The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 386: The Return of Frieza

Four months later, Elsie got tired of life on Earth and begged Xia to send her back to Red Mountain Star, but whether she was really tired of being on Earth or missing someone on Red Mountain Star was unknown. Anyway, Xi Xi Xi was very responsible for sending her back.

When he came to Sun Wukong's house in the western capital again, Sun Wukong went back to Baozi Mountain to practice, and there was only Burma in the villa.

Fortunately, for Sun Wukong's training, Burma has always been very supportive. She is not an idle owner since childhood who loves adventure. Especially after learning about things outside the earth from Tais, Burma always has a small concern in her heart and is very supportive of her husband's training career.

At this point, her attitude is the opposite of that of Kiki in the mainline world.

This is mostly due to the fact that the Burma family is the richest in the world, his family's money has been exhausted, and as a green plum and bamboo horse, Burma knows the character of Sun Wukong very well. Together with the high weight of Sun Wukong's father, Badak, in the Hongshan star, the Sun Wukong family has no economic pressure at all, and there is also an objective motivation to become stronger. Therefore, Sun Wukong can invest more fully in cultivation.

In the words of Burma: "As long as Goku becomes stronger, their homes will be safer. ”

When they arrived, Burma was lying in front of a bunch of experimental equipment, carefully studying the construction inside, and wiping down sweat with his hands with a screwdriver, which was the only way to find Shaya's figure.

“Ah, what are you doing here?” Light purple hair sticks to his face, and Burma's face is filled with a happy smile.

Seeing Bulma's slightly drummed stomach, Shaya couldn't help but sneer: “Goku is fast enough to get Bulma pregnant so quickly. ”

I just don't know if the child in this belly will be named Sun Goh Rice! However, the name Sun Wukong is used to commemorate Sun Wukong's grandfather. It doesn't seem to change. It's just that the genes of the Burma family are really powerful. By then, the child's hair color will probably be as light and purple as Burma's.

Interestingly enough, Dr. and Mrs. Briefs have light purple and golden hair colors, their daughters Burma and Tayes are also light purple and golden, and in the future Tranx and Bra have light purple hair.

Their family's genetic facsimile is strong enough, and the immortal face that seems to withstand the passage of the years, no less than the Saiyans.

“Goku went to practice again? ”

“Yeah, he called Klein and they practiced together.” Burma made a hot cup of tea and sat down.

Xi Xiao touched Burma's belly and looked at her flat belly. She and Myers had been doing that with Shaya a lot. How could her belly not react at all? Is it because of drinking water from the fountain of eternity, or because of refining God?

If you want, she's a little envious: “Burma, you're pregnant, you should get someone to take care of you, some jobs can be set aside. ”

Burma smiled shallow and smiled happily on her face, "I was only three or four months pregnant, usually my sister Tayes would come over, look at the little robots, some heavy work was entrusted to them.” These little robots are round and round, suitable for carrying heavy items.

“Be careful, too.” Myers rarely said it seriously.


Burma has been studying Fidayan spacecraft for some time now, and it has been hard, but as a genius scientist, she, like Dr. Brives, can't help but want to do it when she sees advanced technology.

A few hours later, Sun Wukong returned home in damaged clothes.

When I saw them, I greeted them with enthusiasm: "Xia Ya, look at me this time of year is much better, when will you call back Tianjin rice and compare it with me! ”

Sun Wukong has been looking forward to fighting him again since he learned that Tianjin rice was brought to Metamor by Shaya.

Xia Ya smiled, “You're no better at fighting than Tianjin. For a while, you see Burma is pregnant, you're still running around, right? ”

Sun Goku scratched his head blushly and felt guilty: “Yeah, you're right, I'm just thinking about my own business. ”

“Don't listen to Xia Ya, if you want to practice, go practice well so you can better protect me.” Burma was kind enough to say.

“You two! ”

Shaya shook her head and left a bag of fairy beans, then left with Xi Ying.

On the way back, Xi Xi Xiao used her soft voice to say to Shaya: "Kakarot and Burma go together quite well, the personality is just complementary! ”

“Well, after all, it's a green plum horse, the two of us know each other very well...” Xia was heartily emotional when she thought of Burma and Sun Wukong in the main world as well as in the world of gold flame.

The world is so lucky that Goku and Burma finally became husband and wife.

“Yes! ”

“Xiyan, Myers, look, Burma is pregnant, you have to go too! ”

Xi Xiao blushed, but after all, he was an elderly husband and wife. It is also a problem not having children for so long. “This is not all our fault, Xia Ya, you are not trying hard enough yourself. ”

Shaya opened her mouth and looked at the two women in a flirtatious way, "Why don't we go back and try harder, night song! ”

“Who's afraid of who!” Myers “cut” and stared fiercely, more daring than Cecil for a girl who dared to climb into Shaya's bed at the age of fourteen.


Just when the Shayas were busy making people.

Northern Milky Way, a vagrant planet hiding in the dark away from the stars.

Frozen star is an extremely cold frozen planet, belonging to a lifeless planet, cold above which freezing is not suitable for life, even if occasionally close to the star, the temperature is more than 200 degrees below zero, where oxygen is also in the form of a blue liquid.

“After such a long time, the king has finally made another breakthrough!” Freisa, shining silver-white all over her body, opened her blood-red eyes, a killing intent from purgatory that shivered the entire planet.

Silver white is brighter today than it was three years ago in a metallic colour.

Frissa practiced on this frozen star for a total of 10 years, relying on Frissa's powerful talents and strong desire for power within him, his power has progressed dramatically and now has 18 billion fighting power, which is a desperate battle power!

Feeling the powerful power that was pouring in her body, Frissa laughed contentedly, and a feeling that the world was under control grew.

Frissa narrowed her eyes intoxicatingly, but once she stopped practicing, the powerful forces in her body began to collide, very painfully.

“Hey, the king's power has grown too much, some things are hard to control, but it's okay, it's more than enough to deal with that little ancient warrior, it's time to take back those powers of the king, the entire galaxy will be beneath my feet in Frissa. ”

With his fists in his arms, Frieza fantasized about the pleasure of ruling the universe.

The body then concentrated and slowly changed from the ultimate silver-white morphology to the primary normal of white sandstone.

Frissa's power began to shrink, but normally it was no longer 530,000, but a terrible 80 million, more than a hundred and fifty times higher.