The Strongest Pirate Hunter

The strongest pirate hunter Chapter 161

The third hundred chapters of the eighth chapter

Silver white destroyer quickly drove away from the fisherd island to the direction of the deep sea hoist.

With his current strength, the trip of the fish island may not have any danger at all other links in addition to the attack from Kings.

Even the big boss Hodi Jones, the fish island, he is also able to send it casually. If it is not the last unexpected choice of Hody Jones, it is obviously going to die in his hand.

This world-famous fish island, as if it is known as the "Fantasy Fairy World", he has not seen it.

When you think of it, he couldn't help but shook his head, and he couldn't wait for it, he could not waste it.

Waiting for Vivi, in the future, there are many opportunities.


In the world of the pirates, there is a red soil continent that has a lot of thousands of miles, and this world is evenly divided into two halves.

It looks like a vertical "equator".

The great route is a "equator" in horizontal.

Two "equator" intersects, dividing this broad sea area into four major oceans in the northwest of southeast.

On the left side of the Red Soil, the first half of the great route. On the right is the second half of the great route, where the environment is even more bad, gathered from the most elite pirates since the opening of the Grade Age.

Therefore, it is also known as the new world.

The red soil continent of the clouds from the clouds, from the sea tall tall, partition the world, want to go to the new world, can only pass it.

The first method is to turn over the entire red soil continent to reach the other side.

The second is that, as he reaches 10,000 meters of the sea, the fishing people will pass through the sea holes below the Red Soil in the New World.

Looking at the black swaying huge cave, just like a giant mouth, pulling the seawater around the surrounding.

"If you don't expect it, the submarine hole is the entrance of the seabed tunnel said by the shark star, and he can reach the new world."

"My brother seems to be very familiar with this world." Hui Yue looked at him worship.

"Cough ... Because I wake up for a while, I naturally learned more." Someone said.

"Brother is really powerful!"

"Of course!"

In his face talk, a huge black shadow slowly emerged in the front of the sea, and it should be a hundred pirates.

This may be the same as him, I want to reach the people of the new world through this sea hole. It's just why it will go back and not clear. Is it necessary to have something to have to returned to avoid? Or or is the people on the boat never want to go to the new world?

Shuyuan's heart guess although there is a speculation, but there is no relationship with him, as long as it is not surprising to find him, you will pass it.

The distance between the two boats is gradually pulled out, and the sea pirates in front of the front, a rival and destroyer are almost large, and they have suddenly appeared in front of Shu and Hui Moon.

This is a ghost ship, and the hull will look at it. It is a lot of rotten. The bow can see is a long-awaited head, canvas break, there are many holes, and there is a row of words. .

It means: flying Dutch.

Shu Ayuan smiled: "I thought it was a ghost ship that had never had to, it turned out to be this."

"Brother you know?"

After Hui Yue ran to Shuyuan, he seized his weakness, she looked at the horrible ghost boat, although she didn't feel the breath of threat to her, Based on the ghost ship The appearance of the appearance, her after the loss of some memories, it seems to be the same as a white paper, and they will eventually produce some fearful emotions.

Looking at Hui Yue At this time, Shu Aby is crying, as a big tube of the horizontal universe, even after a few days of sleep, there is also a general power, actually afraid of this terrible thing.

"Brother, there will be a terrible thing to have it ..." Hui's beautiful little face is full of nervousness.

Shu Ayuan clenched the weak little hand of the moon, and heard his heart and said: "The ghost boat, called 'Flying Dutch', I used to have seen it, rumored, then It is a cursed ghost boat, which can never be beach, can only be sailing on the undead to the sea. Some nautical people think that once in the sea, it will be unknown, and it will be destroyed. "

Hui Yue took his mouth with his hand, full of horror: "Is the ghost ship be so terrible? Then we hurry, I don't want the rumor to be infected with the unknown bad luck."

Shu Yuan smiled and shakes his head: "Sister, you will listen to me first. In fact, there is not a terrible existence. Just a kind of lady who got the ghosts through the name of this ghost ship, no fear. "

"Hey? Is this this?" Hui Yue blinked unusually simple eyes, and he kept nod. "I know! Hui Yue is not afraid."

Thinking of the deeds of Van Del Dai Ken, Shu Aby can't help but nose.

In order to get the ability to manipulate the capabilities of the Herbal, he began to marry her in the age of six years old. Since then, he was wanted by the sea god of Nitton, and the exterior escape is almost ten years, only the ability to continuously use the target can threaten white star. Life, this is also the root cause of Bai Star being passed into the hard shell tower.

In someone, Van De De Ken's love to Bai Star is too beautiful, it should be said that there is no courage to love.

I like it, what is the use of white? It will still be rejected, can't catch up, can't get the medicine, turn your face, get nude, big in prison, I dare not sit, I dare to say love her?

Shu Aby "see" with the ghost boat, in front of the deck, there is a wretched figure.

He wear a small hoc hat, and his hair is like a spider and there is a weird beard, and many string necklaces are hanging on the neck.

"Van Der Dai Ken's captain, there seems to have a hundred pirate!"

"Plating the metal championship is really stupid, but this weird ship looks quite good, there must be many babies on board, if so, then let them, huh, huh!"

"Followed, Van De Dai Ken"! "

On the deck of the destroyer, Shu Aby is a little, and he has a perfect knowledge of all the conversations on the ghost ship through the perfectness of the gain.

"Want to hit my ship? Try it."

"Proverbs, give me the boat in front!"

There are both two, and when you go out, come back, stay up late! Do not need to be

The 389th chapter is I have problems with the posture of the script today?

"Brother, I have seen it! The ghost is really a lot of disgusting fish! It turns out that the so-called ghost is they are engaged in ghosts! Harming me in front of my brother, waiting for them to shoot them. ! "

Hui Yuemo rubbed, the nose was slightly wrinkled, showing a face of grievances, it seems that it was scared by this terrorism, so that she lost his face in front of someone, and her heart was very unhappy.

The "Flying Dutch" ghost ship was stable and stopped in the front of the destroyer and blocked the way of the two people.

A large group of hundred thiefs appeared on the deck, all the fishman dressed, the first is a fishman with four feet, and his body is coated with a water coating.

"Van Der Dai Ken, the ship seems to have only two people, one of them is still a woman! I dare to save so bold on our site, I must give them strict punishment!"

"Betting, need you to remind me here? Are you eating?" Van De Dai Kanko gave his hand next to the fish.

His eyes have been falling on the body of Huiyue, and the eyes are in the eyes are a greedy, such a beautiful woman, just seeing the first eyes, let him be surprised.

"Even if Bai Stars are more than you, it is not enough to be a firefly and day and moon.

"Let's go, kill the man, then bring that woman back."

"There is only such a perfect woman to match me!"

Van De Dai Wen is constantly emitting a cold laugh, watching the two human beings, as if it has seen their tragic ending, the man is cruel, the woman is in his husband.

"It's really a group of things that I don't know how to live, I dare to pay attention to the head of Xiaoye!"

"Proverbs, give me the ruin of the latch of the lakes that broke down.

"Followed, the owner."

The shiny electric light is surrounded by the entire hull, and the last electricity has been placed in the mouth of the ship's head.

Infinite electricity is compressed and condensed, and the powerful thunder is as if it has formed a viscous mass, and a horrible breath is distributed from the entire destroyer.

The fisherman is constantly coming out from the deck, and they will travel towards Shu.

But when they feel the invisible powerful power, they were shaking, looked at the gun, and only fear in the eyes.

"Scorpio, what is this breath, how do I feel like a soul is locked."

"What is the shiny thing, is it a cannon? How can the cannon have this horror power?"

"It's so terrible, there is a cannon, I don't dare to get close."

Van Der Dai Ken looked at the extremely shining gun, and the cold sweat was cold. The cannon is unhappy, and the horror energy exudes it now, he does not hesitate to believe that if you are hit, you can definitely die!

"English ... hero!"

Van Der Dai Ken's four legs, the direction of the Shu Aby is, the five-body investment in the eyes of many fish people.

"Heroes, I think this is a misunderstanding!"

"We don't want to harm you, look at your line, want to travel through the seabed tunnel to the new world? Just I can provide you free of charge!"

"From the hero from humanity, please be sure to believe in me, you don't know who Van Der Daiken is the guardian of the sea, the love ambassador between human and fish, is to promote human and fish people The bridge between friendly and get along! "

"Don't train the gun, hero!"

His monks saw that there was a stunned, how did the captain did not express the same?

It's not to say that it is necessary to kill the man, the woman's takes back, is the treasure to take it?

What kind of mean?

Is it a new conspiracy trick?

It's awkward, the cannon that exudes the horror, first let the two people relax and be wary, and use the name of the free protection to be close, and then do it again?

It is a long! This insidious conspiracy can also think!

You must know that there is no humiliating action without any dignity, but no fish people have courage.

However, in order to implement the plan, Van De Delhi, in order to implement the plan, but the strong enemy is so unsitious, so the cloud is flowing, even the expression on the face is sincere, the words are sharp, and the rumor is true. The expression of his heart is full.

This is the talent of the honesty!

The future of fish island is definitely the captain of Van De Delfine!

"We are with you, Van De Derken"! "

This is the heart of a fish, and the eyes of their eyes flashed and excited tears. Van Der Dai Kelled captain made them too touched for them!

"What is your group of idiots still stand? Fast, hurry! Go to the hero!"

Feeling the danger of the cannon is still locking him. Van De De Ren is scared that the soul is straight, and it is afraid of the cannon "one accidentally" directly, and he hinds him.

The people of the people "heart illuminate" nodded, and they were even brushing down to Shu, and the scene saw Shu Ayuan and Hui Moon.

"Heroes, don't shoot, this is a big misunderstanding! We are all good people!"

Nima, good people, good people still think about how neng died me?

Shu Aby almost didn't endure it directly.

"Quick, you all talk to the hero, are we wandering a protective messenger in the big sea? Is it as a friendly bridge of human and fish? Is it often sent to the human beings?"

"To the right, Van De Dai Kelong, he is true, he is the great new star of our fish people! Implementing the truth of love and peace, heroes, hands under the hand, do not shoot! Fish people! "

That fishman's performance is more realistic than Van De, Dai Ken, not only to cry, but the sore nose is left, "the truth reveals" that is called a simplicity.

In the eyes of this "spectacular" scene, his mouth convulsted, he began to suspect that the posture when entering the fishman is not right, how Vante Daiken and Hodi Jones are the same, express as the original,?

Hodi Jones is in his strength, so he escaped.

Van Der, Dai Ken, has a horrible pressure of the electromagnet, which is actually directly sure.

"Don't I say that the posture I opened the script today?"

Thirty-ninety chapter, I am still the first time, I am still seeing such a person.

Van Der Dai Ken's captain pans it, the face does not change, it is a person who is a big thing, it is different. It is not the same. It will definitely not suffer!

The people of the people are sigh. If the true thoughts in their hearts have been known by Van Der Dai Ken, they will never take a buddy, they are directly sprayed out, and the heavens and the earth have never thought about it, just want to be horrible in that. The cannon will live.

"Ask the hero to believe me!" He grabbed the ground, and the voice was solemn.

"Ask the hero to believe our Van Der Dai Kan boss." The people said in unison.

"My Van Der Daiken sent from the heart, the sentence is true! If there are half a word, the five thunder!"

Van Der Daiken, a strong, emotionally, and touching the heart.

So someone quietly slammed a reflection, the boat spirit rumored, in the end of the 10,000 meters deep sea, suddenly fried a thunder.

"Lying! Van Der Dai Ken, really ... I really hit ... I am thunder."

"This is in the sea, how can it be thundered, just must be an illusion, right, definitely a illusion."

So, once again, the thunderstort was again fried again, this time it seems to be in the ear of the fish people, and encounters very true.

"Ship ... The captain, just now ... just not the illusion, this is indeed thundering."