The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book

Lesson 28: Sirens of the Divine Spirit of Kaihara

Natural caves scraped and rectified, down stairs.

We walk down that path to the sea food sinus of the Siren of the Spirit.

Besides me, I'm a member of Aria, Chocolate, Lorens, Pauli and Nevis.

"I've never seen you meet a weasel, a god spirit!

"Shit, if you're Mr. Chocolate. Usually we all do."

And maybe two of the women.

Rather than feeling like an excursion, I guess it's because if you're not talking, you can't get too much air.

Lorens was an oligarchy man with a ring to me, and Pauli was now holding back with a contemplative face. I usually don't talk as lightly as I do. And in the way "Cuzio" looks, I just have to hold my mouth with the faithful Nevis.

As a result, if Aria and Chocolat weren't at least bickering, even the dark, heavy atmosphere in the cave would make them more and more breathless.

Yes, the sacred and still air filled the cave was heavily painful and papery.

I'm a man with no connection to piety, but still, every step down the stairs makes me feel tight.

And we arrived at the seat of the Divine Spirit Siren.

Hit the sea food sinus leading to the sea.

At the same time, the stairs we came down, and the scaffolding is broken even if we rendezvous here. If you look at the tip of your foot, the sea water is full and you can't imagine how deep it is.

The smell of tide rushes through the nasal cavity.

In such a place, when Pauli moved forward, he called.

"It's a siren! My mother, the god of the sea! Show yourself to us who worshipped before you!

There was an immediate response.

"You don't have to be afraid that way, Pauli. Long time no see."

A quiet tone, while maintaining majesty. A gracious voice full of charity.

When I thought I heard that, the siren appeared more than in the sea.

The figure of a mermaid carrying a trident spear, as inherited.

But far more beautiful than you can hear, just divine, that face.

And I guess it still means being paranormal. The siren stayed perfectly at one point in the air as it jumped out of the sea.

As she floated, she looked at us like a Mercy Mother under her eyes.

"I'm honored you remember me."

Pauli looked up at the siren and said as if he were a boy, reddishing his cheeks (Nevis watched the state of it beside him, making it seem complicated).

"Of course, I remember. Because we, the Spirit, have more memories than we used to have in ancient times."

The siren slowly left and right her neck, like nothing.

I can't forget anything because that seems like a constant effort... Well, I guess what makes me think so is that the intrusion is a measure of a person's body, which is fine for the divine spirits.

Paul continues to complain while he is clearly happy with the words of the siren.

"I'd love to talk to you about what I'm going to do, but let me start by putting our case to rest. There are two of them."

Gradually, get back on track, or get out of the way and clap your shoulders, Paulie.

Who the hell are you two?

"I know, Pauli. Finally, Andres' heir was born."

The siren smiled delightfully again.

It should be noted that Andres in this case is not the name of this island, but the real name of the "Pirate King of the South”.

"Can I see your face a lot?

"Yes, Master Siren. My name is Lorens."

Its successor came up with a name, as well as a line next to Pauli.

"It's certainly his blood muscle. But heh, you don't look like Andres at all. You're much more handsome."

"... I'm afraid"

Lorens suffers from a reaction to a god spirit who also uses unexpectedly human stinking humor.

I am familiar with the inheritance that this siren is a special human temperament, even in the divine spirit, but is it inevitable that I would be confused if I had to deal with it?

Meanwhile, the siren suddenly changed her face.

I tell you with a transparent expression, worthy of the divine Spirit.

"It was something that I, the Spiritual One, would never know if the Successor of Andres would truly appear one day after fulfillment. It finally showed up, and I'm sure Andres would want it too."

"... I'm honestly not sure I'm going to succeed the Pirate King the way he wants me to. I didn't earn my own coins."

"It's okay, Lorens. What Andres wanted was for 'a powerful individual' to appear in Kaziu again, or for his descendants to be able to unite unanimously. You are undoubtedly the successor that Andres wanted."

"... I'm afraid"

Lorens, whose mouth is not masterful, repeats his reply without art.

But the siren smiles (Pauli hallucinating beside him when he sees it), just saying that such a rustic young man is also preferable.

"Now, Lorens - let's acknowledge you as Andres' successor in this siren's 'Eye'. Take it."

The siren gently waved a trident spear.

Occasionally, three treasures jump out of the sea.

"The Pirate King's Testimony" is an old gold coin with no change of philosophy whatsoever.

The Journal of the Pirate King makes you feel old.

"Tsunami Sword" with a bright blue body.

Everything, despite coming out of the sea, was not at all wet, and in front of Lorens, stayed in the universe with pittance.

"Knowledge of this diary and the sword's authority. Always help Kaziu's future."

Lorens respectfully received The Pirate King's Diary and The Tsunami Sword.

But I don't have a hand in the Certificate. As promised to the leaders of the “League” party.

"What's up, Lorens?

"I want you to take this" Pirate King's Testimony, "Siren the Divine Spirit."

"Well. Is that good?

"Instead of the“ Pirate King ”appearance,"

"... ok. Let's sweeten that word."

As the siren waves the trident spear again, the Pirate King's Testimony flies into space to her chest.

When the siren takes it with one hand, it looks terribly important.

I said that look on her face as Pauli stared.

"In inheritance... you were talking about a successor who would eventually show up and love, as you once did with" The Pirate King "..."

"Heh heh, that's exactly what you call a 'tail on'."

The siren also humored herself, making use of the figure of a mermaid and letting her own tail swing in a perfect way.

"Are you saying it was only the creation of future generations... Huh?

"In the first place, me and Andres weren't in love."

Oh, my God, was that already creative from there?

"So why are you imitating the Pirate King like a tomb guard?

Pauli asked this nervous figure a fat man in the face like he had already been struck by a shock.

"That's because Andres was like a child to me."


"I lifted up where the ship was wrecked and thrown into the sea, just like Paul. However, unlike Pauli, Andres was only a child, and that was the only one who made it to the rescue. So I raised her till she was alone."

Young Andres, educated in divine spirits' brilliance.

It was half inevitable that he would later become the Pirate King.

"It's just that there was something about that kid that looked good. It would be better if you bragged that you were in love than me and my mother and son, wouldn't it? So that's what happened."

"... a shocking fact"

Pauli relaxed and dropped his shoulder.

"I thought it was a mythical magnificent romance, but I don't have dreams, so sooo..."

For some reason it was stuck to the chocolate.

The siren tells her how sorry she is.

"I love all men equally. Yes, it's equal."

Man cannot live without salt and water.

Therefore the sea that grows both of them will still be the symbol of the Mother of Mercy.

"But isn't that what your romantic feelings are all about?

"You're right. Only this person is special to me, and I want this person to think of me as special - because that's what it is."

Aria answers Siren's query.

Staring at my face.

"Then I do not deserve to fall in love"

The siren told him clearly.

Clearly rejecting Pauli's thoughts, this would also be one form of mercy.

Pauli had a bitter bitter grin.

The wound on her cheek was still distorted.

Still, it was a refreshing looking smile, like some possession had fallen.