The Strongest Pirate Hunter

The strongest pirate huntess chapter 223

The World Government is really seen, in order to kill him, actually dispatched 4 generals levels, this is not possible to have been from the five old stars from now to the present, and there is still living in the World Government. Total Yuan Shuai Ribbon · Empty!

This seems that Holy Land Mary Ya Ya may have more than 10 super masters above, completely crushing the highest level of power of the Navy, and it is impressed that the generals of the Navy should not speak in the world government. .

The gap in the highest force is really large ...

"Bold hunters, actually dare to take the holy place, today, do you have to take you on the knife today!" Yu Feng swords looked down the knife, knife and blamed edges, point to the hunters with the knife! "

"People are always lacking for their correct understanding, I advise you to go to the dog, so the old age is still dancing, isn't it afraid of flashing?" Ghost hunters laughed.

"Little Machine! When the old man is famous, you have not born!"

"As you say, you will say that you will say anything, but if you want to kill me, I have to take out some truth."

The hunter whispered, and the broken bone knife gradually extended in his hand and scored in armed colors.

In the face of the big sword, he did not fight, but he was directly rushed. You just went to my sword. Now I have to pay a knife!

His speed is very fast, 20 meters from the distance is a moment. Shu Bing's wrist is shaking, there are a dozen phantom, and the wealth of the royal enthusiasts will go. Of course, this is just a law, the real bone knife hidden in this welcome, and wandering his neck.

"Hundreds of low-level swordsmanship of vulnerabilities, the field of big swordsman is the scenery that mortals can't see."

Royal Sword Hao smiled, the big fast knife in his hand, actually in the phantom in the phantom to fight the bones of the hunters in the hands of the hunters, making it unable to enter!

The hunter can't help but sigh, it is a big sword, whether it is eye, and swords are not a sword.

"What is the low-level sword? Do you really think that I will be with you than you? You have to see it clearly, I am not a swordsman, but ..."

"Ninja ..."

Chapter 539 facing peacock

"So ... !!!

His voice just fell, the bone knife was bursting out a bone golden flame, which is the combination of Thunder and fire, and the flame can see the silk Golden Thunder like a snake.

The appearance of the golden flame, the temperature of this area becomes hot.

The bone knife is wrapped by a flame, and the flame is like a spirituality that is generally spread toward him through the big hurry in the hand of the sword.

The flame spreads to the sword handle, and the royal swords have changed this flame with weird. It is clear that the fire can produce the paralysis of the current hit, and even the armed colored domineering cannot be completely isolated.

He turned the sword, stop the sword of the ghost hunter, and then he didn't choose to stay away but bully, directly embarked into the hunter's arms, and the prince gotted in the process of recovery. To the hunter's chest.

"And a full-scale ninja, is really hard to be as hard as your big rider?"

The ghost hunter is clear, if it is in other places, he may also use swordsmanship and big sword to hit a game, but now in Marie Joa, there are three equivalent level strongrs around the Tiger.

They have not yet ended yet, just disdaining, such a low-spirited way to siege ghost hunters, strong people have the dignity of strong people, and now they are the battle time of the big sword.

Therefore, he uses swordsman to test it, and he sees the gap between two people. He now elite Sword Hao's realm is nothing to cut the ordinary people. It is really looking for it. There is no chance at all.

So, he did not hesitate to abandon the bone knife and directly bombarded it.

That's right, it's so overbearing!

The red hand is in the face of the tuning of big swords, and today, have a few people dare to be so bold? At the view, even if the huntees of the hunters of the hunters are not ordinary, will they be thorny by the big sword?

However, everyone is wrong.

The little purple black diamond shaped imprint of his eyebrow is not allowed to form a special pattern to wrap him all body, which is like a seal is unspeakable.

There is no doubt that the hunter in this state

With a seven-point monster, he is very overbearing!

This boxing condenses the armed colors, but also with S-class ban!

When the sword tip of the big knife collided with the ghost hunter purple black fists, the powerful waves visible in a circle of drums open.

The sea white jade floor under the foot is broken into a powder, and the surrounding building is the collapse of a film under the impact of the waves, turns into a pile of ruins.

The hunters of the hunters are really not as good as the big sword, but his power is even more than the original "world destroyer" Bondi Wald.

He has not retired, the hard wind is blown around, and the royal sword is also full of thorns, the big fast knife is tough, the body of the ghost hunter is domineering, the whole hard sword is bent into a certain arc, but After the sword tip is inserted inch, it will never be inch.


The hunger opened his mouth, his face did not change, I wanted to collapse this big quick knife, but I didn't expect it to be surprisingly tough. In the end, I have to fly more than ten meters of the royal sword with the overwhelming force!

"Hahaha! It's a big sword, this is what you said to kill me? You kill me again?"

The hunters laughed mad, and there was a wound in his fist, and then saw the scar even cooked with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Baihao is a non-fraud, which will recover if it is hurting.

The royal sword is proud, and the body's body strength is strong, and the powerful recovery force is more powerful than the awakened animal demon.

No one can hard to hard, but this guy does it, but the guy is not hurting.

The arm of the royal sword is slightly trembled. Although he has unloaded most of the power, it still has some power to pass through the sword.


The old man is cast aside, and the swords are pursuing the extremely fierce sniper and speed, although it also pays attention to power, but more still used to exercise your own body. As long as there is a sword in your hands, you can be , this is their sword, if it is constantly, it can only explain that your sword is not enough!

He is the true meaning of the wind, realizing the true meaning of the wind.

The same is true!

He stands in place, but the surrounding of the next second hunter is a whole 8 royal swords, this is not a phantom, but when the speed of the royal sword is fast to the ultimate image, it can be said All are real entities.

"It means something."

Shu Ayuan said that he felt the high-speed movement of Yu Feng Jianhao in his opinion, and also known that if he was cut by one, there may be more 8 cars.

" · !"

A set of swordsmanship, 8 movements, the tricks, the speed is fast, but it is not divided into the ghost hunter, handing out a sword, sword is fatal!

With this sword, the hunter knows that the big sword hunger of the royal sword is absolutely no water! It is worth more than 20 years in this realm, even if it is able to block his first sword, the follow-up of the Royal Swords is never.

He is not a sword in the top of the sword, but he is able to split an island, but he is the unmatched speed that he is gaining!

It is not like the yellow ok, and it has highlighted a "stunned", ghost, ghost swords, some people don't know when they are in a sword.

" !"

When the foot stopped, the power of Baifeng was completely broke out, and the top of the heavy ground was completely crackled, and a deep crack opened a blew mouth to spread out.

If it is a general person, he will stand unstable and reveal, but the royal sword is royal to the wind, the shaking of the ground is nothing to do!

"I really have to take you no way?"

"It's really unfortunate, you are proud of the speed, it is also what I are good at!"

The voice of the hunter's low-mouth sound from his throat.

"Balmnads ..."

"Open the door"


" "


"Du Gate"



The last burst, all merids in his body became unusually thick, the source of strength came out from his body, and even his body could not fully endure and detonated a powerful airflow. Surrounded by the stone in his body, it is agitated.

And this is just a momentum!

"Pei Peacock!"



Ask for a collection, let's do a game swollen, the recommended ticket starts from today, 1000 more chapters.

Chapter 531, Hunter's Fist

Eight phantom shapes of the royal enthusiasts are all hysteresis.

The incentive that broke out was completely opened after the sixth door formed a gas stream that was almost condensed.

The choice of the hunter is very simple, and the royal sword is the wind, then the wind is flushed with more overbearing breath!

This tricky trickless, at this time, I finally showed a slice of flaws.

The ghost hunters did not hesitate to punch, and his fists got a fire. This is not a flame that Chakra changes, but when the power of punch and punch, the faster is about to take each other and the atmosphere The real fire produced!

Imagine how terrible boxing speed with air friction, except the meteorite falling from the outer space, the rocket of God? The plane on the sky? High-speed rail? Will not work!

But the hunter's fist is done.

It can be said that he has completely reached the speed of meteorite falling in this moment!

When he fists a punch, his fist is like a fan-like rain, and the flame wrapped in fists is like a peacock open.

So, this hit is called the parents!

The power of the peacock is not the burning of the flame, but every attack is like the sized meteorite impact ground!

Just a moment, the eight phantom was scratched, and a systemic white shadow was fly out of the flame burst out of the peacock and hit the collapse of the wall.

Ghost hunters have a punch, and some people look at the slim shapes standing in the slim shape stood in the field.

Colliding with big swords, but flying the other side! So far, who dares to degrade the strength of the ghosts?

In the eyes of everyone, the young man who is young, but the people who present the scene think that it is a grand peak can't turn over!

"Quickly, the hunter is not damaged, he is hurt! Is that your arms quickly abolished?"

A exciting sound, everyone looked, the ghost's arms were taken out of countless deep wounds, and every

God knows how many times have two people playing in the short instant?

The hunters of the hunters of the hunters have been more than diamonds, plus the bones of the bones as defense, but is still being broken by big sword.

The arms have been cut, the hunters have hurts the cold air, but this kind of pain is still unable to make the pain of the whole body crash with him.

So this can endure, he is suffering, the situation of the big sword is absolutely not better than him!

Swordsman hits the robustness, and the royal sword can hurt the 128 punches with the ghost hunters. If he is not hacked, the injury of the sword is definitely better than him!

Baihao's operation · Create regeneration!

A large number of Chakra stimulates the blood bone cells, combined with the body of the bones, the hematics of the sky, his injury is restored in an amazing speed.

Just a few seconds, a harmonic arm is in the beginning!

Some people have been stunned, is this horrible recovery? Does he also have the ability of the hundred beasts?

monster! It's a monster!

The ghost hunters moved quietly, he stepped on the boundary line that Yu Feng Sword was ignored on the ground, and the feet took the floor to collapse!

"You didn't say this line didn't say this line? Now I've been over, how do you can make it?"

He laughed, although he had already paid a pair of arms of the painful cost, but he did not think that the big sword, the big sword of the Navy's head, was so easy to be killed.

The green goblin and the red dog took ten days in Ponkhadard, and the Qing Dynasty is nothing but the price of a leg.

It is conceivable that this level of power has an allergic fighting ability.

Royal swords climbed from a bunch of ruins, his appearance looks very wolf, wearing white shirts mixed with dirt and blood, bunch of white hair thoroughly dispersed, hoped, chest hollow, do not know a few rib cage!

Yu Feng Sword Hao stands straight, and the sword refers to the hunting people, but the right arm is a sense of strong jitter.

"One later, I actually put me into this look, ok, it's so good!" He was very angry, this world suddenly drums a fierce sword, with him, and the swords have skyrocket!

"Old things, I don't know if you are going to die, I still support how many fists I have!"

The hunter is close to step by step, and his spiritual god is also climbed to the peak state, treating the strong in the sword, unless it is capable of defeating him in the sword, otherwise it can only be used as him. Power hard!

This time, the body is much more useful than the niphon, because no matter what tobach is likely to be cleared by the other side! If the fist is cut, the power can pass the past.

"This sword, I said to send you to death!"