The Strongest Pirate Hunter

The strongest pirate hunter Chapter 3

Conquer the One Piece, what to make fun! Do you want to die this person? Don't bring it. The fear of the depth of the sea is to experience, it can only be a small fish like this body.

"Hey, I am so confident to me?" The teenager smiled.

Subsequently, a slight sound from him slightly, "I have been destined to resound the whole star sea."

"Lu Fei ..." Shu Ming is looking forward to the afar surface, there seems to have a small town if there is a hidden.

"Hey, idiom, have you seen a teenager wearing a straw hat this time?"

The king of the sea is light, indicating that it is, then it is biased, there is also a serious silt.

"Oh, it has been already awkward. Seeing your injury, he should just got a short, in this way, the windmill village will not have to go, maybe it is true?" Shu Yuan looked up at the sky.

I hope that I can catch up ... He thinks the people in anime, he is hot.

"Stupid fish! Directly from the sea! Depart from Luo Lutri!"


It sailed a half a day, Shu Aby was sitting on the top of the beast, but felt more comfortable than the boat, the speed of the beast was extremely fast, but he was sitting on the top of the bump.

Shu Aby recalled the plot in the anime, the boat of Lu Fei was poorer, he hid in the barrel, escaped, the wine is smooth, the ghost is god by a luxurious cruise ship, but the wine This paragraph of the bucket is a blank.

Moreover, the sea level is so broad, where should he go to find a cruise ship, if he remembers is right, the small thief cat Namei first appeared on this cruise, which seems to be right. Not.

"Stupid fish, use your skills, find it around, there is no cruise ship in the nearby sea, if you have, you will swim."

I heard the way to find a ship, the king of the offshore is clear, this terrible human beings will spare it if you find a human crust? Don't have to go to the great route, don't have to go to the new world. From then on, it is still the king of the sea, it can continue to call Wang Dynasty in the East China Sea.

With this idea, the beast becomes focused, it finds a direction, travel all the time. And Shu Ayuan continued to lying, blewing sea breeze, is very comfortable.


On the sea, a luxurious cruise ship quietly suspended. And there is another hull with another relatively small hull, the bow is the swan, and the hull has three artillery, the main sail of the four heart symbols on the main mast, the top is one side Black bottom bone's flag! Three hook locks explored from the boat on the fence of the luxurious cruise ship, and the constant funeral gods were rushed.

Is a hundred pirates!

The cruise ship shouted and killing this, from time to time, some people were killed by cruel hundred pirates. The rich bloody breath floated, the civilian body is angry, so that the rest of the person is lingering. Fear.

The notorious pirates, murderer, strong, ** loot, no evil, no one is not afraid, where, the blood is bleeding, the people are not talking.

One pirate, is synonymous with the disaster.


The king of the near sea made a burst, Shu Aby is sitting on the body, he looked at the two boats on the sea in the distant sea, showing a smile on his face, and now he seems to have still caught up.

The slightly smaller hull, if he didn't guess the wrong, it is the One Pirates of the Alaleta, which also encountered the first one.

Shu Aby took the king of the sea and said.

"Stupid fish, we go up."

Chapter 6 Alitahai, Na Beauty

(Thank you again, the slightly is shallow, lonely addiction, you are the recommended ticket of you, the recommended ticket.

The chapter problem last night is already correct!

Because Meng Meng opened two books, it was copied from the chapter of the other book.

"The first sword in history" is my fantasy novel, everyone is interested, you can see

Sorry again! )

On the luxurious cruise, there is constant hundreds of pirates to carry a bag of bags and silver treasures to the pirate boat. Anyone who dares to resist their civilians are cruelly killed.

"Stupid fish ... Next, I will swim in the past ... However, if you dare to run, even if you catch up with the end of the world, I have to slaughter you." Shu Yuan said coldly, he jumped into the sea, He turned as a tail fish and quickly adjached to the cruise.

The king of the sea, this person, threatened it when he left!

As a sea beast, it is easy. It is struggling in his heart. After all, if you sink into the sea, you wander in this nearby waters.

The chamelet is slightly smaller than the cruise, and when it is on the board, there will be a soft hammer, and Shu Aby will climb the ladder and actually discovered. In this evening, there is empty, just in the deck, a lot of gold and silver treasures are stacked on the deck. Shuyuan faintly glanced, and then looked at the cruise ship above the top.

In that boat, the little thief cat Namei should still take the opportunity to steal the treasure, Lu Fei may still be woke up in the barrel, Caber is still the weak look, all the plots have not formally developed. Shu Ayuan smiled, and then stepped on the hook, came to the opposite cruise ship.


In his abroad, a carnia of the cruise suddenly broke a burst of broken sound. But at this time, the boat shouted and killed, and there was not much attention.

"Finally wake up?" Shuyuan muttered, he always pays attention to the changes in the ship, according to memory, the room of Lu Fei will wake up is the focus of his attention.

Shu Abynto once again turned into an Errima thief boat, a Miao Xian shadow that was wearing a pirate dress had appeared on the opposite ship.

"He is perfect for Na Beauty ... but it is nothing to do, anyway, she can't escape."

Shu Aby is returned to the deck, and the spin is looking to the remaining pirates on the deck, there is a fat, a full-style ugly woman is holding a heavy big iron bar, calling everyone.

"It seems that it is Alita, the owner of 5 million Pelery, the future, slippery fruit." Just, no matter how it looks like Shu, it is difficult to contact the lame color.

"Kid, who you are? How can you suddenly appear here!" A fierce and evil spirits suddenly found him, and then did not wait for Shu to make a response, his long knife in his hand is squatting.

A young side of the teenager, the long knife carrying a strong wind from his ear, Shu Ming raised his hand instantly holding boxing back hand, hitting the hand of the pirate.

The long knife falls off, he puts up the long knife and takes force, suddenly a bloodstream shot out, the thief's neck is cut off a great wound, he holds his wound, and the body flips the railing. In this case, I was biting by a huge figure of the sea.

"Reality, it is really a lot more than anime." Shu Aby sighed, and the thief he encountered was destroyed and killing, and he was not as peace like anime. He didn't see blood.

It is also because of this reason, so he doesn't want to make a pirate, just want to be a hunter, and all the thief he seen is all his hunter objects.

At this time, the cruise is already lying on the body of many people. The blood almost dyed the whole deck, plus the victims of the horror bodies accumulated here, and they did not stimulate those hostages.

"You are doing malfunctions, then starting from your pirates."

Shuyuan's heart thinks, since he decided to kill, naturally you have to kill clean.

He followed the rope, slid onto the pirate boat, and saw that many people who were putting the goods in the ship in the ship.

For the emergence of Shu, this strange teenager, all the pirates were surprised, and the long knife in his hand was still bloodped, and the body was murdered.

"Kid! Who are you? How did you haven't seen you before?" I asked with a thief.

Shuyuan is unhappy to go to him, and the corner is laughing, "naturally kills you!"

Subsequently, he was an unresolved hand to the other side of the body.

Shu Bing's wrist, the five internal organs in the flyer suddenly were suddenly smashed and died on the spot.

"Kid, you ... you are dead!" Ten thieves on the deck suddenly became angry, the fraction put down the heavy object, raising the long knife and slashing towards Shu.

More than ten knives were cleared at the same time, and all of him escaped the route, vigorously sinking, just below a knife, it is necessary to divide him.

The teenager took a long knife to the top, and he had the strength of the 20 adult men, it was not afraid.

The thousand birds sounded, the violent thunder was smooth, and the hand of the knife was held, and the moment is guided to all the pirates. They have a hemp, and the power is suddenly lax.

Shuyuan's power broke out, bounced all the long swords, and the long cuts were cross, under a knife, instantly slashing three people.

Then, his long knife is not stopped, the knife is rampant, and the head of a pirate is cut off again, and the rock is rolled over.


The remaining tall pirates had a mouthmail, which didn't know where to come out, and the skill is so horrible, killing people like a mustard.

The pirates are collectively trembled, and this boy is really too powerful.

"Escape, if you are chasing it, you can not live."

Shuyuan long swords, scarlet blood rolled down to the knife tip and dropped it in the air.

This group was running in the pirates of the fear, and some were running along the ship. I want to jump into the sea, but more or still go to the cruise ship, just cross the hook lock, is the site of Alitta They can live.

"Oh ... too slow."

The silver electricity of his left hand once again appeared, and the moment of outbreak sprint made him left a residue on the deck.


Shu Bing passed the left hand of lightning from a one hundred thief, and then culled to other hundred pirates, several breathing past, all the fleeted pirates were in the bloody, there was no very fortunate!

There are scarlet blood on the deck, and there are many pockets that are treasured in the ground, mixed with blood.

Do not have other living people outside the splint, Shu Aby turned to look at the position of the cargo cabin on the pirates, slight smile, and left straight.

He came to the door, heard the sound of a bury in the box, guessed that Namedo was in a treasure of the pirates.

So he did not hesitate to push the door, and it is the character that makes him familiar with!

Na Beauty!

The seventh chapter is dead and fat, there is a book again?

(Removal yesterday's chapter error question, I accidentally copy the other book I wrote, if the sixth chapter can be refreshed, I am sorry.

Thank you for your strength and half-half, thank you.

If you feel that you are in this book word, you can look at "The first sword of history" 17W word fine fertilizer, I feel that the whole taste can be a little. )


I opened the door, I still stayed in the abnormal look, a fragrant strike, a wonderful figure just exposed a corner, a long leg suddenly appeared to his crotch.

Shu's right leg bended in front of the knee, he looked at the beautiful and exquisite face, although it was a mentally prepared to stay in a moment, and after he woke up, he looked at him: "Beauty, even Is it so embarrassed? "

Fortunately, he is prepared, knowing that this , Ability, he can't imagine.

Namei looked at the teenager in front of him, wearing a simple, five sense stereo, and the pupil deeply seems to have no universe, a short dark hair only went to the ear, and it still has some handsome.

"You are not a pirate?" Namei asked.

Shu Yuan's mouth is slightly outlet, with a smile with a smile: "Yes, I am not a pirate, but ... I am a pirate hunter, and I know ... You are a pirate."

Namiyi, he saw a long knife with a bloody blood in his hands, sea breeze blowing, with a strong bloody breath, she did not leave traces, the eyes turned On the deck, I saw that there were more than ten bodies lying in the horizontal and eight, and the big shock: "Are they killing?"

The teenager is ignorant and shoulders.

Namei pupil, a slightly slightly pulled a step, and he opened some distances, his eyes turned, she didn't laugh: "Great Pirate Hunter, I don't want to make a pirate, just mine After the village was occupied by them, they were forcibly put me on the pioline. I have a weak woman to fight them. "

Shu Ao is laughing, he certainly knows that this woman is saying a ghost, she joined the hundred pirates, just looks at the treasure that they grab. It's just that he is not very dismantling, and the palm is dragging the gang, it seems to think about this problem.

I didn't pay attention, Namei once again kicked his lower body.

"Rely ... still?"

Shu Aby extended his hand, took the soft boneless mysterious long legs in his hand, although there was a pants package, but he still felt delicate, worthy of the first popularity of the pirate, his heart In a moment, grab the long legs of Namei instantly: "Women, the same thing should not do the second time in front of me, don't believe me, cut your head, I also take it."

Feeling the breath of the teenager, Na Mei couldn't help but hit a cold. He rose a fear, she couldn't help but nod, I am afraid that this murdere is not blinking to kill her.


Another door suddenly opened, and I didn't pay attention to the movement of the deck. I quickly rushed out, and the hook lock will go to the female thief Erlita.

Shuyuan looked at the figure. It turned out to be a hundred pirates he found in the cabin.

"I thought I would alive it alive?" Shu Yuan bluntly, and then he saw the back of the pirate, raised the long knife in his hand, stabbed it out.

The only living pirate Zhang Emperor has ran to the piratio of Airma, trembled, "Asia ... Miss Aareta, there is a powerful pirate hunter on our boat ... they all ... they all ... they all ... "

A long knife suddenly broke, accurately pulled from the back of the pirate, and the long knife was stained, the thief went down his eyes and looked at the knife tip of the chest. He died in Ya The foot of Erli Tower, blood is gradually flowing out from his wound.


The hands of both hands were bundled on the deck, looked at the thief to die in their thief. Is it a navy?


The next death in front of her, and the fat of the Oerrea was angry. She was full of her meat. She was angry with freckles. The big iron rod smashed in her hand, and she suddenly became a hostage in front of her. Broken, the body fracture is directly smashed into a pile of mud.

Blood water mixed with white ceiling and splash, so that the remaining hostages screamed loudly.

Atareta hopes to the direction of the long knife, and a jujilia in her own boat maintains a pose of the knife.

"Finished!" Looking at the scene of the vice leisure as the same situation, Namei's face became pale, she also took a large bag of gold and silver treasure, I wanted to secretly walk, but at this time It was stared at the taire of the pirate, and she could not succeed.

"This bastard ..." Namei is dark.

Shu Dushen went to the body, turned and looked at her slight smile, "Don't be afraid, don't have something, just stand here, don't think about running, you know, I am a pirate hunter, if I caught it , I will take you to the replacement. "

"As for those hundred thieves, I went a lot to clean up." He grinned, showing a white teeth, but in Nami's seems to be a devil.

"Everyone went to cut him, threw it to the sea!" The Aareta roared, and dozens of thieves on the boat were smashed, waving the knife sword, the teenager cut.
