The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 728 Dark Archangel

“Lord Wang...” Pathos's figure is a little lame and his voice is weak. After seeing the coming of the king, he quickly came to the king.

“Mm-hmm." The king's naive voice dragged the long tone and saw Pathos hurt so badly that he jumped off the throne, twisting his head and asking: “Eh, you've been hit so badly, it's not good, it hurts so bad. ”

Pathos stunned and replied, "Thank you Lord Wang for your concern.” Then stood behind the king.

Two guards as long as bamboo poles looked at Pathos and stretched out their fingers a little bit in front of Pathos, an energy filled into the past, and the wounds on Pathos were temporarily suppressed.

“Thank you," Pathos softly said.

“ …… ”

The guard shook his head, did not speak, the daughters of the great priests, in any case, could not let anything happen to her.

Looking toward the Dark Angel, the King walked flat toward the Dark Angel, and the two guards followed closely, guarding over the King.

“Nah, are you the Dark Angel the Great Priest says, why destroy the world? Is this a bad world?” The king opened his eyes, his voice was slightly dainty, and he did not understand the actions of the Dark Angel.

The Dark Angel Badis whispered, “Turns out he's just an incompetent king, far worse than His Royal Highness the Eastern King. ”

“Dong Wang... what is that? ”

“Tell me, will you? ”

Curiosity appeared in the eyes of the King.

“Lord Wang, please solve this Dark Angel as soon as possible, and the rest of the universe needs to be rescued by adults.” Pathos seemed unhurried to see the king, anxious in his heart and hurried to dissuade him.

“Yes, the high priest said to get rid of you quickly. It's really troublesome, it would have been easiest to clean up the universe together..." The king muttered with his head down, his words were very light, but those present heard it. It frightened the guards behind it and the elephant Pa, who was far from destroying the divine realm, and the cold sweat gushed out of the foreheads of the three.

“Lord Wang...” Pathos urged.


The king opened his eyes with copper money open, clear eyes without any impurities, pure and simple, "just because this guy disturbed the universe, let's just disappear. ”

“Clear it!! ”

The King opened his arms and immediately lit a clear flash in his palm, so that the King remembered that the attack could only be used on the Dark Angel and had not been cleaned up with the Sixth Universe.

Almost for a moment, the glorious flashes kept people's eyes open.

“Humph, other angels will be afraid of your abilities, but do you think I will be?” Faced with the cleansing power of the King, the Dark Archangel Badis smiled and confronted him. As a master of the fifth level of the kingdom of God, he stood almost at the highest point of the gods, and the cleansing power of the King did not necessarily work for him.

Ultimately, the power of the whole king comes from the empowerment of the entire era, or the addition of all the energies of the entire universe. The fifth layer of the kingdom of God has become extraordinary and the power stands at its apex, even if the destructive power of the times can withstand, it is not impossible to resist the attack of the whole king.

So, half a mile later, the King's clearing power disappeared.

Badis stood in front of everyone.

This was unprecedented and shocked everyone.

“Lord Wang's attack has failed.” The two guards dripped sweat on their foreheads and were ready to go.

“No way! ”

“All... Lord Wang attacked enough to destroy the universe, but didn't kill that strange guy...” As Pa watched in destroying the divine realm, both eyes glared out, one mouth dragged to the ground. The King's everything goes deep into the bone marrow and suddenly sees a man who can be safely and safely attacked by the King, like Pa, obviously difficult to accept.

“Eh, why haven't you disappeared? ”

The King crooked his head and saw his attack fail for the first time.

“Hmm. Surprised you didn't kill me?” The Dark Angel Badis gasped, and even he suffered an attack that was tantamount to the whole universe, and his body was a little overwhelmed.

“It's strange, isn't my power enough? Then do it again and disappear! ”

If the King doesn't understand, he doesn't want to. Simply because he thinks simple, he can't do it once. Then do it again, as if he were playing the game "Set the Planet Destiny”.

Again, he did his best this time.

Just see the crystal clear flash like a giant searchlight shining, the whole sixth universe buzzing, as if it would collapse at any moment, almost instantaneously, an unimaginable pressure pushed across, like waves, excitement, more intense than before.

With the endless power of the King, the face of the dark angel Badis finally changed, his body like a deep mud, a vast force trying to crush him into powder.

“Bastard, the King's power is so strong! ”

Buddis shadowed up and the cold light flashed in his eyes. He was also uncomfortable facing the power of the King. Especially next to the two guards of the King, who are watchful of the tiger, also possess powerful powers in the guard.

“We have to go first.” Despite some regrets, the situation was unfavourable to him, and Badis knew that he could not touch the king hard yet. If he really wanted the king to burst, he would be in trouble, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

“King, you won this time. I don't know how you know our plan, but one day you will perish with the world. ”

“Wanna go? I won't let you escape. ”

The naive voice sounded in the void, the king increased his strength, and at the same time, two guards beside him attacked. Suddenly, only lightning flashed and the universe was smashed for thousands of light years. Being able to qualify as an all-king guard and not weak in strength, the whole void was suddenly crushed into fine powder.

“Pfft!” Badis blushed, his steps appeared pale and his blood arrow snapped out of him.

But the figure slowly became illusory.

The king looked disappointedly in the direction of Buddis' escape, glued: “Ah, they're getting away, that guy is so funny. ”

“Lord King, the Sixth Universe is now temporarily safe, but other Universes are in danger, please hurry and save them.” Pathos gave a little salute and spoke to the king. While other universes may not necessarily encounter powerful enemies such as Badis, the strength of the enemy has taught her, and angels in other universes are now suffering, I'm afraid.

“Well, we go to other universes. ”

After the king had finished, he sat on the throne accompanied by his guards, and then the little temple rose up, leaving the Sixth Universe in a glittering flash of gold.

Watching the king leave, Pathos sighed and the stars of thousands of light-years circled were completely destroyed.

“Pathos, the King has left, and this crisis must have passed.” A crystal ball appeared on the scepter, like Pa's, staring at the boss's eye, and a hint of fear appeared in the golden eye.

“Well, the crisis in the sixth universe is over, but the other universes haven't. ”

“Like Lord Pak, you're destroying the divine realm. I'm going to look in the other universe. ”

After that, Pathos disconnected from Elephant Pa.

“Hey, Pathos, Pathos... don't just leave!” Like Paddy on the ground yelling at the crystal ball, but Pathos has cut the comms off. Like Pa sitting on the floor, watching carefully, and not panicking, “Those weird guys, they're not going back to the sixth universe, are they? ”

“The Bills guy must still be asleep, not knowing anything about the horrors outside... so good...” At this time like Pa wants to go back to sleep, maybe he fell asleep and the crisis quickly passed.