The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 747: Planet Salad

A few days later, Red Mountain Star held a lively wedding, and Xia Qing and Califra were officially married.

After the wedding, they were ready to go to the sixth universe. After all, Xia Qing married Califra home and said they needed to go to the sixth universe to see Califra's brother, who lived on the planet Salad.

Before her marriage, Shaya asked if she wanted to invite the relatives of the planet Salad, but California said it was unnecessary, and this act of cutting the trailer, regardless of the consequences, really suited her personality.

Before the trip, Kalifla mumbled: "My brother is the most annoyed, he will definitely curse me for leaving so long. ”

“By the way, Califra... did you inform your brother when you came with me?” Xia Qing asked.

“No, I was in such a hurry, there was no time for notice.” Califra said it without any concern.

“Your brother must have thought you were dead outside.” Xia Qing's expression was strange, and I wondered what it would look like when he saw Califra's sister, who had disappeared for six years, suddenly come back.

Califra frowned: “He won't really forget me, will he? ”

Saiyan has been out for many years. Something happened when she died in battle. If her brother Lianso really counted her among the Saiyans who died in battle, would he still remember her after all these years? With this in mind, California suddenly got a little irritated.

“Boss, let's hurry back.” Callifla hurried.

“Don't worry, the thing that crosses the universe requires the help of Dad or Keith, and we can't cross the universe ourselves.” Xia Qing smiled. This trip to the Sixth Universe is supposed to be a honeymoon. At the same time, he is going to see the strength of the Sixth Universe Saiyan.

Califra thought so too, and quieted the monkey's heart.

Then, with Keith's help, the three Xia Qing entered the Sixth Universe smoothly.

“Next you go on your own trip, press this button when you want to go back, and I will come and pick you up. ”

Handing over a pale purple button to Xia Qing, Kes said how to use it again and then flew towards the destructive realm of the Sixth Universe. After gaining 10% divine power, Kes had not yet demonstrated his power properly, so he went to Patosche to consult.

Watching Keith penetrate the void under a package of seven-color glow, Xia Qing removed a spacecraft from the all-purpose capsule and set the course before it set off towards the Salad planet, which would take about six days before it could enter the Salad planet in the northern part of the northern galaxy.

With this all-purpose capsule that you need to travel at home, a small box of all-purpose capsules can hold everything you need to live.

At this point, California sits in the dining room of the ship with a big mouthful of food. Don't look at California's petite body, her stomach isn't much bigger, but she can't eat enough.

“Boss, do you want some?” Califra smiled and split a little bit of food.

Xia Qing shook her head and watched Califra eat with Kyle quietly.

Traveling quickly, the ship travels through vast stars and countless stars are retreating, and as the ship crosses the planet Tucarin near the planet Salad, they know they are very close to the planet Salad.

Hours later, the vast outline of Salad's planet appeared in sight, and its dark red physique exceeded that of the average planet, giving it a hundred times more gravity than Earth, so that life above it was born with powerful power.

The ship landed on the planet Salad.

Strong winds blow beneath the plants suddenly.

The Saiyans on the planet Salad reacted quickly to a strange spacecraft that suddenly landed on the planet, surrounded by a group of Saiyans in simple combat uniforms.

“An elite force led by his brother, the Lazara Defense Forces.” Califra saw someone dressed up and said.

Xia nodded, California's brother was the captain of the "La Guard", a team similar to the "Red Mountain Star Guard" but no less powerful than the elite Special Forces. Ha Qing had seen such a team when he had stayed on Tucarin before.

“Ah, you're California, and Kyle's here, aren't you already dead?” The leader, the seemingly slim Saiyan, was surprised.

California was grumpy: “Bastard, really, when I died, I just went out for a few years.” In the sequence of the planet Salada, she and Kyle actually turned out to be Saiyans who died in battle, and it was a disgusting feeling.

“I'm so glad you didn't have anything to do with it, even Captain Soze, because you disappeared back then, you ate a little less... hey, who is this?” The leader Saiyan looked very happy and seemed a little confused when looking at Xia Qing.

Califra introduced: "This is my boss... Pfft, my husband Xia Qing!” At least Califra knows that in front of outsiders, the introduction needs to be more formal.

“Eh, Kalifla is actually married!!” Nasaiyan voices have improved a little, apparently with great surprise.

Califra stared and lit up, "What do you mean, why did I hear so much fire? ”

The young Saiyan smiled and extended one hand to Xia Qing: "Hello, my name is Gabby, and I am a cadet of the same class as California for the time being. ”

Xia Qing looked at this thin Saiyan with a smile, his body was a bit small, his eyes were also a bit stubborn, giving people a feeling of weakness, but his body emitted a pound of energy that surprised Xia Qing. Well, strong, this seemingly weak Saiyan has at least tens of millions of fighting power. The planet Salad is really a tiger hidden dragon. In addition to geniuses like California, there are such good warriors.

So I reached out and shook Gabby's hand, "Hello, I'm Khalifla's husband, Xiaqing, Red Mountain Star Saiyan. ”

Gabby stunned for a moment and didn't seem to have heard of the Red Mountain Star. At this time, Califra grabbed Gabby's collar and almost brought him up: “What did you just say about the position of captain of the modern" La Colour Defense Corps "? Something happened to my brother? ”

Gabby struggled for a moment, saying: "A few years ago, the chain captain had retreated from the guard because of a foot sickness that was inconvenient. ”

Califra stunned and patted Gabby on the shoulder. “What, you're sick, I thought you were dead!” Turn around and say to Xia Qing and Kyle: “Then let's go find my brother...”

“The chained captain is now hiding in the northern canyon of the planet Salad.” Gabby tidied up his uniform and told California where the chain was hiding.

“Mm-hmm.” Califra nodded, saying she knew the address, and then the three of them vacated, like lightning through the void, quickly disappeared.

Watching Kalifla and Kyle leave the back, Jacques looked weird.

“Califra's savage guy is actually married, so what happened to Kyle, they've been inseparable... but Califra's husband Xia Qing is an interesting person, uh, haven't you seen him somewhere before? ”

Gabby thought about it for a while and thought Xia Qing looked a little familiar and seemed to have seen it on Tukarin planet. Soon after, however, Gabby stopped thinking and continued to patrol the planet of Salad with several teammates.


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We'll have another chapter later!