.

“Mr. Dodoria, what's your hurry? ”

“King Frissa, my men have just received word that the Ginut squad has lost contact at the intersection of the Northern Galaxy and the Eastern Galaxy!” The pink chunks of meat on Dordoria's head trembled. This scene reminds him of the time when Mr. Chamberlain died.

How powerful the Frisian Legion's liaison system is, even a brief interruption will soon be connected, and now the message is in his hands.

Is this Giniu Squad behind Mr. Chamberlain?

“Oh, the Ginuts have lost touch!” Frissa closed her eyes and smiled as if she were not laughing. In an instant, her body burst into a suffocating cold air field with endless dark and disgusting demonic smells. Dordoria just felt cold, but this feeling of depression came and went quickly.

Frissa's cold face was filled with ruggedness, and her heart secretly said: "It's about the East Galaxy again. What kind of dragon pool tiger cave is the East Galaxy? One of them actually died there! The king's first troops died there, and then Kvira and his mechanics died there, and now even the Ginut squad is missing, and 89 out of 10 will not be able to return. ”

“Great King Frieza...”

“Go down first, the king already knows about this, if Captain Keenu's strength is lost, something must have happened, I can't even imagine that Captain Keenu can't get away with it! ”

Dordoria snorted and glanced at the frog's face beside her and nodded back out. It was too much pressure to stay with King Frieza.

“Balf, you said the East Galaxy was hiding something. If you don't figure it out, the king can't sleep or eat!” Frissa said softly.

Kvira's death had already set the alarm bell for him, and the eastern galaxy was not yet within his reach, at least until it was not as powerful as Kvira's, but rather far away from the eastern galaxy. I just don't know why, Frissa's heart always feels an unknown twitch, and something bad seems to be happening.

Frissa doesn't like the feeling of being manipulated like a puppet by silk thread, because invisibly it strangles him, as if someone had strangled him for Frissa, who has always been used to spilling it.

“ …… ”

Frogface didn't answer.

Frissa also didn't care: “It seems that the king needs to strengthen his strength. He was so talented that he didn't practise well before, but the death of Kvira made him realize that there are many other strong men in the universe! ”

The power growth of the Frozen Clan is mainly based on talent. After birth, the Frozen Demon will be frozen in the cold, absorbing the frozen energy growth strength. Nor do they practice much when they wake up, because the power grows naturally.

Frissa suppressed the forces she could not control because she was too talented and could not even control the forces that were too powerful in themselves, and now his successive deaths, as well as those of Kvira's, made his heart urgent, and without enough power, the next possibility of death would be himself.

At this time, a burst of rumbling and rumbling sounded in the headquarters, followed by a violent vibration, only to see a huge cluster of mushroom clouds pull up in the distance, like a blazing star hit the ground, a burst of bullying energy rolling like a tsunami of mountain floods, flooding everything around.

“What's going on!” Frissa's contemplative expression suddenly sank and a cold, hungry wolf-like light erupted in her scarlet pupils.

This is the headquarters of the Emperor of the Universe, Frisa. Who the hell dares to attack this place? Of course, from the horror scene in front of us, the attacker is not weak, at least not worse than Captain Kinnu!

“Hush, there are always so many ignorant guys in the universe, just as the king is also idle for some itching, let's use him to move the bones! ”

Frisahahaha smiled, twisted his neck, and suddenly made a series of “crackling" sound like stir-frying beans. Then, with a “chirp”, the egg-shaped small aircraft suddenly lit a flash of light, and then suddenly accelerated to the extreme, carrying Frissa quickly towards the place where the explosion started.

“Oh, I don't know where the thief pissed off King Frieza! ”

Frog Face Alien Hey hey smile, hurry up and follow. As a man like a division, Balf does not need to possess powerful powers, but must have a pair of eyes that can observe colour and give advice at a critical time, and of course a specific ruling requires the decision of the great King Frissa.

King Frieza himself, everything is fine.

At this time, 2,000 km from the Frissa Walking Palace.

A horrible mass of energy rushed from the ground onto the clouds. In the blink of an eye, the clear blue sky was brushed cloudless by waves of shock waves. The naked eye could see a horrible shock wave distorting the light and radiating constantly towards all parts of the planet.

Frissa's headquarters is built on a planet with an unusually solid structure, and a simple attack cannot completely destroy it.

“Eh, just a human being, daring to break into the king's headquarters alone.” Frisasa sounded dull and cold. Shortly afterwards, people in small aircraft appeared above the explosion point.

“Frieza! ”

Seeing the appearance of a human being, the corner of Shaya's mouth rose slightly, and the tone spoke very calmly.


PS: Today's update is more than 6,000 words, equivalent to three chapters.