Continue snow removal as you magically twist away Jack Frost, who keeps coming together.

Occasionally Vivi also eliminated Jack Frost for one hassle of snow removal.

No, elimination is a bad way of saying it. You were back.

The Cruz are exploring the signs without changing their movements.

"We're getting rid of more and more snow!


Dare speak up and appeal to your enemies.

Are you just watching or even asking? I don't know that.

Just in case.

Where do we get closer, Jack Frost's offense gets more intense.

From there, you can see the intentions of whoever is manipulating Jack Frost.

The attack is more intense and correct.

"On the contrary, is there no possibility of a trap?

'If you were to use those hands, you wouldn't attack us from the beginning'

"Something like that."

I'll steer you in a different direction just a little bit more now, but it doesn't make sense.

After I go to the guide, all I need is for you to go back if there's nothing.

Jack Frost's pilot must have decided to pin us down.

"Don't let spiritual magic get more and more intense. Is this the right one? '

You don't want to be seen.

"I'm getting excited."

Cruz looks like he's having fun. It is quite a thing to afford.

"Still, that's a lot of Jack Frost"

'Right. Maybe he was succeeding in increasing the number'

I see. I'm glad it's not too late. '

"We've already defeated about thirty bodies alone."

Al's on his own. He's got twenty bodies down.

"That means there's only fifty Jack Frost who defeated him. I'm still here, and it's amazing. '

Sure, Cruz is right. Awesome.

Jack Frost sprung up on Cruz territory was much more than this one.

But the range was incomparable.

Therefore, the density is much darker this time.

Maybe the mastermind decided that the cause of the failure was to extend the scope too far.

"Maybe he was planning to increase it enough and then knock it off all at once"

"It's possible..."

'Do you think Luca is different?

'Right. I think you tried to increase the spiritual density and increase the spiritual stone purification efficiency...... What do you think of Vivi?

Luca asked Vivi, an expert in magic formation, for his opinion.

"Hmm. I can't say for sure that I don't understand the mechanism of spiritual power yet..."

"Can you think of spiritual power and magic as not so different?"

That's what I said to Vivi.

Inactivated magic is spiritual power.

There are differences, but there are a lot of similarities.

'Really? Well, I think it would be better to increase the density of the Spirit, but it would increase the purification efficiency.'

"If so, perhaps the Spirit can increase in acceleration."

"Sure, there's plenty of them."

Me and Vivi will welcome you back to Jack Frost while we clear the snow.

"It's time to melt the snow."

With snow removal, if the amount of snow accumulated decreases, it can be dissolved and removed with heat.

It won't even flood.

I melted the snow with flames as I continued the snow removal process.

Fly far away with gravitational magic as well.

The amount of water itself is no big deal, so if it falls on the snow, it will freeze right away.

After all, there was a magic formation.

"Can you analyze it?

"It's huge, so it'll take a little while."

"I'll take care of the snow, Vivi asks for analysis."

I'll take care of it.

I also ask Jack Frost to welcome me back while I continue snow removal by myself.

Nevertheless, the number is not decreasing.

I wonder how many Jack Frosts there are.

"Oh? Is this..."

Vivi snapped.

"What's up?"

I tried to ask Vivi, at that moment.

A few lava stones about three times larger than the fem appeared over the multiple.

And start the free fall.


I was surprised. So much so that I accidentally raised my voice.

It's a tremendous magic. No, is it spiritual magic?

Discussion is behind us for now.

I deploy a magic barrier.

We must also deploy to protect the Cruz.

The Cruz will be able to escape the predicament on their own.

Still, protecting party members from magic attacks is the duty of a magician.

- Gah, gah.

A giant lava stone hits the magic barrier.

That number, fifteen.

There is a considerable mass per piece. That's what free-fall comes down to.

It consumes a lot of magic to prevent it.

Timi tells me a story.

'Don't be amazing. Do you have any help?

'I don't need it. Thank you.'


We have to drop lava rocks in a position that doesn't hit the Cruz.

The dropping position is good around not breaking the enemy's magic formation.

As I adjusted, I was thinking of dropping it in the distance, and a shadow appeared from the snow.

He is deeply hooded and wears a thick coat.

I don't even know the difference between men and women.

At the same time as it appeared, it came at me. Very fast.

"Al, don't bluff!

Vivi screams.

Reading stories, gravitational magic of snow removal, magical barriers to prevent lava stones.

In addition, the cold magic for snowstorms is applied to everyone.

I've already developed a total of four kinds of magic.

If we had just deployed this much, the response would just be delayed.

While enemies, I have to admit it's a good time to attack.

The shadow flamed out of his palm as he approached rapidly.

Point that palm at me.

"is ohhhhhhhhhh!!

Femme growled. The shadow solidifies for a moment.

The flames fly in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

Morphy burst in with Vivi on there.

It is a mighty head thrust.

The shadow was blown away and rolled in a mess.