The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 679: The Complete Magic Buu

If the original Demon Buo has the strength comparable to Super Saiyan 3, then after the separation of Lean Buo took away nearly 60% of the power, Fat Buo's energy immediately diminished, but there is also the strength of Super Saiyan 2 peak. Once Buo has absorbed Fat Buo, he gains all the power of the Demon Buo.

Such a thing would never have happened to Xia, but seeing Xia at the right time appeared next to the two demons Buo, fingers pointing at the lean Buo, whispering: “Lock up! ”

Powerful space-time energy spreads out, wrapping lean Buo around him, holding him in place, immobile.

Slimming Buo's eyes became more fierce as he climbed, yelling wildly at Xia Ya, where his skinny body twisted constantly, trying to escape the confinement of time and space. At this point, he instinctively felt a slight threat, not only from the mighty power of Shah that he could not resist, but also from the presence of a fat Buo with the same attributes and abilities as him.

Thin Buo and Fat Buo, in a sense, are a pair that regard each other as the biggest threat and the existence of excellent nutrients. Neither side can resist the desire to devour the other. Unlike, Fat Buo thinks simply and is not as sober as Thin Buo.

“Fat Buo, use your magic to turn this skinny man into chocolate.” Sha Ya Dao.

After Fat Buo separated the evil smell, his IQ, though not much higher, was able to understand people's language and understand that Xia Ya was helping him. So he said, "Well," he climbed up from the ground, and “Yo," he shouted, and the tentacles on his head flashed like lightning, and a strange magic came out of his tentacles and hit him straight on Lean Buo.

“Wow, I'm gonna turn you into chocolate!” Fat Buo shouted and his mouth opened to an "O” shape.

“Bastard, I'm Buo!! ”

Lean Buo's eyes widened sharply, realizing that he was dangerous. He was unwilling to be turned into chocolate, and his body struggled harder. But his body, confined by the power of time and space, was almost irresistible. After being hit by Fat Buo's magic, he turned directly into black chocolate.

“Eat him and you'll be whole, remember to absorb him completely, not hide him in your stomach. ”

“Mm-hmm! ”

Fat Buo nodded, at this moment lost 60% of his strength to become “empty”, he was feeling hungry, listening to Xia Ya let him digest thin Buo completely, can be said to be in the middle of the arms, there is no reason to object at all. So he grabbed the chocolate and clicked on it and ate it. Soon, Buo was eaten up by Fat Buo. The whole force belonging to Buo the Demon returned to him.

“So comfortable, my strength is back.” Fat Buo stretched out his waist and touched his belly and said to Shaya, "Hey, you're a good guy. ”

“So why don't you hang out with me later? I can offer you lots of good food.” Xia said with a laugh.

“Really? Better than chocolate?” Buo the Demon shines in both eyes.

“Dear God of Destruction, this is not appropriate...” The King of the East Frontier God only felt that his three views were collapsing. That was the fierce demon Buo, not a pet. When did the demon Buo become so gullible?

Shaya said seriously: "This is a good fit. ”

“Do you see the evil smell in Buu, the demon of today? ”

“No, don't have! ”

“That's fine, the old evil Buo has turned into pure energy! What remains now is a simple fat Buo, arguably part of the kindness that the Great King God left in Buo the Demon.” Shaya said slowly that if Fat Buo fought with Thin Buo in the original book and there was one person next to him who could help Fat Buo, the end of the fight would be completely different.

“How's it going, how's it going?” Shaya turns around and asks Fat Buo.

Fat Buo tapped his belly, not a smart brain thinking about Shaya's opinion. And then he touched his naked head, and he laughed, “I can't hit you, I don't want to fight you! ”

Xia Ya said with a smile: "Very good. ”

At this point, a light lit up next to Shaya, and Keith reappeared, holding a white puppy in her arms, "Lord Shaya, this is the puppy I found. ”

Shaya picked up the puppy and gave it to Fat Buo, "Magic Buo, this little guy gave it to you, take good care of it. ”

“Oh, you're a good man!” Fat Buo looked at the puppy with curiosity, then took the puppy with great interest and smiled.


“That's it?” Watching Buo the Demon jump with his puppy in his arms, the King of the East Frontier was a fool, and the great crisis of the universe was solved?

The Old King of God nodded: “It is an admirable means of destroying the Lord of God. ”

Only Sun Wukong stood excitedly beside Xia Ya, begging constantly: “Xia Ya, I think that fat guy looks very powerful, can you let him fight me?” The strength of the demon Buo completely aroused Sun Wukong's interest, and he would be very happy if he could talk to such a master.

“It's up to you to ask him yourself.” Shaya resigned. If Sun Wukong fought Buo the Demon on Earth, he feared that the entire planet would be destroyed.

Sun Wukong obviously knew that too, so he didn't ask to fight the demon Buo now.

“Let me compare it to Red Mountain Star. ”

“Whatever!” It doesn't matter if Xia Ya nods, Red Mountain Star is going to hold a big martial arts convention in the near future. If Buo the Demon also enters the competition, it will really add a lot of color.

“Kakarot, who are you going to compete with? ”

Vegeta, coming from the West Capital, landed next to Sun Wukong. After hearing his words, he asked strangely. Then he saw Buo, the demon who was playing with the puppy, swinging up and down like a balloon full of water.

“What is this fat man's background, so powerful!” Vegeta was surprised.

Sun Wukong climbed onto Vegeta's shoulder, excited: “Vegeta, you don't know, this guy called Buo the Demon is amazing, if I want to defeat him, I have to show all my strength. ”

“He's so strong?” After listening immediately came the interest, looking at the demon Buo's eyes became sharp. After all, Vegeta knew about Sun Wukong's strength. Although he always said he wanted to defeat him with his own hands, he was confident that he would not lose, but the two men who were a little powerful, Vegeta had the number in his heart, so when Sun Wukong said so solemnly that the demon Buo's power did not fall below his, Vegeta seemed quite surprised.

“Oh, that's interesting. The smell that I just felt was coming from this fat guy, it seemed a little different.” The corner of Vegeta's mouth curled and his eyes flashed with a sense of war.

The Saiyan people, once they encounter the stronger than themselves, cannot help but want to challenge them. Of course, this is when the strength of the two sides is not much different, if the difference is wide, the wisdom of the Isaians will also choose to retreat.

At this time, only Buo, the Demon Man, stood beside the Eastern and Old Kings, had been completely ignored by Vegeta. Whatever the identity of the other party, it had no meaning for Vegeta, and with his strength today, he had the qualification to “contempt” anyone.

This backbone made him confident and less confined to the subsections, becoming more and more stable.

It also seemed to see that he was redundant, and that the demon Buo would no longer threaten the security of the universe. The Old World King God went to Xia and said very politely: “Dear God, since the demon Buo has been surrendered, then I and the Realm King God will return to the Realm King God first. ”

“Go back. Go back. By the way, teach the Eastern Kings some knowledge of the whole universe. Don't embarrass him in front of the other Universe Kings.” Shaya waved her hand irrelevantly and reminded the Old King.

The Old Realm King nodded and looked at the Eastern Realm King. Even if the Lord of Destruction did not say so, he was prepared to go back and teach this descendant well to let him know the vastness of the entire universe. Otherwise, it would be disgraceful to wait until all the gods of the universe are assembled and the gods of the eastern kingdom know nothing.

“Ancestor, let's go back.” The King of the East Frontier looked at Buo, the distant demon, and felt uncomfortable, but the divine colour had become much easier.

“Lord God of Destruction, bid farewell! ”

The Old King said so, nodding towards Shaya, and then under Jabbit's instant movement, the shadows of the Eastern King, Old King, and others disappeared in front of Shaya.