The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 574 Philadelphia

“The reason for this is that, in other space-time contexts, someone stole the time machine from you and then traveled through time to create our world today. ”

Martini, the twelfth cosmic angel, explains.

The realm king, Agu, sighed: “It turns out that our space-time appeared later, so that there are several parallel space-time space-time outside the universe in the ‘next phase’. ”

“Teacher Agu, what are these rings in your hand?” A crisp voice, says the king of the preparatory kingdom, Deiah.

The realm god Agu looked at his disciple, Tia was the next realm god he cultivated. Seeing her confused, he explained to her the meaning of the next space-time ring. Tia was also the first to know about these secret things, and her silver grey hair kept shaking and her beautiful face had a startling look on it.

Next, the twelfth cosmic angel, Aunt Martini, told us the location of the space-time shuttle.

Agu, the god of the realm who understood the basics, sank for a moment and took out a crystal ball to locate Barr Rain Star.

“... so that the space-time shuttle hides in the Baltic Rain Star? ”

“Yes, I'm more of a space cleric, so I can be sure that the shuttle is above Barr Rain, but the exact location is always uncertain, and from this point of view, the man is also very good at hiding.” Martini laughed and, as an older angel than Vis, Martini experienced more wind and rain.

Argu nodded: “I can steal the time machine from another me, I'm afraid I'm a little less fierce in the other world. Damn, I knew the time machine was a scourge and should have been destroyed sooner. ”

“The question is, how does the world know that very few people know where you keep a time machine? ”

Martini's words plunged the realm god Agu into contemplation. The time machine and the space-time ring were not even known about his disciple Dia, but the other party was able to steal from him. The secret behind it was enough to give him a headache.

sighed, Argu, king of boundaries, couldn't think of one, so he came, and Solomon stopped thinking.

His bitter face: “If Lord Destroyed finds out about this, he will surely jump like Ray...”

Destruction of God's life is connected to the kings of the realm, and the death of one side is followed by the death of the other, which is why the gods are interconnected. Now that another time machine in space has been stolen, I'm afraid it's not just a matter of time machines, and the King of the Realm and the God of Destruction are mostly dead.

So King of the Realm, Agu, feared that when he learned of the destruction, God of Destruction would start to destroy the culprits directly along with Barr Rain Star.

If innocent lives are involved because of this, it is also uncomfortable in the mind of the King of Boundaries.

“Rest assured, Lord Kim doesn't know these things yet, there is now a prepared angel from the rest of the world dealing with this matter, we just watch!” Seems to see the fear of Agu, king of boundaries, Martini shook his head and said.

“That's good. ”

The realm god, Agu, said in a dull manner, his eyes aimed at the blue planet of water in the crystal ball scene, and he did not know what to think.

Next to the reserve king god Dia confused listened, thinking of the terrible destruction god, immediately lovingly vomited his tongue, silently walked away and continued to practice his fist and foot kung fu.


The time flies, the white foal crosses the gap, and a year passes.

Barr Rain Star.

Deep in a dense forest, the rumbling sounds, a large cloud rising, birds and animals fleeing, the entire forest razed to the ground in a blasting sound.

Thousands of metres in diameter in the wilderness, there is a deep, bottomless pit in the center, surrounded by an entirely non-African surface, which has been spreading thousands of metres of tortoises.

Xia floated over the devastated forest, dispersed some martial arts practitioners who were not evildoers, watched those who smelled the backs of a frightened escape, and Xia smiled reluctantly.

He has been in Bar Rain for a year and has been found in carpeted searches since the beginning, but has never found a trace of the shuttle. Sometimes he wonders if he's still on the planet, but in the middle of the world he feels that he's still there.

“If that man is hiding something, then the capital is too deep. ”

With a calm expression on his face, Shaya turned back to the city where he had lived for a year.

Walk into the room, unscrew the faucet, and the hot water lifts up steam directly, condensing a drop of teardrop on the glass. I rubbed a mirror and looked at myself in the mirror, and Shaya took a shower, then wiped her hair dry and sat on the couch.

Recent events on Barr Rain Star are being broadcast on television.

Suddenly, the news of the disappearance of a population attracted the attention of Shaia. In the city of Ayzanz, on the northern continent of the planet, a large city of 100,000 people disappeared overnight and anyone entering the Ayzanz perimeter quickly lost contact. This is a very serious event for the sparsely populated Bar Rain people.

“Time machine, population disappeared...”

Shaya mumbled in her mouth, her deep eyes suddenly glowing brightly. He thinks he's found a clue to the space-time traveler.

“Hidden for a year, he finally showed his horses and feet. ”

“Was that man traumatized when he was traveling like Sharu and needed to recover from the essence of life?” Shaya is not so sure, but it is mostly related to the space-time shuttle who can cause the entire city to disappear overnight.

Whatever it is or not, Shaya needs to go check it out.

Likewise, there are still a lot of people heading that way as a result of the events in Ayzanz City, and the core Baltic Rain masters are basically heading towards Ayzanz City.

In the course of the day, the city of Azanz brought together many excellent martial arts practitioners.

“Hush, come on, I need more nourishment, Lord Demigura, I'll be able to unseal your seal soon. ”

Underneath the dark ground, thousands of meters, in a winding cave like an ant cave, thick liquid stained with rough rock walls, deep in the cave, a miserable white-colored creature wrapped in pink mucus, a gum long to hang on the wall, extending all the way to the ground.

At this time, the miserable white-colored creature opened its eyes and the indifferent vertical eyes like lizards revealed an icy and cold aura.

His body was trembling, and every time he trembled, his muscles stirred violently, and then “clicked” to remove the old skin, revealing a more tragic white corrective muscle.

“Hey, hey, soon enough, I'll be able to evolve into the strongest state of life in a moment, great Lord Tova, and I will certainly fulfill your wish. ”

“Hey, someone's approaching again, it's him! ”

Lizard-like vertical eyes spun for a moment, the inhuman life trembled violently, and suddenly a violent and angry emotion appeared in the bottom of his heart. Once the emotion was created, it was quickly suppressed by him.

“No, Lord Tova said this is not the time to deal with him...” Life in a pink mucus wrap so warns itself.

“No, you can do it now! ”

A cold voice, a red figure emerged.

“Lord Milla!” The creature called out.

“Although I don't know exactly what kind of man Shaya is, the other ‘I' told me that he was the god of time, so I had to get rid of him as soon as possible, otherwise it would be a serious problem for Lord Demigra. ”

“Phil, I'll leave him to you. ”

“Yes, my lord, I must digest him completely. ”