"If I become a water dragon and become Mr. Alberto's foot, can I even fight a demonic (mutant) opponent?

Razafam can't breathe in the water.

I can't move freely in the ocean either... because I can't float.

So I ask Luminaria, who can move freely in the sea, to look like a water dragon, and I ride directly onto that back to the mutant, to wage a war in the sea.

"... maybe I can. But..."

I don't care. Is Luminaria okay?

Approaching mutant species will naturally increase Kraken's normal number of species, as well as stiff protection of demons.

I'm quite prepared to go through that.

"Wait, Luminaria! It's too dangerous! It's not weird to die!

"I know enough to be dangerous, Father. I just saw the mutant's eyes hurt, and I know I can never do it alone."


Razapham desperately tries to stop her daughter from acting.

Even I saw dangerous eyes earlier, so naturally...

"I'm not going to die. I told you earlier, Mr. Alberto's power is definitely higher than that of the mutant species..."


"Luminaria, wait"


"As the princess of this country, as your brother's sister, I want to protect this city... but I'm not going to let you two carry it all, you don't have to do that alone"

"... but do you have an alternative? Maybe that's the only way?

"... but if we all think about it more"

"If you have time, a good idea may come to mind, Master Cliff will be back...... but in proportion to time, the threat of mutant species will certainly increase. If you have the means to defeat them, I think you should attack them from here now that they are not ready to fight to minimize later damage..."

Reese's mouth closes on Luminaria's objections.

Even though Reese's mouth opens several times, words don't come out.

Tough words, but true.

"... Luminaria, bravery and recklessness are not the same."

"I know. As far as engaging earlier, the mutant species is not my winnable opponent even if dragonized... that's why the suggestion"

Razafam, Liese and Luminaria's arguments continue.

But there is no sign that the luminaria will break.

"As Miss Reese said, why do you need to do that? If that's self-sacrificing justice, I'll never admit it."

"It's not a sense of justice, Dad, and you're not going to sacrifice it. Because I know how strong Mr. Alberto is, as your father admitted... it's a purely best decision."


"Besides, I think this is the only thing I can do... so I don't want to regret it later"

"... stubborn, you are"

"It's your mother who's stubborn."

"... not at all"

Razafam sighs loudly.

"I don't know what to say, but you're more important to me than the lives of the city dwellers, you know?

"... yeah"

Rutherfam, who sees her daughter with a firm resolve and admits she probably will after a few seconds of thinking about it.

"... Promise me you won't do any reckless imitation when you absolutely withdraw when it's in danger"

"Father, yeah!

Luminaria nods.

"Absolutely! Throw everything away and run!

It's all part of me being dumped, right?

Well, maybe he thinks I'm okay with being dumped.

"Alberto... are you sure about that?


"I think you and your brother's original promise to keep me, and if we're still in defense, to attack mutants in the ocean, is just outside the promise."

"Well, if you ask me, so be it"

It's usually appropriate and annoying, but this time it's not a project that I'm going to take on with momentum.

I work for what I was told about the Ark Demon the other day, and I'm having trouble getting too much Ate.

Is it because of my previous life, I hate being used in a way that is good for people?

"I'm not a man of convenience, who moves what someone wants."

"... I know a hundred things about that, but I'm in a bad mood."

"Oh, really?"

Serious face Reese.

But somehow he... is it true, stupid, honest?

"... if I hadn't said anything fluidly about the story, I might have gotten into it."

"Creating a loan is not yet the same as being crumbly sweet on your strength here. Don't tear it up."

"... right. Then I'll be honest with you, too, Liese. This time, the inexperienced mutant loses his wings, and then the inexperienced nautical battle, honestly, doesn't give a shit."

It may sound lame, but I'm not supposed to be wrong.

"... right, yeah, I take that for granted"

She must defend the city on behalf of her brother.

But even though it's to protect the people of the city, it puts a heavy burden on me and Luminaria alone.

I'm not a woman who can tolerate such a man-made idea.

"Yeah, it's an unscrupulous favor to fight mutants...... sorry, forget it"


That's what I said, "Never mind," Leese giggles.

Watching her like that...... I am.

"... So, okay?


"You don't have an alternative, do you? Are you sure? Keep this conversation over... Reese, you owe me, huh? The Goblin settlement, the slave clothes you put on about Warwolf, the Tris disturbance, the drunken luminaria you brought into your bed, and so much more... okay? You don't use that kind of bargaining material against me right now? It's not like we're choosing the means, is it?

"Well, because even such bargaining material..."

... I know what it is.

Strong reason to help, guess.

But I... I'm not really busy.

"That's okay. So go ahead, lend it to me."

While I complain, maybe I'm sweet that I'm going to help you.

And even though Luminaria, who is weaker than herself, is ready, I won't be the only one to look at the status quo in silence.

The only thing I promised Clife was Leese's safety, but Clife might be working hard for me, too.

Luminaria also said it, but I'm not willing to do it if someone else should.

This is all I can do.

As it is, it will affect Ginn's hometown as well.

Doomed because I didn't do it has a bit of a bad aftertaste.

And it's not without merit... it shouldn't be a loss later to defeat the mutant species and make a huge loan to Cliff, the Demon King.

"There are a lot of people who have gotten close to this city too... I'd love to... yeah, well, there's a little bit of them"

"Brother, your friends are not a number, they are quality..."

"Gin...... right"

But quality, quality...

I don't have to worry about quality, but let's not think about it.

"... yes, okay?

"That's why he lent it to me. Don't worry, it's not free."

I didn't expect to go to sea with Luminaria in this way...... well.

Bad nautical fights...... but not against Berea or Nazenheim.

I'm not even a true dragon like Razafam.

It must be dangerous, but it shouldn't be someone you can't defeat.

"Thanks, really..."

"Promise me you'll thank me soon... you're in the mood, aren't you? What about me?"

"Ugh, please... defeat the mutant species"

"Oh, leave it to me!

I smile at Reese, who squeezes my hand.

"If you decide so, keep Luminaria at rest"

"... Huh?

"It looks like there aren't any major injuries, but there's a lot less magic. Drink your magic restoration potion and get some sleep."

"... yes! Okay."

Don't be in a hurry because you don't have time.

If Luminaria can't move along the way, I'll be left in the ocean.

"... by the way, does anyone know where the mutant species are right now and where the details are?


... dude.