The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book
Episode Twenty: The VS Law's Keeper Dog (Chocolate Perspective)
The eagle - Servant's chocolate - was clear.
To no other Magnus, "Lord Lorens' opponent can only be left to you. Can you ask for it?" Because he was ordered.
Usually I wonder how much the eagle says' Let me serve you! 'Even if you ask, Master Magnus doesn't look very good.
They seem to be resistant to ordering eagles or using cockroaches.
He's very kind, Master Magnus.
But not today.
Master Magnus clearly relied on the eagle.
You do it without killing Master Lorens, because it's the only thing the eagle can do.
It's not the usual pattern for Magnus to root for a weasel that sticks around like a puppy and orders me to do a texty job, is it?
Can we not help but understand this!
But I still fear when it comes to it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lady Lorens has been slaughtered silently with an inexplicable sword.
I don't like this silence. I'm going to tremble.
If you could give me more "Ohhhhh" or something to hang up on, I'd say, 'Ah. You're desperate over there, too,' I know, and I can calm the eagle.
Lawrence's attitude is like, "You're not even an obstacle, are you? He says," The eagle is freaking out inside.
So at first we go in from defense!
Lady Lorens releases a sharp slaughter once, twice, or three times, so the eagle is dedicated to avoiding it anyway, whilst saying 'hi-ha', 'he-ha', 'ah-ha' or something on the inside.
Lawrence is nicknamed "The Guardian Dog of the Law," but he's really like walking in his clothes seriously.
"If you don't feel comfortable getting caught, you can't forgive me, can you?" All the time, they're swinging a blade that's not cool.
Normally, if poor girls like eagles were opponents, wouldn't you be more helpful?
I've been hit so quietly just now, I'm too scared?
That's what the eagle thought, but it was a bit of a mistake.
Lady Lorens still seemed to give us a break.
He watched the eagle's body and leg twitch succeed in dodging many times, turning his sword moves into something even sharper.
For the first time, Lady Lorens, who has always been silent, makes a quiet call, like a squeezed breath.
As soon as I got there, a hell of a speed slaughter approached me with a two-machete, a eagle.
The thickening muscle from the right diagonal top and the thickening muscle from the left diagonal bottom are so fast that they illusion when attacked at the same time.
It's a skill called "Fangslash".
Master Lorens says he's a high level "swordsman".
Master Magnus introduced himself to the eagle and told me beforehand -
"It's a special category within the avant-garde position. I can only equip swords, and I'm slightly worse at dealing with monsters. Just for that matter, I can master a wide variety of" skills "related to swords. A particularly good group of 'skills' for interpersonal combat. Maybe it's the right job title for a" guard dog of the law ”with a strong will to fight evil in the world of men."
"That's Master Magnus! You're in good knowledge!
"No, it's not my handle. It's simply a takeover and sale of the Strategy Book."
"That's Master Magnus! That's even what the Strategy Book says!
"For you, whatever it is, I'm just what it is..."
- Through a heartwarming conversation, you drew the attention of the eagle (I knew it was sweet!).
So I assumed that Lawrence would naturally use this "Fangslash", which is masterable at Swordsman Level 11 as well. If it was my first look, I would have been surprised, but the preview is perfect. Chocolate is a graceful swan type with feet full of water.
The eagle builds up exactly the momentum of tearing, as well as flapping the belly of Lawrence's sword from the top diagonal right to the side with his back fist.
It's just an illusorily fast slaughter, and it's not really going to slash you with two swords, so you can just intercept one of them and deal with the other at the same time. The point is, it's important if you can handle it calmly.
Along with Lord Lorens' sharper exhalation earlier, he has used new [Swordsman] skills.
This is a major move that releases a dozen high-speed spikes at a time.
This is a Thrust Rush, masterable at Swordsman Level 21.
It's a horrible swordsman skill that could decide a battle in an instant, but the eagle is still just a preview.
This grand move cannot be used without stopping your legs. So don't panic and make a scene, it's important to get away with backsteps.
It's important, but here the eagles have also decided to show their spirit of offense. It was like a low-orbit tackle crawling on the ground, and we went to prune Lawrence's stopped leg!
You can't beat Master Lorens if you just protect him. I can't praise Master Magnus.
But Lawrence stopped the Thrust Rush, which was supposed to release more than a dozen spikes at a time, with about four shots.
The eagle said, 'What is it!?' And the inner wow, but I immediately remembered Magnus' prior advice.
"It seems that Feint, a skill that Swordsman can acquire at Level 1, is considered fundamental and profound. A high level swordsman can combine with other 'skills'. Be careful."
That's the word. Of course, it was firmly engraved on the eagle's chest.
In other words, Master Lorens is a trap that, by combining "Thrust Rush" with "Feint", he didn't actually stop that much, considering his legs had stopped.
Besides, the eagle got caught up in it. I'm sure you were in too much of a hurry for your kung fu, but most importantly, it's a difference in your combat experience (Xun).
The eagle, which was on a low-orbit tackle, gets kicked up.
This eagle (the body of) is made by collecting excerpts of ancient magic empire technology, but because it weighs lightly, it floats lightly. My legs are off the ground.
Lady Lorens will tap into the Power Slash.
It's a massive sword with an emphasis on the power of a blow, but it's a threat to the eagle today, who hasn't reached the ground.
But from earlier on, this guy, you're really intolerant! Ghost! Cold blooded man!
Poor eagle with tears and all you can do is scream......
There's Lord Magnus' reliable voice!
By throwing an important "Great Demon Wand" at Lawrence, he made Lawrence take it with his sword and stop the "Power Slash" on the eagle.
'Thank you, Master Magnus! This life saved, I dedicate my life!
"... it's too clear, Chocolate. You try to show me the good stuff right away. Bad habit."
I was scolded (ahem).
"You just have to be more discreet. It's a dedicated defense for a while. Buff it."
'Okay, Master Magnus!
Master Magnus is a magnificent chant, and we invite you to wasp the rising power (Strength) and quickness (Quickness).
Woohoo! I feel the love of Master Magnus!
This is what happened to Chocolate, isn't it?
It's a simple "status" difference, right?
Come on, Lady Lorens!
"Falcon Blade" or "Fast Move" or "Beaupal Slash" but everything is here.
Even the Phantom Blade, which you can master at level 23, is superior!
Oh, I don't like it!
Lady Lorens suddenly put her sword aside and began to take a deep breath.
Then, what do you think? Doesn't the light gather all over you?
"Coming! Flashblades!
Master Magnus has warned you.
"Flashblade" is a skill that grants a "Light Attribute" to sword attacks.
With 30 Levels, a complete physical attack is harder to get through, but everyone in the avant-garde position says they learn these skills to fight.
By the way, this [flashblade], he says, has a mastery level of 27.
What Mr. Lorens at level 23 is mastering isn't a good calculation, is it?
Mastering high level skills that you shouldn't be able to - they call that "genius"!
Lady Lorens has finally released the Flash Blade.
Literally, it's an invisible protruding spike attack.
Without preliminary knowledge, the eagle would surely have been done.
But the eagle has the advice of Master Magnus!
I have the power of love!
'So you can't lose!!
Once again, the eagle hit a low-orbit tackle.
It's not like there's no sexual punishment either. Now it's as Magnus operated.
"Flashblade" is a terribly fast attack, but it needs hoarding motion, so we know it's coming now. And since it's a thrust move, it's possible to crush the Flash Blade before it accelerates by daring to step forward and make a thrust attack.
And then we're talking about how smart we can move this one too, if we don't lose.
This is Magnus' Strength and Quickness for that matter!
And exactly as the operation went, the eagle succeeded in scratching Lawrence's "Flash Blade" and, conversely, smashing a low-orbit tackle.
I never lost a hit and blew Master Lorens away as it was.
We rushed to retrieve the "Spirit of Decrimination and Abandonment" that fell out of Lawrence's hands due to the shock.
"Yay! I won! '
I get tears in my eyes by accident.
Of course, I don't need to tell you that it's a happy tear.
The eagle poked a cut of his sword at Lawrence's throat, falling on his back, as he cared for the "ruthless maid of beauty".