The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book
Episode IX: VS Kentlion
According to the "Strategy Book" information, for this eight-story floor boss, that all-over silver golem is engraved with the producer's name.
The name is also known as Kentlion.
Level is 25.
It would mean one lower than the misrill golem that fought at the Devil's Castle in Del Bembro.
By contrast, my "level" is 36, so if you get alarmed that it's easy to win - etc., you'll get your feet shrunk.
That misrill golem looked special, but the golems made of precious and magical metals have terribly high "magic resistance". Yes, we are natural enemies to the Wizard.
In addition, all of the magical creatures (Guardians) in the group of ancient sites in Alabana are designed and manufactured to be extremely resistant to magic. This is a natural story, if the weapon used in advanced magical civilization had characteristics such as "vulnerable to magic", it would no longer be a deadly defect.
To this point, I was able to gently kick the gargoyles and iron golems I came across along the way, just to say that they were just as lightly crushed because there was a level difference of more than 20 from me.
However, the level difference from Kentlion is 11. And silver golem, a precious metal. Plus a special specification weapon designed during the Old Magic Empire.
There is something awesome about that "Magic Resistance". After looking at the status described in the Strategy Book, I doubted my eyes for a moment.
"But still, I dare say..."
I look around Ramsey, Crim, Ted, Rad and Mad one by one.
"- We can win!
Yes, don't be alarmed, if you're well prepared.
◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇
Heavy and light - pregnant with contradictions, Kentlion's unique footsteps approach.
Me and Crim heard it in the middle of a private street.
From the map that transcribed the Strategy Book, I chose the narrowest possible street in the nearby field, where I waited with Glaudius.
"Coming, Lord Crim."
"That's a warning. You don't have to, you have to listen to those footsteps. A, you'll see. Kuku, aren't you so worried about Boya?
Crim, who read my insides, laughed joyfully, "I can't believe it's been decades since someone else cared for me subtly". It seemed a little happy.
Crim is a Level 18 Monk. It's a high level that's not right there. As much as you worry about her, you'll usually be anxious about us first.
"Well, I'll say thank you. And don't worry. The training ground is creeping up like this, and I'm not old enough to spare my life and freak out now."
"Then fine. I'm glad you cared."
"Han! That's perfectly fine! And then let me tell you to stop caring."
"If you get it, what?
"Isn't it time to stop crimming 'Lord', Ma (...) G (...) Na (...) S (...)?"
"I understand. Crim."
We laughed at each other.
Exactly that's when Kentlion revealed his gigantic body.
Shitsuzu turns toward us and comes through the street.
On my signal, my partner rocked the giant again and came forward.
I dared to stand in the way of Kentlion as he advanced.
Kentlion can't avoid this and move on. This is why I chose a narrow street for my point of engagement. By the nature of Kentlion, you can't even bypass it until you destroy a private house standing on the left or right.
Using its thick, low-centred body design, Gladys let Kentorion's assault be taken softly, by perfection.
The power and power of the giant golem go hand in hand, but if there is a power battle, the armament will still rise to Gladys.
Plus me and Crim spell the arrow early and support it with reinforced magic.
"Muura a nu a wear pre nun......"
"God said. Blessed art thou, and..."
"Si tilt ren e nou genc tilt har......"
"God said." Thou art under my refuge, "he said..."
"Coon un i cal kel nu e sis......"
"God said." Everything that threatens you will pass in awe of my prestige and avoidance of thee "..."
Being a practitioner wizard, I have long had no trouble training spell chants. Because no matter how powerful (magic) you have and how powerful you are mastering magic, if you can't activate the spell tochily at the heart of it, you're powerless.
Crim followed my fast and steady chant without difficulty. Is it the same pragmatic thinking as me, the work of the year, or both? She's a totally dependable woman!
I let the magic of destruction reside in both fists of Gladys through enhanced magic, amplifying such statuses as "Power" and "Fastness".
Gladius MK-II, the Mithrill Golem, has the disadvantage of being extremely resistant to enemy attack, weakness, abnormal state magic, etc. compared to the first generation that was the Steel Golem, but on the other hand, it takes worse even my fortified magic.
However, it goes without saying that it is absolutely better to do it than to buff anything.
Meanwhile, enhanced magic such as "Brace", "Divine Armor", and "Divine Shield" used by "Monks" are limited to applications that enhance the target's defense and survival capabilities.
But for that matter, it's more effective than the Magic Armor or Magic Shield that the Wizard masters. Furthermore, it has exactly the same effect, not to mention that the subject would be a human or a total misrillic golem.
Even with the same fortified magic, that's all the difference in nature between what the Wizard and Monk use.
So me and Crim had a meeting in advance to figure out what enhanced magic would support Gladys.
After receiving Kentlion's advance, we stop each other and beat each other up by the heavyweight, Gladys, who was playing gutsy gutsy, but our buffs finally make us prevail.
Gladius' pair of fists are more effectively damaging than Kentorion's, the great sword wielded by the young man's upper body, and the maiden's upper body, a very spear.
This Gladius MK-II is also a battle golem forged using a synthetic item dropped from Del Bembro, The Soul of Two Fists.
"Twin Fists!
On my order, Gladys activates Skills.
Raising both fists that are unbalanced and gritty brings the heat to the right and the cold air to the left.
And slap your left and right fists at the same time.
With an unusual shock, a Kentlion giant a few more times larger than Gladys sways from the roots.
In order to fold up, I will prepare the attack magic.
But Kent Lion wasn't left alone either.
His upper body, which looked like an old man, raised his cane high. An electric shock from it jumps over Gladys' head and threatens me and Crim, the rear guards.
"Ugh, he's a pigsty, eh!
It's a scuffle wound for me at level 36, but Crim's damage was serious. The guts to let them strengthen there and prepare their healing magic for themselves are nothing short of just that.
The old man's upper body struck a song and tried to unleash the next thunderbolt on us.
"That's not wholesale for the Inquirer!
Ramsey put in the cross spear at the exact time.
No, lateral "spears" may not be right. Because he was using it because it was a crossbow.
Besides, Kentlion will never be able to handle it, sniping from upstairs in a private house.
That's a legendary adventurer. Ramsey's arm was certain, and he let it strike brilliantly at the cane set up by Kentlion.
The damage inflicted on the level 25 Silver Golem opponent was insignificant, but he was able to brace the aim of the lightning strike. We were after the rear guard. That's what got us out of the way.
Kentlion's upper body, looking like an old man, persisted in trying to target me and Crim, but each time Ramsey snipes a cane with a crossbow, deflects a thunderbolt, and disables it.
Crossbows are not inherently advantageous due to their structure.
However, I can reduce that firing interval by using Ramsey himself and what Ted and the other triplets had one cloak at a time in the rotation.
Yes, that's the way the triplets desperately pull a hard string and load a new arrow each while Ramsey sets up one of ours and fires for it.
Both the thunderbolt jamming of Kentlion by this sniper and the crossbow firing by the four-stage structure are maneuvers that I devised and which my experienced Ramsey gave me fine tuned advice and eventually worked out.
This thunderbolt is the most troublesome of Kentlion's methods of attack, a must have I prepared in anticipation of it.
That was brilliant, haunted by the diagram.
"You win!
I dare speak loud.
For a solo fight like the one we've been fighting, there's nowhere we need to do it, but I thought we needed it now. I thought I might be able to inspire my people.
At the same time, this is a message to Crim.
Winning is as good as winning anymore, so you just need to go into a safe private house and cast your magic from there,.
Sure, if one of us isn't out on the street, Kentlion loses sight of the intruder and runs away somewhere again (only Gladys of the Golem doesn't judge the Guardian to be the intruder).
Then I'm the only one with a high level to go out and fight.
Nonetheless, this mean brave woman did not let it go. "There are many things in the magic of Atashi and the other monks that would not work if they hadn't touched them," he said, not conceding to stand next to me.
Again, Crim laughed with her nose and rejected my far-flung exit proposal.
"If you win, there's no need for Atashi to wind his tail. Don't you?"
When he said that and slapped me on the back of his head, he put on Cure Paralysis, a necessary magic of contact.
Though the damage done to me by the lightning strike was insignificant, Crim carefully healed the very mild "paralysis" that was occurring.
With this strength, but full of charity, the devotional heels of the first book (...) objects (...) women (monks) I met, we no longer lose one in 10,000.
"Come on, you're up, Magnus!
"Oh. I got it."
I'll prepare the attack magic again.
That's not one or two shots, either, ready for a streak.
Thanks to the cooperation of everyone here, including Gladys, I can devote myself.
Come on, it's time to settle!
As much as Kentlion's "Magic Resistance" is high, it won't be true and true for Del Bembro, who was the highest monster in Level 40.
Then this magic of mine that beat that Demon Fist General doesn't make sense to smash Kentlion!
"Si tilt on nu el!"
I rarely fired Stone IV with Strike Attributes.
I didn't stop doing that until I crushed Kentlion.
"Yay! I won! I could really win!
"Magnus! You really are a hell of a wizard!!
"Take off your hat. Come on."
"No, thanks to everyone for winning so easily"
I returned my candid opinion of the admiration of the triplets who jumped out of the private house.
In the meantime, Klim was collecting a drop item, Ancient Alabana Refined Silver, which he couldn't help but pick up. I'll have to ask Bazelph to synthesize it again sometime.
Ramsey, on the other hand, was silent. He approached Kentlion, silently turned into a wreck, and stared.
"Let's go"
I lay my hand on that shoulder, and Ramsey responds with the utmost approval again.
And this old man never looked back on his former companion's revenge (Kentrion) again.