Luca speculated that the people who summoned the Spirit King were children of the Demons and the Beasts.

Maybe Luca's guess is right.

So I thought I'd talk to the Spirit King again.

"Spirit King..."

"Pi pi pi pi"


Finished painting, the Spirit King spanned Fem's back.

Sigishoara rides over the head of its Spirit King.

Sigi is in a good mood grabbing the beautiful fresh snowy blue hair of the Spirit King.

"Here, Sigi. Don't grab your hair."



Sigi stops grabbing and strokes the Spirit King's head.

The Spirit King sounded in a good mood.

"... waffle"

Meanwhile, Fem is baffled.

Indoors, so Femme isn't who she is. It's about the size of a big dog with big eyes.

Still, it won't mean it's heavy. There's no big difference between Colette riding.

But he is a powerful spiritual king.

Femme was trembling at the temples. Still, the tail isn't caught in the crotch.

I'm sure it's the will as Demon Wolf King.

The same was true when Timishoara, but Fem is vulnerable to the strong.

I guess wild instincts are strong.

"Spirit King, let's do this one anyway"



I lift the Spirit King.

And I transferred it to Morphy's back for every sigi I rode overhead.


"What if!

Good because both the Spirit King and Morphy seem happy.

"... waffle"

Fem seems relieved too.

For more relief, I gently stroked Fem's head.

Then again, I ask the Spirit King.

"Spirit King. May I ask?


"Was there a beast's ear on what summoned the Spirit King?


"Were there horns on your head?


"What about the tail of the beast? Was it on?


I mean, the beast ears, horns, and the tail of the beast would have grown.

Normally, being a human race, we do not first describe the growing figure of the horn as a beast man.

I guess the Spirit King doesn't like to discern people because they are spirits.

"... you might want to get your information back from scratch"


Luca agreed with my crush.

Meanwhile, the Spirit King comes next to me with Morphy on his back.

And he grabbed my arm.

"What's up?

"Pi no."

"Holy shit!


The beasts other than Fem are in a good mood. They all rub their bodies against me.

Meanwhile, Fem, who was behind me, has been approached by the Spirit King and is feeling a little nervous again.

Cruz held such a fem.

Suddenly, Chernobyl rides over the fem.

"Fem is a good one. Cher's good, too."


"Ok, ok, ok, ok"


Both Cruz and Chernobyl may be trying to reassure Fem.

And Cruz began to stroke with me after he had held him.

Chernobyl is also fumbling over Fem's back.

Fem seems relieved to be held by Cruz, who may be more powerful than the Spirit King.

I leave Femme to Cruz and ask the Spirit King.

"Spirit King. I still need to ask you something."


"How was it determined that the Summoner was a man?

"... pi not"

The Spirit King showed a slightly contemplative glimmer.

"Speaking of which, right? I wonder how you distinguished men and women."

Luca gets a serious look.

It is difficult for all of us to distinguish between female males of other races.

Lions, chickens, and other things that can be seen by female males at a glance are those that have prominent characteristics.

Most animals, such as wolves, house cats and mice, do not know female males at a glance.

Need to be carefully observed.

The Spirit King, thinking, takes my hand and takes it to his own head.

"What's up?

"Soothing Desire."

I would say stroke it.

I gently stroked the Spirit King's head.


The Spirit King rang with a singularly high voice.

"Hair. Long and Short"

"Were you judged by the long, short hair?

"Affirmative. Spirit female. i.e. hair '

"So you were"

I had no idea.

I was surprised to see Luca, so Luca didn't seem to know either.

The spirits are human shapes. But it doesn't have genitals.

Where the genitals of the people are attached, both men and women are restless.

And the Spirit King's hair is long enough to likely be on the ground.

On the other hand, the hair of the upper spirits was short.

Luca asks in momentum.

"Spirit King. How long was the Summoner's hair?


Ringing, the Spirit King pointed to Cruz.

"Oh, it's me?

He was femming, Cruz was decent.

I ask the Spirit King.

"Does the Spirit King possibly think of Cruz as a man?


I'm a girl.

Cruz swelled his cheeks.

"Pi! 'Apologize'"

The Spirit King seems surprised. Ringing, apologizing in a nutshell.

"Nothing good. It's hard to tell."


The Spirit King was nodding yeah.

Cruz is so much so that sometimes people can be mistaken by boys as well.

There would be no choice if the Spirit King, a different race, made a mistake.

Luca says with a serious face.

"The information obtained is the Mage, son of an unknown demon tribe and beast man. I wonder if so."


You can tell me you've been able to get some pretty important information.