The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book
Episode XV: League Leaders
The day after that, I was attacked.
Before the meeting started, there were actually two more party leaders who wanted to see me inside.
Goriki, leader of the Stainless Steel Chamber of Commerce on Crom Island, was a shady epic of a tough body.
Georg Ong likewise wants to see me inside and ask about my belly buildup, or show interest in my business talent (even though it's because I rely on the (Strategy Book) and Aria), that's just the leader of the Great Chamber of Commerce.
But he was essentially a man who didn't like anything far-fetched or the exploration of his belly.
We went into business immediately.
There are only deposits in the islands of Kaziu on Krom.
For the record, I hear that criminals arrested by the Marine Police (Cariostro) will go through trial and be forced to work in the mines here until the end of their sentences (apart from life sentences). For one theory, it's harder than dying. Yotel, which planned the takeover of the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce, as well as a flavor of Captain Mangan, would still be gasping for heavy labor here.
Iron ore, zinc, tin, etc. are mainly produced on Chromium Island, but the unique minerals of this island called Chromium Mine can also be harvested.
But this Chromium Mine. It resembles silver, seems defective, and circulates at comparatively low prices.
I explained to Goriki how wasteful that is and how useful the Chromium Mine is depending on the processing specifications (well, by way of example, the Strategy Book knowledge).
"Oh, my God, such a story! That's right, Lord Wizard, you are an expert!
The goalie with the shady waist was all excited at this time.
I'm very satisfied, too. As far as I am concerned, I do not wish to improve the status of the wizard, nor do I wish for the same praise or the kind of dialogue he has now.
When I exchanged strong handshakes with the leader of the Stainless Steel Chamber of Commerce, I promised to move forward with the joint venture plan. Including stories about processing methods, the details of which broke up at a later date when I visited Chrome Island.
Goriki was followed by a visit by the leader of the Llanoo Chamber of Commerce, which has the island of Baronbo as its territory.
An old man by the name of Nobe, he had the impression that thanks to his blood muscles, he was only able to get to the head of the party, a decoration of all things.
In fact, the discussions with me were executed between the two sides he brought in.
The islands of Kaziu are precisely exotic, each with a distinctive natural environment, but the island of Barombo is native to "bamboo".
According to the book of things, it is not uncommon in the further east of the eastern continent, but around here - the northern continent with Laxta and Arabana and the Kaziu waters - only the island of Barombo is home to bamboo forests.
I told them that I wanted to buy the bamboo in bulk and on a regular basis.
Then the neighbors of Nobe were just the two of them, selling in.
"That's right, your eyes are high! Yeah, yeah, on Barombo Island, we use the properties of" bamboo "and use them for a variety of applications. For example -"
"Let me study the price too -"
He gave a very honest explanation of the various uses of the former. He described the unique convenience of "bamboo" in such detail that the value of the product was not even mentioned in the Strategy Book.
The latter, however, was plugged with a fairly high price.
If me or Aria on the table is just a child, I guess I'm surprised.
Then Aria responds with a forged iron wall sales smile.
"What we at the Malm Chamber of Commerce are focusing on is its high level of reproduction and growth. In fact, if all the Islanders of Barombo have no choice between logging and cutting, they will be nowhere to go about managing bamboo groves and disposing of the excess (bamboo) from logging, right?
"Oh, that's..."
"I can't deny that there is such a side to it..."
"Then I'm going to talk to the Llanoo Chamber of Commerce, stepping on the assumption that it's going to be relatively inexpensive to purchase large quantities of wood."
The cost of shipping is not enough, but we with Town Gate can almost ignore it.
"Sure, it's rare around here, but there's no particular use that can't be substituted with other wood. If the price isn't much different from other wood, we won't have to buy it separately."
Normally, few men would smile at beautiful girls and not let them up.
but the neighbors who tried to see at their feet were rather pale at Aria's gall power to say back Bassari with a soft smile.
"Wow, I get it"
"I will study more......"
"So please consider purchasing"
"Ha ha... a pretty face, tough lady..."
Two of the reflections offer to change the price.
Aria sees it as appropriate, and a business meeting is concluded.
While the two were smiling at each other, it was striking that the key party leader had been sipping tea for a long time. It really seems like the name "Party Leader" is just a figurine.
Whatever this is, we got to know six of the League's nine party leaders before the meeting.
All three remaining are party leaders of the Grand Chamber of Commerce, considered to be the top three in the Federation.
We're like the Malm Chamber of Commerce. What, you're not interested?
◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇
The day of the “League” Party Leadership Conference came.
Me, Aria, and Chocolat will be leaving early in the morning, accompanied by Mrs. Hannah.
The conference hall is the Chamber of Commerce on the island of Montserra. It takes place in the widest trading room there.
Just before the meeting, there was trouble.
I just made Aria and Chocolate wait in the hall for a break, me and Mrs. Hannah went to the reception and asked an employee of the Sentney Chamber of Commerce for guidance.
As soon as Mrs. Named,
"The Azzurri Chamber of Commerce? Stranger woman is frigid. Where did Felix's Qing Er Cai go?
Later, in his middle-aged life, he was made fun of in a magnificent tone.
Sounds good when it comes to the right width, but he was an obese guy with a sticking out of his belly.
You look pale and strangely blue and white.
You drown in luxury, you have plenty of luxury, and your guts are probably unhealthy.
Heading into such a middle age, Mrs. Hannah bowed in a courteous manner, by contrast.
"We're out of time, Master Golmes. I'm Hannah, Felix's wife."
"Shabby? Have I ever met you?
"Yes. Once again last year, I asked to say hello to the birth of my son along with my husband"
"I don't know! More than that, where's Felix's Aoyagi?
"… My husband was in the other world the other day"
The wound in her heart, which would not have healed yet, was still answered by the lady to her temperament.
"Oh, I did. He was betrayed by a rat-like warden, wasn't he?
Golmes mocked.
I know there's no way Felix could have been present from the start, and I guess he made fun of it.
Lower seed.
Don't let me learn how it's important for a man like this to be lucky enough to be born into a good house because he's the second leader of the Jeannap Chamber of Commerce - the "League”. Ironic, though.
Mrs. Hannah's greeting was just off, and I didn't want her to get hurt any more, so I stepped forward.
"I see you first, Lord Gormes. May I say hello, too?
"I don't need it, young monk. Daimyo, I can imagine. You're a frightening curser who took in the widow of the Azzurri Chamber of Commerce and started some suspicious business, aren't you?
"Allow me to correct you in the honor of Madame, but Lord Hannah is a woman like Jeong-sook's sample. And then, I'm a wizard. I'm not a curser."
"Hum! Both would be the same thing!
Golmes shook her belly and smiled.
... this kind of response, you got it in Alabana too.
Everyone has no idea what to say. In other words, if your intelligence is inferior and you don't have any upbringing, you probably won't be able to tell the wizard, the curse or the fortune teller.
Scary, I have to be a teacher on the other hand.
"Okay, curser?
And Golmes said as he followed my chest with his index finger.
"You're in suspicious business across the islands of Kaziu, aren't you? Well, it would have been easy to deceive the bonkers who were just named party leaders. But I don't think so, do I? Even if I come to Evel Island, I won't be willing to do business with you, know it's a waste of my legs!
"Advice hurts. And separate (...) structures (...)"
"Hey, what no!?
"Evel Island, your territory, has nothing to see. No matter how I considered it, I didn't know what the business idea was."
"Gu, gu, gu, fool you!
"No, it's more respectable. The Jeannap Chamber of Commerce rose to second place in Kaziu on an island with no such distinctive features or resources. The hard work and creative ingenuity of my ancestors are deceived. It's just a feat. And you keep that position, your men are pretty good, too."
If you ask me to build friendship, it's something I don't even wish for.
But even if they say they won't make a deal, unlike the chambers of commerce that hold other islands as their territory, their opponents don't have another problem.
Instead, isn't it the Jeannap Chamber of Commerce who eventually gets in trouble?
The lack of resources to see on Evel Island would mean that they are a pure deal and make huge profits.
And now, for example, only the "rubber sap" to be exported to Laxta will all be on track for processing and production on the main island of Nerf, and sales of the "rubber" products will begin.
If the Kaziu people realise its convenience, demand will explode across the region.
Is the Jeannap Chamber of Commerce not going to come and buy it then?
No, it's a foresightless thing.
"Thank you for your advice, Lord Gormes."
"Hey, what, the young monk is busy!
"It's pathetic for you, the leader of the party, to pull your legs too far." A figurine is a figurine, and it's still less profitable if you're an adult. "
"Ki, you! If you're a big boy, keep it up! May I remind you that it is the direct line of the great Pirate King!
Golmes was bright red in the face and shook up his fist.
I don't think I've ever had a fight, but I think it's likely that I've beaten up my men and people in a weak position.
It's the work of those who don't think about fighting back, but only about the amount of pain they inflict on their opponents.
And he was about to swing that fist down at me.
"Keep it that way, Lord Gormes."
All of a sudden, there was a soft voice.
If the product is good, this is exactly the tone of the sample.
As soon as Golmes overheard it, he froze with his fist swung up outfit.
I learn to be interested and see the Lord of Voices.
Is he around fifty years old? A gentleman who seemed moderate stood nicely. A carefully groomed nose beard also promotes a gentle look.
"This is, Lord Petre. When did you get here?
"Hahaha, the ocean is a little rough, we just made it to the meeting."
"That was a disaster!
Golmes, with that hand that was fisting, turned, made a rub and leaned over to the gentleman.
"Lord Petre... are you the leader of the Kincory Chamber of Commerce"
"Yeah, that's right."
Mrs. Hannah will hammer my confirmation.
The Kincory Chamber of Commerce is the corner of the "Coalition” with Domon Island in its territory.
No, should I call it the lead? It is a major chamber of commerce with the greatest power in Kaziu.
The Jeannap Chamber of Commerce in Golmes has the force to go on, and its reality is never between rivals or anything else.
If Petre, like someone earlier, declared to Golmes, "I'm not willing to do business with you," the Jeannap Chamber of Commerce would lose its biggest customer and the business would cease to stand.
If so, a man as magnificent as Golmes goes badly against Petru.
The peatle glanced at me and Mrs. Hannah and just said, "You can go now," and closed one eye. As soon as possible, his face, which seems warm, is so full of respect.
A charming person who deserves to be the first leader of the Chamber of Commerce in the Federation.
Me and Mrs. Hannah, we need your help with a troublesome situation, and we'll thank you.
Then I decided to quit the spot, sweet on his recommendation.
Meanwhile, Golmes looked back at us and glanced, "Remember that later!" All the time, I find out.
But you look the worst as you keep rubbing your hands against Petre. You now.