The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 359: The Red Haired Saiyan Past

Shah knew that Tabour's character was not suitable for combat, so the job assigned to him was also logistical, and doing some logistical work with Jine or Sharin did not require much fighting power.

After Tabul was properly arranged, Shaya took the time to deal with the matter above Red Mountain, because of the destruction of the planet Bakuv and the need for the Saiyans to open up new markets, which inevitably met the Universe of Commerce or similar organizations, the truth being within the range of the cannon, so that, although biased, it was true in the dark forest-like universe.

The market still needs to be backed up by force, otherwise it will not be spared. And the power of the Saiyans on Red Mountain is to act as a shield.

“By the way, Galactic Patrol has recently been re-established and the Fidaya have been reconnected to the mission network and the Galactic Patrol Public Platform.” Adri suddenly spoke of news about the Galactic Patrol Police Organization.

After being destroyed by Pojac et al., the organization was finally re-established with the support of several kings, and as a result of this campaign, the newly established Galaxy Patrol Police Organization, both within the framework of its leadership and in the composition of grass-roots force, has learned its previous lessons and has become more focused on force than ever before.

Shaya nodded, and the establishment of the Galaxy Patrol Police Organization was not surprising to him, because the four kings needed a spokesperson in the galaxy to maintain the stability of the galaxy. Of course, the former Galaxy Patrol Police Organization, while nominally unifying the four galaxies, did not actually achieve the goal of maintaining the stability of the galaxy.

“Now that the Galaxy Patrol Organization has been re-established, we will maintain our cooperation with them if they have any tasks to publish, but if the Mandate Authority is to be strictly closed down, some tasks that may be detrimental to the interests of Red Mountain Star in the long run will be avoided. ”

Xia Ya was blunt and straightforward.

Don't talk about the little Galactic Patrol at this point, the King of the Realm, and he can't care about it. However, Yan Wang is so annoying to the children. A lot of things happen at the end of the day and are finally reckless. Don't be used as a gun by then.

“Don't worry, we'll make the arrangements.” This is about the big picture of Red Mountain Star, and everyone nods.

Next, Shaya remembers the Fedayan study of the remains of Metal Kevela, "Has Fedayan been receiving the remains of Metal Kevela for more than a year now, and has it produced any results? ”

The Fidayans, if successful in their research, would have been very successful in obtaining even a little useful technology from the wreckage.

Speaking of Fidayan studies, Adrian laughed, "Well, it turns out a little bit, they've just recently experimented with a new level of biochemical warriors, much more powerful than the cultivators of Vegeta. Now they're doing a secondary biochemistry study. ”

“How's it going?” Xia Ya heard a surprised look.

The cultivators of Vegeta are lightweight and easy to manufacture and can easily grow as long as the right soil is available, with a fighting power of about 1,000 points or more, very cost-effective expendable cannon ash, which is of great strategic importance when it comes to capturing some medium- and high-rise planets. So I heard that the Fidayans have developed biochemists who are more powerful than growers, and Shah is a little interested.

Unlike real humans, biochemists have no sense of autonomy and are controlled entirely by the host in the brain. What they have in common with humans is that they look more human. Of course, the ancient warriors studied by the Fidaya ancestors are another case.

“The battle power of the first primary biochemists is about 2,000, and they are not ready yet, mainly for the training of young Saiyans," Adrian laughed. ”

Xia agrees with the nod, this level of biochemists on a high standard planet like Red Mountain, can only be used to train young children, Saiyans, as a fighting nation, need to accumulate fighting from an early age, and with the increasing number of Saiyans on Red Mountain, Xia cannot protect every Saiyan as before. After the tactical adjustment, Saiyans can only grow into qualified fighters if they have experienced the test of war and blood.

“Class II bio-chemicals have a fighting power of around 50,000 to 10,000.” Adrian continued.

Slightly surprised, Xia Zhengzhi sat up, this level of biochemistry was enough to attract his attention, after all, most Saiyans on Red Mountain are at this stage.

“Can these biologists be assured of their hearts?” Seriously, Shah is not worried about the bad ideas that the Fidaeans will have, because the Fidaeans and the Saiyans are now two symbiotic peoples, one dominating science and technology, one dominating the battle, and the biochemists are adding flowers.

“Mm-hmm.” Adrian nodded, "Every biochemist was implanted in a tech chip, and these biochemists were made unconscious. ”

“Let the Feidaya study carefully! ”

Xia Ya's hand waved and judged that the second level of biochemists could easily form the scale if manufacture was completed, but Xia Ya remained calm. As long as there are no biochemical fighters at the level of Zangjia, Shaya can be completely out of his mind, and even if it does, but it is not difficult for him to overturn the repression.

Speaking of Zangjia, Shaya had something to ask her, so at the end of the conversation, Shaya headed towards the floating island where Zangjia lived.

Located in the high-dimensional space of Red Mountain Star, the floating island is somewhat like a temple on Earth, and the entire Red Mountain Star is not easy for anyone to get up there except for Lange, which is easy for Shaya.

Only Xiaya gently waved her sleeve, as if a mouth had suddenly split over a flat, dense forest, and a magnificent island revealed a sharp rock underneath.

The transient capability was activated immediately, and Shaya's figure appeared above the floating island.

Floating islands.

Near a flowing valley.

Zanja barefoot, soaked her feet in the stream, saw Shaya coming, Zanja's blue eyes suddenly lit up, her body shrunk, jumped to Shaya's side, orange fluffy hair still swaying in the wind because of the speed.

“Mr. Shaya, what can I do for you? ”

Zangjia's life here was very comfortable, only she was afraid of Shaya, but she knew that her boss Bojak would be destroyed by him because he was attracted to him.

Shaya glanced softly at Zanjia, claiming that she was rather timid, not as tall as the first time she was seen.

“Don't be nervous, I'm here to ask you something about the red-haired Saiyan you told me about before. Can you tell me more about it?” Shaya asked.

Zangjia sighed in relief when she heard it, patted a white jacket on her body and spoke of her past 200,000 years.

“At that time, I was very young, and I followed the boss around the galaxy with them, and one day I met a stray Saiyan clan..." He said, Zanja looked carefully at Shaya and continued.

“Because the Saiyans provoked me, there was a battle between us. At that time, there was a Super Saiyan among the Saiyans, but that Super Saiyan was not our opponent at all. After killing that Super Saiyan, the Saiyan clan festival was defeated and almost exterminated by us. ”

“At this time, the Saiyans didn't know what to do, and suddenly a red-haired Saiyan emerged. The red-haired Saiyan was amazing, and he beat me and the boss. ”

Speaking of the red-haired Saiyan, Zanja was still palpitating, and it took her 200,000 years to recover from the war.

“… then I fell asleep because of the serious injuries, which were not clear, but then I heard Buchin say that the boss met another Super Saiyan after the serious injuries and was sealed somewhere unknown by the Boundary King, and now I think it should be the center of the galaxy. ”