The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book
Episode Four: Brave Men from Item Collection Again
Even after obtaining the Grand Demon Wand, I used information that I could not have known without the Strategy Book to gather rare items to get around the Wang Capital.
For example, a hidden warehouse of bandits nesting in Wang Du.
I'm resting in the depths of a sewer like a maze, somewhere they believe no one will ever find me, so I haven't set a trap, and I haven't even set a watch.
I searched slowly for the money they had unlawfully saved.
I don't need it anymore when I got the Grand Magic Wand, but it doesn't make sense for me to have the Rank A Gear's Sage Wand or not the avant-garde position, but I also had the Rank A Gear's Blue Thunder Sword in my eyes.
But what I wanted most was a Rank A Gear Guardian Angel Ring.
Just being equipped has the effect of dramatically increasing [Defense]. For a class like the "Wizard" who can't wear armor, it would be an item of covetousness.
Plus, all attribute attacks, all state abnormality resistance. Plus the UP effect.
It was stated in the Strategy Book that this was here, so I came to take it.
For example, Azito, a slave trader, who engages in trafficking in human beings prohibited by national law.
This is the Town Gate Book.
In the corner of the warehouse, there was a warehouse guarded by a dozen or so disfigured batons, in addition to contraband, and a fortune to escape taxes.
The lack of great strength of the caution sticks was described in the Attack Book. He's a strong boss who jumps through and is a level 10 Warrior.
Due to the special abilities of the Great Demon Wand, it was easy to disable them together in Sleep II, which expanded the target of the effect.
We broke into the warehouse and got the Book of Town Gates you were looking for.
This is an item classified as the so-called "Magic Book".
Having reached a certain level, the Wizard can instantly master Lost Magic, which is not normally mastered.
Once someone has mastered it, its "Magic Book" is invaluable because it becomes blank.
In particular, the Town Gate Book is considered a special rare book.
The mastery level is 13, so I would have met the conditions at my leisure.
"Town Gate" is also the magic of opening a gate for instantaneous transfer to a large town with a population of 10,000 or more, which has been visited by the operator in the past.
It is not limited to the operator alone who can come and go through the gate, but it is possible for as many as three minutes, which is a person, object, or effect time.
Needless to say, how convenient magic is.
Besides, what I'm mastering is that even in this Laxta kingdom, there are at most a few of them, including me.
In the warehouse of slave traders, I also found a little something.
No, I was half anticipating...
Four young girls, bound and mocked, were imprisoned.
I don't know why.
Either way, I let them go before they sold me out.
"I don't know who it is, but thank you so much......!
They thanked each other with their mouths and looked up at this one with their badly moistened eyes.
... To be honest, I'm not very immune to women.
The college I grew up in was mostly a man's belt, and I've been immersed in magic drills all my life, so I don't have much opportunity to deal with women, and I have trouble with how to handle them.
If you were an obviously nasty woman, like Hilde or Misha, I wouldn't have to be aware of you instead...
When you can turn a straight favor, like right now, you're weakened.
Anyway, I tried to be unconscious and took it very seriously for granted.
I dropped them off because the escort said they were going to take me outside the warehouse district and all four of them were going to be able to go home alone later.
She asked me many times about her name and where she lived because she wanted to thank me properly, but I left her alone.
Whatever helped them out, I couldn't reveal it because what I fished for and received from the Town Gate Book was not legal.
I'm going to see one of them again at a later date - but now it was something else.
Even after that, I put my energy into collecting items in Wangdu.
It's only after what the bad guys have unlawfully accumulated.
Without any heartache, he stole as much as he could, sometimes hiding his face and magically robbing it.
I didn't give a damn about the items that would cause innocent people to be in trouble.
Still, this Laxtia was a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands, proportionally a large number of bad people and huge wealth accumulation. Even if they only targeted their hidden property, the results were too good.
I could get more than ten of them, including the Rank C gear "Magic Wand" that I wanted so much before. Well, even now.
Naturally, of the rare items you get, use them yourself.
Meanwhile, I want to redeem my useless stuff. Like "The Sword of Ethereal Thunder".
However, even Rank C items are rarely on the market, but if I sell rare items next time, I'm definitely suspicious.
If they trace how they got it, I'm the one in trouble.
Therefore, we will have to think about where to sell and who to deal with, and look at the time of year to make it smaller.
I tried to start by looking for a trusted merchant and being kind.
If you're a big store that can handle more expensive items, fine.
So I looked into the Strategy Book and made a few candidates.
He also decided to visit the Malm Chamber of Commerce, which specializes in magical martial arts, at a chamber of commerce competing for one or two in the Wang capital.
But at the store, I ran into people I didn't want to meet.
"Chip. I didn't even want to sell it here"
"Don't be short tempered, brave man. I'm just starting to look."
"Hilde's right. You rarely get it, so you're asking for it."
Three men, Eugene, Hilde and Misha, came out of the Malm Chamber of Commerce.
And I don't even know her name, a new face that looks like a woman (martial artist).
Probably got in my place, party member.
"" "Ah" "
And when I notice this face, Eugene and the others look uncomfortable.
They didn't like to talk, but I kind of feel like losing out on ignoring them. The only reason Eugene turned me away was because his eyes were a pit saver, and there was nowhere else to tell me why I had to round my back and fuck off.
Instead, I decided to talk to him in grandeur.
"Long time no see. Hey, what's up? Something to shop for?
"Chip. Ugh, Magnus. It doesn't matter anymore."
"So is that. Well, excuse me. I hope you find what you're looking for."
I even let the spare wind blow and tried to cross them.
That's when Misha said it.
"Wait, Eugene. Maybe Magnus would know? Suppose he's a wizard."
"Sure! Let's just ask, brave man."
"... if Hilde says so, I get it."
I said that with Eugene's attitude of disapproval.
He's still a kid with no delicacy. Pathetically, I haven't taken into account the face of Misha I suggested.
But something that has nothing to do with me.
"What's up? Do you have any questions for me?
"... I'm looking for a magic wand. They rarely put it up for sale, and if they put it on auction, they'd do at least a thousand gold coins. Magnus, don't you get it?
"There is."
Or if I go back to the inn, I keep it.
Not less than ten bottles.
"Seriously!? Can't you get it somehow, it!?
"You don't have a wizard at the party, do you?
"What I need is a nobleman named Domidas. We've been asked to move. - What do you care? It doesn't matter to you. Tell me where you are."
You're an idiot who really doesn't know how to ask for something...
When I was scared, Hilde thought the same thing.
When he changed his complexion sassy, he stepped forward to hide his arrogant Eugene and bowed his head deeply.
Open your mouth and you were throwing up all your vices and dislikes for me, that Hilde with Eugene in terms of obscenity! Turn your head on me!
He asked me to do it in a somber tone.
"Please, Mr. Magnus. I really need that wand. Would you mind telling me?
"... by chance, I have one. If you want it so bad, can I sell it to you?
"Seriously, you've never been useful before, Magnus!
Hilde sues the voice of a brave man who can't read the air, saying things he doesn't need to do again.
Oh, my God, at last try to kneel in front of me.
"Please sell it, Mr. Magnus. A thousand gold coins...... no, how about a thousand or two hundred?
"Can you give me that kind of money?
"Because it is necessary for the brave man's journey to conquer the Demon King. We in the Church will spare no assistance."
"I see..."
The "monks" of the Church talk about the title "The love of the divine spirit Tygon is infinite," but in fact, they take a lot of money from the poor, too, for things like "I'll cure you of your injuries with the magic of healing, so twenty gold coins," "The magic of detoxification is fifty gold coins," and "If you cure your illness, one hundred gold coins," etc.
If that's the case, don't hesitate.
"Okay. Let's hit our hands with a thousand and two hundred. I'll take it and we'll meet you at your liquor store."
"Thank you, Mr. Magnus!
When Hilde looked up, he had turned to a fragrant smile, usually only for the brave, that blossomed a great circle of luxury.
The inside would be humiliating and halawatta simmering back.
Until then, you want Rank C gear or something? It feels good.
Anyway, I went back to the Inn to take the Magic Wand.
In the meantime Hilde has also been in the Church of the King's Capital, apparently with promised gold.
No particular problem, trade was made.
It wasn't until after that that that something went wrong.
"Do you want me to tell you why we wanted the Magic Wand?
Eugene smiled lowly and said, "I'm not giving it back to you anymore," hugging my wand.
He has a nasty inclusive laugh with Nitanita up to Hilde next door.
"My client Domidas said he'd give me the Mithrill Sword in exchange for this wand! You know what? Auction Then five thousand gold coins won't go down, it's a precious sword!!
"Well, I'm glad."
I guess Eugene and the others thought that I would regret it and regret not selling it. Zamamillo and the inside. I guess he was laughing.
But instead of the fact that I'm not going to regret it at all, Eugene and Hilde were both obnoxious because they looked at me with a pitiful look on the contrary.
'Cause there's no way you're gonna regret it, is there?
"Mithrill Sword" is a Rank B gear, and I also have six (...) books (...).
More importantly, there is a Rank A Equipment "Sword of Ethereal Thunder".
I don't care about that.
"Bye. Good luck exorcising the Demon King."
"Oh, oh..."
I tried to walk away with the dumb Eugene on my ass who was still a pocan.
Then, only Misha stays that way and calls out.
"Don't you still feel like going home to the party?
I seriously don't know, I ask back.
Looks like you've already got a new companion, and I can't find any more value in your brave line Sama.
I waited for a response, but Misha didn't say anything more.
Just that regrettable side, it was impressive.
He fell into my eyes and looked like a stubborn child who couldn't be honest and make up with his friends.