The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book

Episode Six Let's Have a Reflection (Ray Perspective)

We killed Noble Vampires and got a "Cursed Cross" as a loot (drop item).

"Is it okay to have this..."

"I'm fine unless I'm equipped, but if you're anxious, I'll leave it in my Magic Toolbag III?

"Yes, okay? Bye, Mr. Magnus, please. But I wonder if there's a use for this..."

"It's called a" synthetic item. "Give it to the Secret Blacksmith to create a Cursed Item."

"Heh... Do you have a use for that too...?

And I twisted my neck.

But Magnus is really knowledgeable. I wonder if there's anything I don't know.

It was all about staying together and learning.

Because of this, and let's finally ask...?

"Magnus told me beforehand that Noble Vampires could turn into bats, but I couldn't handle them at all at first... On the contrary, panic...... Then the Warrior of Light is disqualified, isn't it?

"Passing is disqualification, but I don't deserve to judge... Well, logically, it's better to deal with it."

So, right?

Magnus was able to handle it well, wasn't he?

"However, the guys named Boss Monster simply have a strong" power "out of the" level "up to 10, but to the extent that" speed "is high, they come with more and more nasty special abilities from around beyond 11. Dealing with it at first sight will be extremely difficult."

"It is!? So I've been shooting Eldora and the Oak King, maybe below level 11!?

"Oak King is level eight. Do you remember what other guys you fought?

"Yes, sir"

In my adventure with Eldora and the others, I will list the names of all the boss monsters who have been killing me.

"All of them are below level ten."

"Ya, I knew..."

I've never fought a guy I think is strong before, but I've never fought a guy like Noble Vampire who surprised me before, and I was wondering if...

"What are we going to do..."

I'm going to discuss it with Magnus and crusade Elder Salamander next, but he seems to have 13 levels, and I guess he has some nasty special abilities that will surprise him again...

"To some extent, I can't help panicking, Ray."

"So, but Magnus was calm and..."

"Not this time. But I've checked the information in advance, and I've been surprised many times."

"Even Magnus!?

"Yes. That's why they're boss monsters. It's too much trouble. It's the enemy of mankind."

"I see..."

"The foundation, man. What a poor creature. It's ridiculous to feel inferior to them in the fight, huh?

"... Yes....... ok. But that's what it is, isn't it? Isn't it true that Magnus was able to deal with it calmly this time?"

I don't think I have any more growth to learn from there. [M]

"Well, that's a matter of getting used to it. Ray will become more and more responsive if he fights the boss monsters with his hands and nasty special abilities."

"Oh well..."

All right!

Fight for more, and reflect, as you do now, and be responsive!

Don't rush, let's do it in the tunnel!

A clumsy human being like me, trying to be strong enough to fly, was too worm.

Magnus also told me.

"The important thing is to try not to be timid. Running away if you think you're no match. That's what I think. Oh, and it's important to stay calm. Ray would have taken a deep breath earlier, wouldn't he? That's impressive."

"Are you sure? Didn't you think I'd be here to help you?

"I don't think so. I'm more afraid of being unprepared and imitated as a double shipwreck in the mountains."

Magnus slapped me on the shoulder. [M]

I'm just trying to keep going at this rate.

I nodded loudly, too.


"One last thing, I want you to tell me."

"Don't say one, you can ask me as much as you want, but what?

"When we were fighting, Magnus' fists were putting the light together, right? And there was something like a spell."

"Do you care?

"That will happen. He beat down a vampire whose physical assault was supposed to be difficult."

Magnus told me how intrigued he was, even as he spilled a bitter smile. Except, "It's gonna be a little longer," he prefaced.

"How much does Ray know about Martial Arts?

"Honestly, it's only about very common...... I imagine an avant-garde position where you fight with your bare hands and you kick and you don't need a weapon."

"Hmm. Even in this Luxen, is that still a perception"

"You're really not?

I thought back.

Magnus said while we were fighting Noble Vampires.

He said he was a "real martial artist".

"Far east of this Grand Duchy of Luxun, further east beyond the Paihu Mountains, lies Woolly, a martial artist sanctuary"

"Oh, that's about what I've heard"

As much as I know, it means a famous place.

"The martial artists we learn in Woollew are different from the martial artists we see on a daily basis because the training laws are fundamental. And acquire very diverse and powerful (skills). This Qigong is one of them."

Magnus said so and again, let the light dwell in his fist.

"Mori Luo Wang (systematically) said - it's a skill to increase the" Spiritual Power "over the fight damage and grant it more" Life Attributes ". Just like the Shine Blade you used, it's a magical weapon, so it worked for vampires."

"Woollew martial artists can master such strong skills! So you mean a real martial artist..."

"By the way, when you say you're more than likely to master it too, what do you do?


I was surprised at the unexpected words. [M]

"The Warrior of Light is a very special profession, and you can't seem to lump each of them together."

"Oh, yeah. Why? Me, Eldora, Teresa, Ladd, they have completely different abilities."

"Narcissi - the scholar of my friend in the example taught me that 'the iron wall avant-garde job type with particular good stretch of' power 'and' hardness', which can also use the magic of recovery and defense ', and' the all-purpose medium defense job type with particular good stretch of 'speed' and 'dexterity', which can acquire diverse skills up to banditry and production ', and' the all-purpose rear defense job type with particular stretch of 'magic' and 'sacred power', which can be used up to the bow in addition to almost any magic '-"

"Yes, it is! Eldora, Teresa and Rudd, that's the type. But I'm the clumsiest, I can only use my sword..."

"One of the remaining players said that 'the' all-purpose avant-garde job with particularly good 'vitality and' mental strength 'growth, which can also be remembered by looking at various avant-garde job skills'"


I was struck by words that I would not expect again. [M]

Look... I can remember... can...?

"That's why. Ray would have mastered my Qigong and other skills used by real martial artists?

"Yes... what is it...?

"I don't know. I'm a narcissist too. Curiosity or I'd like to try it..."

"Me too! I'd like to see if I can really master it too!

"Huff. You got a point of view."

Magnus laughed invincibly and I was caught and smiled too.

Yes, I couldn't help but loosen my cheeks.

I mean, the thought of the road opening up all at once, I feel like I've seen great hope, and I can't stay or stand!

"Quick! Let's try it!

"Well, wait. Let the villagers know that the Noble Vampire threat has left and reassure them first."


It was all about me. I go bright red and I get embarrassed.

Or Magnus would be great.

I wonder if I could be this fine in five more years.

I'm not sure.

"And anyway, I got it. Shall we leave the mansion - before we do that, we'll check here first, right?

"Agreed. Someone might be trapped or forced to work."

"Yeah, yeah!

'Then the eagle has checked. There you are, sir.'

"Work early!?

'Cause it's super-made!

"That's great, and the chocolate..."

"Then I checked to see if I had any gold eyes!

"That is no longer a break-in robbery!?

I'm stuck with everything I can, but Chocolate doesn't get any worse than "hehe" or anything.

Magnus said bish instead.

"It is likely that it was originally the property of the village. I'll bring it back."

'If Master Magnus says so, I understand. Sopo'

Turn around, turn right, follow Tobotobo walking chocolate, me and Magnus followed the reservoir.