Through the Town Gate, it was a one-sided sea view.

A pleasantly white sandy beach on a waking blue surface, characteristic of Kaziu waters.

Occasionally Ray makes his eyes shine.

"Wow! Wow, Magnus! You're really connected to a different place! Besides, is this the sea!? Is this the sea!? I've never seen it before!

It reminds me that Ray, who is chosen as the "Warrior of Light" and grows and grows up every day in a harsh battle, is originally only a fourteen-year-old boy. It was so shabby.

"Do you want to play on the beach for a little while?

"What!? Yes, no, but it's a waste of time..."

'I have a few minutes until the rendezvous time anyway. Let's take a breath once in a while'

"Oh really...? Is it okay...... Bye! Absolutely!

'That's settled. The eagle will teach you how to swim'

"No, I don't think we have time for that."

That's how we spent a lot of time playing with the water on the waves.

The rendezvous was to have lunch in the port town of Nerf.

The most powerful avant-garde position I've ever met.

It's really level 26 Swordsman.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Lord Magnus. There was a sudden seizure."

"You don't need such an apology, Lord Lorens. The same“ guard dog of the law, "I'm rather relieved."

Coming late to the promised store, I took a seat with the captain of the Kaziu Marine Police (Cariostro) and shook his hand firmly.

"I think the use is going from the Malm Chamber of Commerce..."

"Oh, there's a boy who wants to master all my Swordsman skills."

"This is the one." Ray. "

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Lorens! When Kaziu had a hell of a swordsman, he asked Magnus and begged to teach him."

"In front of Lord Magnus, any compliment is a blessing."

"Yes, what, I think Magnus and Mr. Lorens are both amazing! 'Cause you two picked up General Demon Sea, didn't you?

'Mm. I'll tell you what, the chocolate worked great too!

"Excuse me! But now that's the story, I didn't make you scorn Chocolate..."

"Ha ha, I don't mind getting screwed, but I just introduced myself, shall we eat?"

I recommended Lorens a seat.

"This is my luxury, don't hesitate to eat it"

"No, you don't, Lord Magnus."


"I'm the Marine Police (Cariostro). Accepting a response from a private individual is a bribe. Thank you."

"Everywhere." The dog of the law. "You are!

I couldn't have stopped laughing, knowing it would take as long as a small meal.

"We'll take care of it this time, that's how polite it is, isn't it?

"That's unnecessary care, Lord Magnus."


"You saved this Kaziu. We continue our journey to save the world even more. At your request, the Kaziu man cannot refuse."

Lorens resolutely said that, turning to Ray,

"That's the thing. You don't need any reluctance. [M] I'll teach you everything I can."

He said something reliable.

The avant-garde position of swordsman can acquire a variety of skills instead of being equipped only with swords or being inclined to interpersonal warfare compared to, for example, "warrior".

Especially since Lorens is one of the best swordsmen in the world, "Fangslash", "Thrustlash", "Feint", "Power Thrash", "Falcon Blade", "Fast Move", "Beaupulous Thrash", "Phantom Blade" … etc., counting the skills available, it's impossible.

Ask Ray to master them all by imitating their appearance.

And to (...) et al. (...) also (...) the (...) destination of (...).

Originally, Morinawa (system) defines a person who can meet a skill who has not reached the mastery level as a "genius".

Lorens is exactly that genius.

I had already mastered "Flash Blade" at level 23, which is supposed to be mastery level 27.

In addition, Lorens gained a huge amount of EXP by discussing General Demon Sea with us, raising the level to 26 at once.

So we met up to Blue Lightning, which was supposed to be Mastery Level 31.

And Ray is able to acquire even his genius's work by imitating the appearance of the Warrior of Light's unique skill, Universal Learning and Avant-garde.

Lorens would be exactly the best teacher for Ray.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Using the key and opening the back door, it was the Empress's bedroom.

The covered bed with curtains, seated with doden in the center of the room, is likely to sleep a dozen or so people at the top.

"Excuse me."

I say something, I try to disturb you, but Ray grabs my sleeve while I tuck it in.

"Are you sure you want to break in?!? It's the Empress's bedroom!? It's a woman's bedroom!? Ha... I smell something."

"This is not a scent from a woman, it's simply burning incense, Master Ray"

So don't hesitate, developing a mysterious theory, while Chocolate pushes Ray's back.

Inside, the lord of this room waited alone.

"Long time no see, Lord Magnus. Looks magnificent and above all."

Her Majesty Farah, Empress of Alabana, lay asleep in an unscrupulous position on the bed.

"You look fine. Besides, the color of your face is good. You seem to be well governed."

"Hehe, Ramsey and Crim are competent. It's making things easier."

Me and my girlfriend blossom into a status report every once in a while.

Then Chocolate and Ray greet each other for the first time.

"I bestow upon your face the greatest pleasure."

"Once upon a time, it's all over the town."

Chocolate pinches the hem of the skirt, respectfully grand, and Ray names it somehow.

"Pfft. As usual, your party is a busy thing, isn't it?

"Yep. I don't even get annoyed by loneliness because of it"

I answered that from the bottom of my heart,

"From the Malm Chamber of Commerce, I think the use has entered the country -"

"Oh, I got an autographed letter from Lord Magnus. Enjoyed your passionate love affair?

"Yeah eh, Magnus!?

"I thought you were finally ready to be my husband and unite Alabana with me, and my chest would get hot too"

"Dear Magnus!? Forget your mission to save the world, power with this woman!?

"Calm down, both of you...... Your majesty is just teasing me."

Later, Chocolate, why don't we stop talking about "this woman" or something dangerous?

"Hehe, it's a mild joke. Being an empress also makes it hard to say a joke without other love because it involves too much responsibility in the speech and too much reluctance around. Totally tough."

That's why we're hungry for conversations that can slap each other lightly, says His Majesty Farah.

Even though I kept my bedroom keys, the reason I came to see you like this is a similar one.

Even if I didn't use the back door, when I came to see you for good reason, I would have been able to give you a glimpse at the top of my list of priorities after only minimal formalities.

But that "minimal" procedure is no longer too cumbersome, overlapping formalities.

Neither I nor His Majesty Farah have time for this, and I've never been too patient to do so if I can see you this easily.

Thanks to His Majesty and some same-sex chocolates, I don't hesitate anymore (if I were alone, I'd be hesitant to just go into a woman's bedroom from behind).

"Do, Lord Magnus. Was that a request to the Ramseys to train the boy?

"Yeah, I want them to absorb their skills."

"Best regards,

"The Hatred and Ramseys are investigating far away and are not in the Empire City (Araban) right now. But he'll be back in three days. After that, you should beg for full teaching."

"Allow me, I'm here"

"No, no, no, no."

I politely thank you and Ray continues with a bite on my tongue.

Ramsey, who was a legendary adventurer, now serves His Majesty Farah as an awesome snitch.

What's more, four people (except Nadia and Saleema) who once named themselves "The Six-League Star of the Worry Nation Yoshiyoshi" work under Ramsey.

So the four of them were reduced in their sins and given their lives on condition that they served their national interests.

Even from His Majesty Farah, "poison to control poison," so it's 10,000 times better to use it successfully than to execute it uselessly.

My goal was combat skills, which four of those "six-stars” possessed.

For example, the Hot Wind Sword held by a man named Basin.

This is a rare and powerful skill that is completed by sharpening the skill of "Sword of Disease" (specifically, almost abandoning one level of stat increase), which is acquired by those whose main position is "Bandit" and who have also trained swordsmen as sub positions.

Once, Crown Prince Heydal used Mori Wan (system) knowledge gained from “General Demon Storm” Jamuitan and his "Person Appraisal" skills to efficiently train them Six Leagues.

That is why Bazin and others are opening their eyes to powerful skills.

And Ray's "all-purpose learning and avant-garde" can be mastered with appearance imitation, even skills knitted by those special processes.

Like a consumer who deliciously savours a crop that has been carefully crafted.

Like the Brave, we are talking about how irregular a Light Warrior is.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

As cotton breathed water, Ray learned powerful skills one after the other.

His honest and serious temperament fueled his learning in a short period of time.

I wonder if each of the four Warriors of Light has a different power that is rooted in their own temperament?

Ray is the only one with the "all-purpose learning" skill.

And we visited Lux Neil, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxun, to complete a number of powerful skills.

"Needless to say, Ray. We never went back to the pickup, did we?


We climb the castle willingly.

Presenting the letter that King Laxta had given me beforehand, my view with Grand Duke Deveron was fulfilled with the utmost priority consideration and minimum formalities.

"Ooh, you've come a long way,“ the one who tries to conquer the Demon King. "Lord Magnus! My Grand Duchy, like Laxta, the Sovereign Nation, pledges its utmost consideration and support to you! Above all, seeing the warriors of the light in our country and you side by side, the rest cannot be forbidden to excitement! Please join forces to discuss“ General Demon Bullet ”and bring peace to this country!

His Highness the Grand Duke declared that in a superior mood.

Other than Ray, I didn't touch the fact that the light warrior's face was gone.

Which is the obvious attitude of not prying into the situation?

Are you satisfied with the fact that the man who already took three of the eight demon generals came to Luxun?

In my eyes, unlike King Laxta, he looked slightly more careless.

Well, it's easier to do it than a person with a stiff head.

I gently drowned my head, wishing.

"I address the wise Grand Duke. The bravery and high of the knights of Luxun depends on reaching the sound to the far north continent. I'd like to ask this Ray to teach you Kaoru."

"Well, how dare you!

"I beg you, Grand Duke! Let me learn your knights' skills!

"Aye, ok! Spread the word often and help me get General Demon Bullet!

His Royal Highness remained in an upper mood, allowing Ray to mate with the Knights for a while and learn.

The skills acquired by knights begin with "bodyguards", etc., and many protect and shelter their companions.

If Ray gets to see me about that, our party's power will jump.

Sooner or later, as the final form when discussing "General Demon Bullet," I still focus on magic as a guard, and Ray fights while protecting me as an avant-garde, because I'm still strong on iron plates.

By the way, there is no such thing as a Luxun knight being more special than a knight from another country. That was convenient.

Ray is a Luxun, so I just considered that I should learn from knights in my own country and get acquainted with myself rather than exotic anyway.

"Ray. Live in the royal palace for a while and learn well"

"Haha... unfamiliar living, you're nervous..."

We discussed it that way after we quit in front of the Grand Duke.

"Or will Magnus live in the royal palace with me...?

"It doesn't make sense. I have things to do in the meantime."


"I'm sorry that Ray's hanging in there and I'm the only one who hasn't done anything. You deserve it now, I'm gonna get you some magic weapons."

"Is it true!? Can I hope!?


I undertook with a strong voice, and once, I acted separately from Ray.

Together with Chocolate, I decided to leave Luxun.