The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 331: Ordinary Daily

A calm day is like tea in a cup, poetic and relaxing.

On the edge of the city of Red Mountain Star, the white cloud fog is connected into pieces, such as dreams, which change from time to time.

Xia Ya floats on the cloudy peak with thin, damp moisture infiltrating her hair, yet in the tumbling air waves, blonde hair still floats with the wind, and Xia Ya has been in this state for a long time.

Not far from him, the girl, also wrapped in golden light and surrounded by silver and white arcs, crooked her head and swayed with the wind in her pure white battle suit, because it was made of special materials and worn like a thin veil on her body, which was more conducive to exerting her full strength in battle.

“Psst!” Xia opened her eyes and let out a light relaxed breath.

“How are you feeling?” The young girl came together.

Xia Ya smiled softly: “Almost, only the last layer of film is missing.” Based on his own perception and reference to the Super Saiyan 2 form of Meiyan, Xia knew that she was getting closer to breakthrough days and now she was just a little off chance.

Perhaps one day, maybe ten days, the last layer of gauze will be lifted to reveal a whole new view outside the window.

Mei Yan smiled and her beautiful face blossomed like a flower, "I can only tie with you after I become Super Saiyan 2, if you break through too, I can't beat you again. ”

Mei Xiao seemed unhappy, but his face was always smiling. Shaya would be happy if she broke through.

“Where do you mean breakthroughs are breakthroughs, and who knows how long it takes to get out of that step?” Shaya rolled her white eyes and glanced at Mei Xiao.

It's hard to say what the opportunity is. Sometimes a word, a gaze, even a glass of water, a look at a landscape can make a breakthrough. It's flimsy, it's hard to grasp. There are, of course, few such examples, and for the Saiyans, the opportunity for breakthrough is often embedded in the battle, where breakthrough best meets the characteristics of the Saiyans.

“By the way, in a few months it will be the Red Mountain Star Martial Arts Convention, right?” Shaya suddenly changed the subject.

“Well, Dad, they're already preparing.” Mei Yan looked spiritually, “Father said," this martial arts convention is going to be held a little more solemnly, when most Saiyans from Red Mountain Star are going to participate. ”

This martial arts ceremony was decided by Shaya ten years ago, when Shaya had just returned from the sixth universe, bringing back twenty-eight immortal springs of water from the sixth universe, and there were sixteen of them left, in addition to the twelve used by Adrian et al. Shaya had decided to use six of them as rewards for the top three Red Mountain Star martial arts conferences held ten and twenty years later.

Of course, the matter of immortal spring water will not be publicly explained.

However, Xia Ya underestimated the Saiyan desire for honor, and even without the reward, those Saiyans were very keen on the martial arts convention.

In just a few days, more than 10,000 Saiyans had entered the competition, and almost all adult Saiyans had signed up, which could have kept staff busy.

The Martial Arts Congress, a rare event on Red Mountain Star for many years, has been very busy not only for the organizers, but also for the Fidaya people living on Meishan Star, who are responsible for preparing the martial arts field.

At this time, a large ring of fighters was being erected, bringing together a total of 64 venues.

Because there are so many Saiyans participating in the competition, the reward is not limited to the top three places. If you enter the top 100, you can get rich rewards. The fairy beans, spiritual tree fruit and spaceship are all on the podium.

For this, Red Mountain Star's logistics department also made a very crazy purchase!

“Hee-hee, the General Assembly's working group is busy when so many people want to compete.” Mei Xiao said with a smile, the silver bell-like laughter accompanied by her face of Qingxiu, making it look delicious.

“This is understandable. After all, it's only been held once in 10 years, and it's going to be another 10 years before this race is missed. ”

Shaya smiled and said from the root that the Saiyans' desire for battle was far greater than that of the Earthlings, like the world's first martial arts club on Earth, with only one or two hundred entrants every three years. Although there was expansion in the back, there were no more than 300 people. Compared to Red Mountain Star's martial arts club, the little witch appeared to see the Great Witch.

Again, the Red Mountain Star Martial Arts Congress did not specifically move out of the title "World First”. If the title is “Red Mountain Star World First Martial Arts Tournament”, the entire Red Mountain Star must be overturned.

Not to mention those Saiyans who have not yet signed up, are the masters of the universe, and I'm afraid they will have to contend for this "number one in the world" name.

With the influence of Red Mountain Star now, a martial arts ceremony can naturally attract a number of participants in the universe and the audience who are passionate about such competitions. If well run, it is also a way to become rich. But Shaya also knows that the masters of the universe are like clouds, and this is going to make too much noise.

The wind of the trees, although Red Mountain Star has this kind of background, but also knows that the more the sign is too loud, the more things will happen, it is better to close the door to be bored and make a big fortune!

Next, Xia Ya and Mei Yan did not continue to talk, and the two of them had sex, breaking through the void, and the two blurred figures passed through the sky, returning to their homes.

“Shaya, wash your hands and eat. ”

Rebecca's voice came from the kitchen. Because Lange is still on Earth, and Shaya and Xiyan are busy practicing, the meals of these days are settled at Adrian's house.

“Mmm.” Xiaya gently lowered her head, unscrewing the faucet and flushing it.

At this time, Mei Ying also split into Xi Ying and Meyers, who entered the kitchen with a smile and helped Rebecca bring out the meal.

In the restaurant, a short-haired teenager is already sitting at the dining table, he is Xiyan's younger brother Lalute, 11 years old, has recently been on a mission outside with several companions and will not return home for a long time.

Shaya hasn't seen Laroute in a while. As his brother-in-law, she went up to greet him and asked him with interest: "How have you been practicing? ”

Laroute chuckled, patting herself on the chest: “No problem, I feel stronger every day. ”

Xia nodded, Lalute's qualities were high, and now it's time for the body to grow, the cells in the body were the most active, the golden age of power breakthroughs, so he doesn't think Lalute's so-called "getting stronger every day” is a big story.

The smell of Lalute was sensed, and Shaya confirmed this even more. Xi Xi Xiao's brother's fighting power has reached 2100 points in front of him. It seems that Lalute is still very serious about cultivation. After all, for the Saiyans, power stands for everything, and no Saiyan is ambiguous about empowerment. Talents like LaRutte, who are 11 years old and reach 2100, are not many, but many on Red Mountain, and will soon double their strength after puberty, reaching 56,000.

This is a lot faster than Vegeta.

Soon the hot meal was served, looking at the dish full of colourful aromas, Xiaya felt hungry and hungry, holding up a plate and eating it. Red Mountain Star's dishes absorb the essence of Earth's food and are enriched by a lot of cooking.

The sound of clapping bowls and chopsticks quickly came to a close, and Shaya laid idly on the couch after eating.

When the door opened, a girl with black hair came in and saw Shaya, her eyes lit up and asked, "Brother Shaya, where is LaRuth? ”

“Oh, Elsie, you're looking for LaRuth, he's practicing in the practice room.” Shaya glanced at the girl in front of her, with long hair in her waist and a clear eyebrow on her face.

This girl is the youngest daughter of Badak and Jinae, two years younger than Goku.

Elsie nodded with her big eyes towards Shaya and walked straight to the Adrian practice room.

Shaya glanced at her deeply and went back to sleep. Elsie now forms a team with Larut to carry out her mission, and is also the team leader.