The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 839: Pomonles


“There are so many of you, you have to play hard, I can leave five universes in the end. If you don't behave well, I'll just clean you up!” The king stood happily from his position and looked down high.

Hearing the king's words, all the gods are cold hearts.

The King's heart is so elusive, it may be good to serve Wang Xinhui, bad to serve, minutes will be cleaned up, which is why the mind is immature. Perhaps in the eyes of the king, who represents the times, everything in the universe is like a toy and can be destroyed at will.

This almost inhuman thing, perhaps, is the supreme rule.

The evolution of an era is mixed with the lessons of the past, and the birth of an era always tramples on the wreckage of the previous era, perhaps their kings were good at calculating, and indirectly led to the demise of an era.

“You all heard, for the sake of your universe, make sure you dedicate a great battle.” The high priest glanced at the king, bowed respectfully, and spoke to everyone.


All the spirits of the twelve universes responded hastily.


The high priest made a shocking sound, revealing a slight surprise on his face, and said to Bellumoud and others, "Are you going to let them participate in the battle of the gods by passing the throne of destruction on to others? ”

The clown Bellumoud laughed: “Actually, I've been thinking about retreating for a while now. Even without this competition, I would let others inherit the position of destroying God. Guillermo is a better talent than I am. ”

“Well, look forward to your performance. ”

The great priest smiled and nodded at Jillian, then said very seriously to the mysterious man of the Eighth Universe: "It has been a long time, Mr. Pomonles, and I did not expect you to retreat for so long, and choose to continue in the post of sabotage god. ”

The mysterious man named Pomonles blinked his eyes and could only see the appearance of a blurred figure. The bright voice said: “After all, it is about the whole universe, of course I can't stay out of it, come back. ”

After listening to Pomonas, the high priest nodded at him with a smile.

However, the dialogue between the High Priest and Pomonas sparked debate among others. Some people who don't know Pomonales ask, "Who's that Pomonales? Isn't he new? ”

“Listen to the Grand Priest, he seems famous. ”

“Being able to be remembered by the Grand Priest is certainly a remarkable figure, and I'm afraid the battle behind it will not be easy.” Several destructive gods have begun to worry.

The bronze mask of the first universe and Jillian, who had held the post of sabotage for the first time, looked at it at the same time. Jillian's eyes flashed through the spectacular light, and he closed his eyes and began to fight.

And the bronze mask smiled, “So it's him! ”

“Vis, who's Pomonales? Even the great priest knew his name!” Bills, the destructive god with a bad feeling in his heart, asks Vis quickly.

Vis took a long breath and said, "No wonder I thought that person was so familiar. It turns out it was Pomonas! ”

Then took it seriously: “Lord Byrus, the name of Pomonales has hardly been known in these days. I thought he was dead, but I didn't expect him to show up again. I solemnly warn you, if you encounter Pomonales at close range in the game, please stay away from each other as soon as possible. You are not his opponent yet. ”

“Then tell me who he really is! ”

Byrus, God of Destruction, impatiently asked.

“Pomonas, he was the God of Destruction three generations before the eighth universe!” Vis Stone speaks shockingly of the identity of Pomonas.

“What... three generations ago, God of Destruction, isn't that supposed to disappear? ”

Bills was so shocked that he stopped talking.

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“But it is true that Pomonas is a very peculiar life, and the natural form of life is very peculiar, perhaps that's why he lived to this day. ”

Vis looked calmly at Pomonles, and this power conference really blew up.


“Three generations ago the God of Destruction…” he learnt from Keith, murmuring in the mouth of Shaya, from whom Pomonles came, the silver eyes of the moon suddenly burst out of a burning light.

“Interesting characters like this! ”

It seemed that the blood in his heart was boiling, and Shah suddenly looked forward to the battle of the gods.

It is well known that every God of Destruction would have been in office indefinitely had it not been for such tragic events as the elephant God of Destruction, Ramsey. In the case of Byrus the God of Destruction, he is an ancestral with the old King of the kingdom fifteen generations ago. He held the position of God of Destruction a long time ago. One can imagine how ancient the God of Destruction three generations ago would be.

Now that such an ancient figure has appeared, how can anything exciting await him?

Eyes stopped on the bronze masked man in the first universe, then turned from Pomonles and Jillian in turn, the corner of Shaya's mouth pulled an arc, unprecedented blood boiling again in his heart.



The archdeacon coughed softly, one hand grabbed into the void, a roll of gold scroll appeared in his hand, slowly opening, the archdeacon declared: “In accordance with the will of His Majesty the King, today at 84: 00 A.D. 3.1355 million 664, the Great Martial Arts Competition of the King - the 'Congress of Power' is held in 'Without Borders'! ”

“Now for the first phase of the Competition of the Powers, players from all universes are invited to enter the stage of the competition. ”

“It's finally about to start!” As the Grand Cleric announced that the competition was in action, the players' areas of the universe roared, and a bright flash dived from the players' area.

The Gyro ring was quickly split into several parts by the contestants.

“Xiyan, you have to work with the players of the Seventh Universe.” Shaya touched Xi Xi Xiao's head and commanded her.


“Mayfia, don't be too crazy then, Xia Qing, Celica, you have to keep an eye on her, and also Califra, don't rush into enemy traps as soon as your brain is hot.” Shaya's biggest fears among several players in the tenth universe were Mayfia and California, who were so nervous that they never thought about consequences.

“Dad, how can you say that?” Both eyes couldn't help but roll up their white eyes, Mayfia Qingxiu's face turned red and angry with her airway.

Ignoring Mayfia's dissatisfaction, Shah solemnly said to Buo the Demon: "If you see anyone injured in the Tenth or Seventh Universe, you will be treated with your magic immediately. Of course, you can hide when in danger, you can hide, you can avoid. ”

Although Buo the Demon is absolutely not weak and possesses a powerful immortality, the rules of the General Assembly of Power stipulate that if you leave the stage, you will lose. Knowing that Buo the Demon's magic will definitely play a more prominent role in the mixed wars than as a warrior. Think about how important it is to be able to restore the strength of his teammates indefinitely.

So Shaia told the demon Buo to be sure to preserve himself.

“Mm-hmm. Got it.” The demon Buo punched himself in the stomach with his fists.

“Come on, everybody! ”

Shaya finally encouraged a sentence and then watched the players of the tenth universe enter the ring.

And on the other side of the Seventh Universe, Bills, the God of Destruction, is also in his final words, "The race is about to begin, and you have to work hard, don't let these four years of painful repair go to waste. The first goal is the Fourth Universe, and it's best to keep them all dry. ”

“Don't worry, Bills. ”

Miles grinned and said, the number 18 next to him had a cold face and his expression was very serious.

Then Meyers, 16, 17, 18, 21, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Sun Wukong, Bik, Badak, representing the seventh universe, the ten men went down to the stage and quickly occupied an area surrounded by a circle.