Head to the cafeteria in the guard cabin with Luca with a serious face.


Seeing Luca, Sigi was happy to butterfly her feathers.

Luca was gentle with Sigi. The rugged look on Luca's face soothes a little.

"A thief and a different person... no, another demon because the demon is not one. What do you mean?

"The Adventurer Alliance and the Justice Department worked together to investigate yesterday's demon..."

I can trust the Ministry of Justice's investigation.

Some of the magic props owned by the Justice Department will react if you lie.

Not only that, but there are also things that run unbearably painful when you lie.

We have the expertise to maximize the effects of that magic tool.

He is an expert at uncovering the truth by accurately rolling out questions that can be answered with "yes" and "no".

"He's the immortal killer arrow and the curse of zombification. I didn't know how to do that."

"That's a funny story."

Gilnidra, the Grand Duke of Dragons, the parent of Sigi, fought the thief and was cursed of immortality killer arrows and zombification.

It's odd that you don't know that.

In other words, yesterday's demon was not the demon who stole the eggs and drove Grand Duke Dragon to death.

"But the demon himself testified yesterday that he stole it."

"Naturally, you put it on a demon prop, didn't you?

"Of course. The magic trick showed the demon wasn't lying."

It's a funny story. Demonic props don't lie.

"What about the purpose for which you stole the eggs?

"Same story as yesterday. To rule and eat people"

I'll think about it for a while and come up with an answer.

"... I see. Does that mean rewriting memories?"

"Yes. He's not lying, but he doesn't know how to do it. When that happens, we'll just have to rewrite our memories."

If the memory had been rewritten, that would be true for the person.

That way, you can't sense it with a demonic prop.

The rewriting of memory in this case is not to the extent of implication.

Demonic props are firmly revealed by implication and degree of assumption.

To deceive a magic prop, it is necessary to magically replace the memory completely. And it's very advanced magic.

"The Devil's memory never traced back more than a week ago. I think they did some magic in those days."

"Problem is, which is fake."

Luca nods.

Am I being forced to forget the operation, or have I been planted with the memory that I stole it?

"Probably, but I think they planted the memory that they stole it"


"I don't know why I want you to forget the spell."

I can immediately think of a motive for planting the memory of stealing it.

for tailoring as a temporary culprit, etc.

"Is it not possible that Grand Duke Dragon's counter-attack caused his memory to fly?

"... I do have that"

Luca came up with a serious look.

"Just like the ecology of ancient dragons (enchanted dragons), you're not sure about the magic system you use, are you?

"I can't deny it..."

"There may also be magic to fly memories"

"Then I hope it's easy."

There is no contradiction if you are losing your memory of the surgery in Grand Duke Dragon's counterattack.

In that case, it would mean that the demon was an egg thief yesterday. Then you can rest assured.

But that's just too convenient an assumption for this one.

I stroke Sigi's head.

"You should assume the worst. Maybe we should stay alert."



Sigi rang in a pleasant way.

That's when Cruz and Ulina returned.

Cruz takes the meat out of the bag and takes it to the tip of Sigi's nose.

"Sigi! It's delicious."


Sigi turned away.

They don't want to eat anything but from my hands.


"Cheer up."

Yulina comforts Cruz, who is about to cry.

I grabbed Cruz's hand.

"You have no choice. If you do it with me, you might eat it."

"Ah! I think so."

Cruz smiles happily.

I grabbed the meat with Cruz and brought the meat closer to the tip of Sigi's nose.

"Sigi, this is the meat Cruz bought me."


I started eating ham ham. I guess it was delicious.

I'm fluttering my wings.

"Oh, I'm happy. What kind of meat is this?

It's a unicorn.


Apparently he didn't buy it, he hunted it.

Unicorns themselves are powerful beasts.

Unicorns are said to be nostalgic only to virgins. If you return the back, you will come to kill me mercilessly but the virgin.

In the streets and so on, distribution stops.

If we're not virgins, we're bad because we attack both men and women. It has nothing to do with young and old. Even cows and horses have no mercy.

Strong on top of that. Very troublesome.

"I went to exorcise a herd of unicorns on the main street that leads to the King's capital."

"Well, that was tough."

It's no trouble to break out in a herd. Was it the breeding season?

"I've got more meat for Sigi!

Behind the bragging cruz, Fem watched.

"Cruz. If only I could get Fem's share..."

"Of course, there's Fem's!


Femme's tail rocks with Bassa Bassa.

"I'll give the femmes a whole unicorn."


Cruz and Fem went outside the guard cabin.

I guess I'll distribute it at the Wolf Hut.

Bumping patterned feathers, Sigi dropped it off.

Morphy leans his nose against such a sigi.

"That's it." "Not anymore."

It's ringing as if we're talking.

I put Sigi on Morphy's back.

"Well, well, well."

You're still scared, you're gonna give me a hug.

"I wonder if it'll take a little longer for you to start playing away from me"

"There's no rush. You'll be away one of these days. I'd rather not let you go."

"Is that so?

"I don't know about ancient dragons, but I guess"

Luca, who is familiar with warcraft, says. I guess there are more warcraft with that kind of habit.


Morphy was gently licking Sigi clinging to me.

Sigi sounds pleasant.

And I stroked Morphy gently.

A little bit of shigi, too, but I think I'm starting to get used to my surroundings.

Still, it's cowardly enough for me.

But I guess I'll be running around fine soon.

I look forward to the day and feel a little lonely.