The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 354: Leaving God's Realm of Destruction

Destroying the divine realm, surrounded by bright white thunderbolts, a diamond-shaped star in the center stands in the center of the divine realm, more than a dozen stars running along a certain trajectory.

Beneath the ancient trees of Emei, the curved roots of the disc are deeply entrenched at the bottom of the stars, each rooting as wide as a hill. At this moment, on the vast and vast grasslands, the three golden lights flashed, Vis floated in the air, facing the attack launched by the three, in an orderly succession, then fluttered a punch.

The boxing wind shook violently, and the three Xiayas felt only a sudden surge of pressure on their bodies, and their bodies flew out uncontrollably.

Snap, the three of them fell to the ground and pulled out of Super Saiyan status as much as possible.

Vis walked in with his sceptre and smiled in his green gray eyes, "Well, now that you've basically mastered the importance of the realm, you know that a truly high-ranking God is meant to achieve a full inner convergence. ”

“The sense of breath on Earth is exquisite, but it is not good to rely too much. The sensing power of breath in the seventh universe may be unprecedented, but there are people in the universe who are extraterrestrially heavenly, and there are many amazing races in the universe who are born without breath. ”

“If you over-reliance on breath sensation to fight, it will be very hard to meet those people. ”

Shaya nodded seriously and thought about Vis' words. Indeed, the high level gods in the universe are converging in breath, as if they were destroying God, and if he was going to do it, no one else would be able to sense his breath, let alone fight him.

God, is restrained.

This is a realm state.

When these realms are understood, the energy and consciousness in the body can cooperate more perfectly, like Sun Wukong after the development of the potential of the Old Realm King God, a state of mystery is a realm. Though there is no dimension of God, half a foot has entered the realm of God.

Super Saiyan transformation is like endless energy dissipation compared to the realm state of the gods.

Super Saiyan, of course, also has its advantages: it allows the less combative Saiyan to acquire fifty times more power than normal, or even a hundred times more power, through transformation. But these forces are not really Saiyan forces, and the Super Saiyan outbreak is transient and unsustainable.

And that fierce aura, like a searchlight in the night, tells the enemy where it is in very straightforward white.

But Shaya also understands that the best way to improve power at this stage is to transform the Super Saiyan into one with no boundaries and no fighting power. I'm afraid such a god, though mysterious, is in the end just to prepare for the run! When you develop the Super Saiyan hierarchy to its limits, then integrate these forces through the realm into your normal fighting power, that should be Sun Wukong's mysterious state.

At that time, Shaya might try to break through the legendary realm of "God” and become a true, immensely combative God, not a futile realm!

God of Destruction, Vis, is such a god!

“Master Vis, how many races in the universe have no breath?” Xixi asked curiously.

Vis smiled softly, "Not many, the seventh universe is one of the best, but not necessarily in the other universes, you know, each universe is going in a different direction, martial arts evolution is strange, like that frozen demon, empowered by the frozen frozen childhood, and you Saiyans, the monkey transformation in the early stages, are all racial means. ”

“In other universes, some races are born without breath, so don't recklessly use direct breath sensation in the future. Of course, the seventh universe has breath except for a few gods. ”

Vis cautioned and ran over to prepare the food.

Soon after, a grey smoke rose and Vis became a big push material and began to learn to make fine food. After returning from Red Mountain Star and tasting those wonderful foods, Vis also began to learn to cook for himself, with tools and ingredients taken from Red Mountain Star.

Anyway, as an angel, Vis has almost unlimited time, so he cooks deliciously on the stars that destroy the divine realm whenever he has time.

The fragrance of a strand of food scattered with the wind, spiced with seasonings, and some simple food was done.

Vis was very proud to look at his masterpiece and start eating it, “Oh, wow, it's good that Lord Ruth is still asleep, or else these things will surely be taken away by Lord Ruth. ”

Xia Ya and Xi Yan and others smiled softly. It was strange to see that they had seen such scenes many times.

After eating, burping, Vis gracefully said: “Shaya, your practice at this stage is here first, the way to practice martial arts is loose, searching for a breakthrough, but will enter the industry barrier, it is also important to relax in time. ”

After listening, Xia deeply felt that she nodded and agreed with Vis. After all, her strength grew just like her body. Not only would she not benefit from overloading exercise, but she would accidentally crush her body. She also felt that she should be given some time to relax in due course. Together with the strength of others such as himself, who are now powerful enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, Xia's quest for power, though still strong, has no sense of urgency when she first entered the world of dragonballs.

“The avenue is invisible and does not need to be overly confined, but must be followed by a gradual and gradual realization of the existing forces.” Shaya thought to herself.

Seeing Shaia listen to herself, Vis nodded satisfied and couldn't help but think of the ancient days when he trained Bills, when Lord Bills would not have taken 10,000 years to become God of Destruction if he had listened to himself more.

Suddenly, Vis laughed again: "But it is God's duty to destroy, if it is the character of a good man, how can there be a heart to destroy the planet! ”

It can only be said that they are responsible and have different personalities.

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“Vis, then we leave to destroy the divine realm.” Shaya waved goodbye to Vis.

“Don't you need me to send you away? ”

Xia pointed to her head and said: "I have a map of all the stars in the seventh universe in my mind, and of course I know how to leave the world of destruction. ”

Once, Shaya naturally knew how to leave.

Vis stunned for a moment and laughed. “I forgot that you are still the master of the power of time and space. Fine, you can leave yourselves. Please contact me first when you come back. I may not be destroying the divine realm at times, and I must come while Lord Bills is asleep...”

Vis cautioned that if Byrus, the vandalized God, knew he was taking people into the vandalism realm, he would be annoyed.

“Mmm!" Shaya nodded softly, grasping the slim waist of Xiyan and Myers, a gleaming glow flashed through them and the three left to destroy the divine realm.

Vis smiled at the place where the three disappeared and nodded, humming the small adjustment frame and practicing his craftsmanship.


PS: Thank you "Xiangzhuang" for the reward of 10,000 starting points.