The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book
Episode Three: The Lady of Merchants, Hannah.
The waters of Kaziu, made up of nine large islands, have been booming maritime trade for a long time.
But more than that, he said, it was once a magical realm where the pirates rampant.
About a hundred years ago, things changed.
One great man, later called the "Pirate King of the South”, united all the pirates living in Kaziu, and the unobedient ones were destroyed.
That's how he built a substantial kingdom in Kaziu. A pirate kingdom.
No more enemies. Spring in my world. Naturally, pirate damage in Kaziu was thought to increase dramatically.
but the reality was the opposite.
“Pirate King of the South" has since forbidden his men to engage in delusional piracy. Only foreign ships can aim. If that also pays toll taxes and duties, it is strictly forbidden to hand.
Instead, he ordered his subordinates to encourage legitimate dealings.
As a result, Kaziu, who was a pirate heaven, became a paradise for merchants.
The "Pirate King of the South" dyed it with the blood of enemies who opposed the sea of Kaziu to create a peaceful and abundant maritime trade area on it.
Sometimes the book of things says, "" The Pirate King of the South "dreamed of a peaceful kaziu from a young age and dared to colour that life with death after death," or "He was simply a cunning and greedy man. In fact, after he became virtually king, he no longer moved a finger, because he was paying huge tax revenues in his nostalgia".
No one can deny it, that he was a mysterious figure, except for the great achievements he made.
Shortly before his death, the "Pirate King of the South" divided each of the nine islands floating in Kaziu among the best of his sons as a territory.
It is the cornerstone of today's Union of the Southern Islands.
Each of the nine sons operates a great chamber of commerce, inherited by his descendants and continues to this day.
Collectively, these nine chambers of commerce are referred to in Kaziu as the "Federation”.
Until now, the “Coalition" has certainly cooperated with each other, both on the face and on the back, while at the same time being commercial rivals.
We were making up for each other's weak parts and capitalizing on each other's strengths.
Yes, for the last hundred years...
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"The Azzurri Chamber of Commerce is the corner of its“ League "
I'll explain to Chocolate.
It was on the deck of the Maria of Hope, which once invited them, shortly after they helped the Ladies Hannah who had been attacked.
Aria is listening together, but this one just doesn't spare the preview.
And Captain Barbus jumped the joke and laughed luxuriously.
You know, the way they say "League” is dirty. "
In front of his wife, the leader of the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. Hannah kicked Barbus in the face,
"Captain Barbus is right. The financial power and influence of the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce are among the weakest of the" confederations ”. But that's because generations of party leaders have been admonishing us about agonizing business."
With the baby in his arms, he turned his eyes as if he could see even with his enemies.
"That's rude."
and Captain Barbus immediately, without hesitation, apologizes.
Thank you. It seemed like you made a deliberate fool of yourself to ascertain Madame's temperament and heart. It is Otona's negotiating art.
"But how could Hannah, the party leader's wife, imitate being fled from Nerf Island? Besides, on the feathers being driven around by people who would be subordinates?
Aria asks for direct access.
In fact, I had my doubts there, too.
Hannah also explains that when she looks full of worry, one by one.
"That's... because my husband was poisoned today... eh"
"Oh, my God, Lord Felix!?
I didn't think so, and in the presence of a large crowd of eyes, I was about to spread the offensive book to make sure.
Felix, the leader of the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce, is also mentioned in the "List of Important People" section of the Strategy Book, just in that amount.
It seems that you are committed to honest business, such that there are no lies or falsehoods in Madame's words and the well-being of your customers is at the same time desired.
In the plan sheet in my head, someone was fine, so I needed the help of the leader of the “League" party.
So with the Strategy Book, I checked the information and personality of the nine party leaders and said it was Felix of the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce who set up the White Wings arrow.
"It's not calm with poisoning..."
"Yes...... looking back, there were signs...... But I can't believe this is happening..."
Mrs. Hannah biting her teeth.
My husband has been murdered, and he really will want to cry out, but he is struggling.
The weight of the baby in her arms makes her a temperamental mother.
"Well, do you mind if I let you hear the omen...?
It may be harsh to make her talk to her, who has just lost her husband.
But I couldn't help but be sure.
Mrs. Hannah still answered with a slight uplift in her voice.
"There is a man named Yotel. He has served the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce for a long time, and my husband has been in charge for three years. But lately, my husband and I have been having a bad time and I have seen a lot of arguments. I was wondering if I was okay, but my husband just said, 'It's a commercial opinion, it's fine because I'm just a little conflicted' and 'To the extent that my opinions are a little different, if I keep people away, no one will be around'..."
I see, a personable and splendid attitude.
"But the man named Yotel, cowardly, betrayed and poisoned your husband?
"Yes...... I was invited to lunch by Yotel, who offered to settle, and my husband, who believed, left and stayed..."
Lady mourns that she did not see him in death.
Also, faithful sailors, who have followed her, complain orally.
"We've been talking about your husband."
"So I was eating meshi with Yotel's fucking yarrows and his men, but when I thought my husband suddenly threw up blood, to someone who wouldn't leave right away..."
"He cunningly only poisoned his husband's plate..."
"If it was also served on the plates of the goodies, someone might have noticed it first!
"No, we should have taken the lead and poisoned your husband's plate. Ah."
"Silly Yarrow! If you did that, your husband would have scolded you!? It's not like you're saying you don't trust Yotel."
"I should have been scolded! It's a hundred million times better than your husband's death!
"... right... right..."
"Ugh, sir"
Even though Mrs. Hannah is desperate to endure, they are more methodical.
That would mean that Felix was the admirable leader of the party.
"We went mad and the Yotels killed us. Come on."
"But the yotel at the heart escaped me..."
"That's where my head got cold"
"First, I rushed back to make sure your wife and I were safe."
And it was precisely when I rescued the lady in the middle of the raid and took off Nerf Island, surrounded by a fleet of Yotels.
Sounds like such a backdrop.
It was an impossible story to forbid sympathy.
On the other hand, the reasons why Felix's death was not written in the Strategy Book were also confirmed.
The contents of the "Strategy Book" are rewritten to the latest for each sunrise. If you have been poisoned at noon today, it is also natural that that information is not reflected. Until then when it comes to bad luck......
"I'm sure we're Yotel, but we don't have proof..."
"You can't sue the Kaziu Marine Police (Cariostro)."
"Just like this, now I know when your wife and I might be assassinated..."
"It's like the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce has been taken over by Yotel."
"Even the ones who were in love with her husband's personality and business talent, most of them weren't able to follow their wives or their babies."
"The Yotel bastards, too, were definitely just business talent. In order not to crush the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce like this, all of them think they should follow Yotel, no matter what the heart."
"As a matter of fact, when the Chamber of Commerce is gone, it will be a meal."
"Still, we're the only ones here who can't abandon your wife and me."
"That's why I had to dump Nerf Island, even though I'm willing to go..."
They all sink in unison.
That is why Mrs Hannah must be increasingly resolute.
What I really want to mourn and grieve for is whether she is my wife.
This is what it hurts to watch.
To Mrs. Hannah and the others.
"I have a suggestion for you."
And Aria suddenly said it out.
Gather your sights simultaneously on what the ladies are up to.
Aria made a conscious and bright look to encourage them,
"I am the daughter of Laxta merchant Malm, my name is Aria"
"Well! When it comes to the Malm Chamber of Commerce, isn't it a big store that contends for one or two even in Laxta? We know each other well."
"Thank you! So, this time, we decided to start doing business on Nerf Island. If you don't mind, why don't we work together? Of course, Mr. Magnus' strength is what you just saw, so I will never forgive you for assassinating your wives. And we have goods and manpower. You all have the credit and know-how on the island cultivated at the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce. Don't you think it's a good idea for each other?
"It's a story I don't even wish for, Mr. Aria!
"Your wife is right. We can't go anyway."
"Regards, Aria"
"Welcome, gentlemen."
Hannah bows her head deeply and Aria also bows back.
Then Aria turned to me,
"I'm glad that's it, isn't it?
"Oh. If Aria hadn't mentioned it, she'd have just suggested it from me"
Heartlessness. I feel comfortable being able to make sense of my thoughts without saying anything.
The plan table in my head has gone a little crazy, but still this is as far as I can fix it.
As planned, we make rough money on Nerf Island.
Trying to crush the Yotels in the process - something like that would be nothing but trivial, wouldn't it?