The Strongest Pirate Hunter

The strongest pirate hunting person Chapter 167

Shu Yuan took a brain shell, and suddenly remembered the hull of the rumor twice, and the lines in his surface were also destroyed from seven or eight eight. How can I summon now?

"The road is long and the road is long, I will go up and down!"

"I originally found someone, now become a boat looking for two people, I ask for your sister!"


Ovo old rules, seeking everything

There is also one more, it may be on 12 o'clock!

Chapter 451, my knees (4/4)

In the face of the sea, Shu Aby is alone, and I don't know where to go.

The new world is very broad, even from the same seabed tunnel, the final choice is not the same.

Although the world is covered by sea water, the small island in the sea is a lot.

If he is just from the seabed tunnel, he may find Weiwei to go to the clue, then now, he is flying by the Ait Wall Storm, I don't know where it is, it is not possible.

"Forget it, take a step. Let's take a step. The so-called Ji people have their own days, they should have no things."

I will force myself to make a set of intoneant, and I will choose one direction.

In any case, you have to find the next point to say, this is nothing to do in the big sea, it is not a way.

If Chatchra can let him walk in the sea, he can now have to go with Rayle, and swim in the sea.

After a while, he took a head.

"Oh, I am going, how can I forget the king of the offshore, how good actions, don't make it unfortunately!"

He bites his finger, preparing to use the spiritual surgery to summon the king of the offshore first. At this moment, there was a strong Chakra through the body.

"This is ... Sanjiji Chekra?"

He is a bit, and he has forgotten the three tails exchanged. I think of these three tails. His hearts have a convulsive pain. His heart is on the blood, a whole is 600,000 justice! I want to save so much, I don't know how to get the monkey.

However, can't make this money white flower?

Since bought it, you have to make full use!

and so……

"Go out, my big thing!"

Some of the nuts of the nuts called, after shouting, I feel disgusting, it seems ... Where is it?

Although nausea, he is not slow, still a palm of the sea, a huge psychic pattern, is exuded, and its area is full of five hundred meters.

"Oh, it seems to be a big guy, it is worthy of the same variety like a turtle."

The seawater under the foot of Shu Aby immediately became a hurt, and it seems that there is a Pang Da Kong's big matter is about to emerge from underwater.

The sea level is suddenly rising, and he holds him high, and the sea water is like a flying waterfall falling down.

With a low calm sound, a huge turtle is explored from the water curtain.

"Turtle ... gui head?"

He faces an quirky. At this time, it is too beautiful, and it can't imagine.

Under the big name, this statement ... It seems to be the case, not a joke!

He pulled his mouth and his heart was dark.

Of course, this is how much, after he just exported, the crust of thick buseton is growing from the three tail skin, completely covered it with its GUI head, can't see that shape.

Since then, the entire huge body of the jam is completely revealed from the sea, squatting above the sea.

This is a huge turtle creature, with three flat and huge tails, like a thick crust with it, is full of diamond.

The thickness of the crust may reach tens of meters, and this defense is estimated that even if it is in the tail beast.

"Jami right ... Hehehe ... I first met, please advise."

In the face of the three tails, he originally wanted to give it a long "wooden eighteen", but when he induced the pure soul in the three tail, I didn't know what to say, I only have a complaint. I broke my face to my belly.

"Master ... Please pay more attention after the future ..."

Three tails, a big mouth, such an exaggerated body, is a tender voice, this feeling of contradictory painting is too violated.

Ask, can you facing a muscles and strong man with a height of two meters, is it a loli?

Now Shu Aby is this feeling.

He took a deep breath and took the impulse of that strongly screwd by, and he knew that this is a new pure soul of the system to three shaped.

After that, what is the character of the three tails, and I have to see how he speaks.

This feels, simply like a baby.

He spit a slot and immediately said.

"A tail guard and two tails, you should have seen it in my body, so you will be like them later, it is called my brother, as for you, you see me to give you a small name. Call ... How is the water baby? "

Shu Ayuan and asked, the old is a ninth and eight-year name, that is not meaningful, still appear childish! Is he as a childish person?

He couldn't help but remember the stem of the former gourd baby, so he directly borrowed the name of the water.

"Water, the water, the baby is the child in my water, is it good?" Someone always feels a feeling of self-defen.

"Water baby, my name? Good yeah, I have a name, thank you brother!"

In the sound of the three tails, the excitement of exciting, so the whole sea was passed, his three tails continued to shoot the water, splash tens of feet high water flowers.

Someone can't help but sigh: it is a good boy, what is what is, good children, three elements, obedient, understand, and well-behaved.

"The water baby, just in this direction, unswervingly follow the party's footsteps, big step forward, right, in this direction, grasp well, don't stop, the victory of the revolution is in front of you!"

A huge turtle swoked in the sea, and the sympathetic is extremely powerful, saying that he is comparable to the body of the large sea, and the marine creatures that are blocked in front of him have not avoided.

Shuyuan sits on the back of the Jami, with everything that he domineers sweeps the sea, but there is no discovery in addition to the end of the sea.

His wrist's originally worn record pointer is in the Alte Wall storm, so now there is no thing that can be positioned, can only rely on luck in the sea.

According to his words, luck is good, in case it is?

The planet is round, walking in a direction, always touching the island!

Unfortunately, he has overestimated himself, African people are Africans, Xuan does not save, does not change, essentially do not exist.

So, one person is in the sea, like a headless flies, three days.

Finally, it is nothing.

Don't say is an island, even have never seen a hundred pirates.

I beg you, come to a boat, shoppingcar, cargo ship, travel boat, the pirate ship, I don't pick it, I can't do it, even if it is a warship!

For this result, Shu Plant is crying.

It is night, he is lying on the back of the Jami, saying that there is no tears. He told the waterboy. In case it sees an island or the vessel, he will remind him.

In the night, in the sight sight, the sea suddenly appeared a light-made building, so the Jiji controls a water column to Shu Aby, with this unique wake-up mode, wake him up ...


Ovo asked everything ~ I fell asleep last night, so this chapter was yesterday. Today, I try to continue three!

Chapter 422 Golden City, Dadotho

Someone is taking as asleep, and the sudden water column is waking directly.

It is not discovering weird, but it is a water column that is like a fountain that is like a fountain.

"Water baby! Do you do it!"

He angered the past, of course, if he can stand it with your eyes. Fortunately, after the baptism of the Eit Wall Storm, it is now genericity, otherwise you have to wet.

Santunjins, "Brother, you don't let me find what is going to make you up in the sea, if you don't like this way, I will shoot you with the tail next time?"

"Look" to the tall tail at this time, Shu Ayuan has a chill, it has been taken by this tail. I am afraid that I have to fly out to hit 10,000 water drift on the sea.

Get, Laozi is thin, such a wake up is still a matter.

Shu Ming's arms shook his head, with a child?

"Brother, you're going to see, is there a bright place there?"

The direction of Shu Aby is "looking away" in the direction of the waterwood tail, and it is still a black sea, there is only one situation!

That bright place beyond his sense of sensation.

"Shui Dow, look at the place with shine."

5000 meters, 4000 meters, 3000 meters ... finally adjacent to his scope of domineering.

Feeling the breath of the living people, there is everywhere, there is no luxurious atmosphere, and his mood is inevitably excited.

"I finally saw the living! Is it so difficult to find someone in the new world?" Shu Ming was moving enthusiastic, fortunately, it was found.

As the three tails are gradually close, the humps in the sea are also gradually appearing in his perception.

First of all, he knows this is a ship, and it is still a very luxurious boat, at least under his observation, everything you can see is cast by gold, and this is not the whole picture of this ship.

Proverbs up to 300 meters of hulls, those who have accumulated like a hill, in front of this huge golden boat, like ant and elephants, no slight comparability.

It is conceivable that how large the volume of this ship is that the amount of gold it has.

And in the ship of this ship, it was traged by the two-headed navigated sea king, the body was over three kilometers, but this amazing length did not reach half of this ship.

"I dripped ... I didn't expect it to have a famous Dadooso, here, I have to go shopping, and the information network here is also spread all over the world, maybe You can also find the three news about that three. "

He stretched a lazy waist and turned to see the GUI head that the waterboy turned over, and his face was twitched.

You said that it is a turtle, why is someone else's body?

The water baby is less than 500 meters, but can only be used as a lunch?

Of course, he is only a simple body style, if you count the strength of both parties, it is really not good.

However, the huge advantage of body type is there, especially the turtle, which is extremely amazing marine life, is only afraid that the Navy will come to the feet.

Giant Haiwang is not a big enemy, this sentence is not talking.

"Water, no need to advance, come back, these three days are hard to work."

Shu Aby took a turtle shell, and the spin made him back to his body.

Since it is Dadotho, then everything is to be careful, and the huge body of three tails is not too big in this world, but it is a big guy.

In case of the guardian of the Dadotho, the security guards are asked in the sea, and they will be attacked directly to them. Who is he looking for?

Special still on the site of the man, be careful, it should be right.

"Well, this will go, the legendary Golden City has 20% of the world, what is it like."

He stands on the sea, step by step, walk toward Dadso, the remaining 1500 meters is not too far, with his speed, just a few minutes to "walk".

The brilliant giant boat is shining in various neon lights, which is originally golden, giving it a little color, it can give you a dye work.

The surrounding sea areas are rendered as the rainbow, gorgeous.

Shu Abyng appeared under the light, but at this time he has changed the appearance, although it is still wearing a black-shaped red cloud, but the appearance is not Kakasi.

He is now filled with a black shoulder short hair, the five senses are exquisite, and the two sides have already been drawn to the cheeks, and the amount has an amount, but still hooks the pattern.

On his exquisite face, from the inner corner of the nose, the two unique tears were out, giving him the whole person added a melancholy temperament.

This look, it is clear that Yisi Houches in the nigs world!

His whole person is exposed to the color light, gradually approaching Dadso. Perhaps it is too small in the eyes of the nautical turtle, and did not find him. Of course, it may be that the nautical turtle does not feel the strangeness of him, so he ignored him directly.

Dad Ssole styles, because the air-sea turtle is needed, so the bow is not a general sailboat, but it seems to be a long tole of two conical models, between two long angles, is a luxury flashing The golden arch, the vessel is just a world-famous "golden ship" Dadso.

Shu Dynasty, "see" the arched door in front of the front, and the bottom of this ship, he is a clear two, before the aatrical version of the One Piece, he is not ten.

So knowing what kind of situation in the boat, if you really enter the door, you will face the people who are sitting in the audience, will be asked as monkeys.

He sighed, looked at this ridiculous big boat, and his mouth was slightly raised.

It is impossible to enter the door. It is impossible for this life. It is not a legal identity. I don't want to be asked as monkeys. I can only sneak into the sneak of Mimi. I can find this.