The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book
Episode XXXIII Demons, Don't Slash (Ray Perspective)
I - Ray, the Warrior of Light, was stunned.
Magnus gave me so much information.
"Looks like Eldora betrayed humanity and sold her soul to“ General Demon Bullet ”. Plus, killing both of your former party members is putting Level up to 36."
In the morning routine, Magnus, who had the "Strategy Book", told me in a clerical tone that dared to erase his emotions.
In the mountains closer to the "tomb of the dragon". I couldn't keep my neck back as I left the tent and hit the fire, claiming my neck in the early morning chill.
"Eldora... so what are you going to do...?
"It's not written here yet, but it's not hard to imagine."
Magnus spoke with a cooler voice than the colder air characteristic of mountainous areas.
"A man named Eldora is a shallow man with a strong desire for power and an upward orientation. Such a man gained an unstoppable level even in the military thanks to the" Unique Skills "of the Warrior of Light. Then it would be one thing to think about. State overthrow by force and domination by fear politics."
"No way... I can't believe I'm thinking about that..."
"You don't think that's possible? I would be more familiar with Ray, who was traveling with me, about Eldora. If you don't have one, I'll change my mind."
I couldn't get back to you. [M]
I'm talking about a scale so insane that I reflexively told you no way... think about it and Eldora might do that much.
I only think about Berry as much as the tools of my own birth, and he's the kind of guy who used cowardly means to make it happen, and I wish I'd let him get hurt.
"I can't stay like this."
When Magnus closed the Strategy Book, he stood up.
"I wanted to raise the level here to 35 if I could, but I couldn't say that anymore. As soon as the chocolate returns from the water draw, we'll move too."
"Okay! You're going back to the capital at Town Gate, right?
"You can't just go back. We need to be ready."
"And say?
"Eldora will take the young knights on her side during the conspiracy, perhaps with sweet words. No matter how strong you get your personal martial arts, you still need a lot of people to control and occupy the castle."
"I see."
"So this one, too, will require some force"
"I know the reason, but do you have that ate?
We folded our tents and waited for Chocolate to return as we prepared to pull up the camp.
Then Magnus cast a spell and moved on the "Town Gate".
The destination is Kilomitsu.
When I asked General Georg to see me, he immediately sent me to the VIP room, despite the fact that it was still morning. His Excellency the wise general seemed to think it must be an emergency, and appeared before us dressed as something to take for the time being.
"I went into General Georg's fold to talk to him, and I came -"
And Magnus explains it on our behalf.
General Georg listened to it seriously.
But I kept an eye out for him in a hurry. [M] I didn't feel like it.
Because the existence of the Strategy Book cannot be revealed, the source of the information cannot be explained.
Besides, the content of the story is absurd.
Furthermore, the part where Eldora would fan a young knight and attack a castle in the capital is not just a Magnus guess, and there is no certainty -
"I understand, Lord Magnus. Bring a third of your men."
- Nevertheless, General Georg gave me his comfort.
"Do you believe me!?
"Ha, of course, Lord Warrior of Light. Because if Lord Magnus hadn't been here, this town would have been ravaged by the Goblins' army. There's no way Lord Magnus is going to help us then if he has such a bad plan for Kilomitsu."
Reasonably so......
According to my judgment, this man who can make a bold difference must be a famous general, and I was thought to be.
"Besides, Lord Ray. The 'absurdity' standard is so broken in me. If I come with you, I'll drop four forts for just two, and I'll drop the meteorite from the sky, because you messed with me. If you ask me to prepare you because tomorrow the heavens and the earth will turn upside down, I will believe you and prepare you."
That's how General Georg laughed and lent me hundreds of elites.
◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇
That's how we returned to the capital.
With Town Gate, we're talking about moving hundreds of people in no time.
One of the parks under the castle was at the end of the transition gate.
We immediately looked away at the castle and confirmed that the smoke was rising.
"Master Magnus' predictions seem to be inside!
"Honestly, I'm glad you're off the hook."
"Anyway, let's hurry!
I ran out first, not too fast. [M]
Berry was anxious and anxious to see if he was safe.
I wanted to get inside the castle as soon as possible.
Fifty or so young knights had sealed off the castle gate.
"It's hard to get a nose for the princess's predicament, Beatrixine knight!
"Brilliant loyal dog, let me give you a round of applause"
"But come on, you seem to have lost it late!
"The reward came in earlier. Ninety percent of the control in the castle is complete."
"The Grand Duke and the Duke of Louiselle, Eldora took care of you, didn't they?
"It won't be long before you hear Princess Beatrixine's obituary"
They scoffed at me and laughed at me.
I've always had a problem with me, and when Eldora and I were in a duel, I was humiliated, and it would be a grudge.
"I don't have time to listen to your bullshit! Dot (...) KEEP (...)! Otherwise you're gonna get hurt!
When I pull out the Black Claymore, I stand with both hands.
I really can't afford to be dealing with these crap anymore. It's a waste of time.
In such a hurry before my eyes - an incredible sight appeared.
"Come on, do you get any pain in the ass?
"Don't think of us as just knights now!
"I'll show you the power given to me by Master Calicone!
"Bubba, bubba, bubba!
The laughter distorted the laughter of the laughers.
At the same time, their appearance was distorted.
Stop being a human and transform into a demon!
"This is what selling souls to demons is all about"
Magnus, who led the soldiers and caught up with them, said that to me in confusion.
"Let's poke a little, let's put him to sleep - if that's how you think, it's sweet, Ray"
"So, you can't?
"They're not people anymore. It's a monster. I can't even go back. Then I will hold my breath and kill you. Like we've been doing other demons before."
"No matter how much they fuck, they're human beings."
"It's a good opportunity, Ray, I'll tell you what."
Magnus said in a terribly solemn tone.
"No matter how much the level goes up, no matter how much power we get away from the permanent, we're no different from humans. It is not the Almighty God. If you're proud to make a mistake and do something you can't do, it's bound to hurt."
I swallowed my saliva at the power of Magnus' words.
"You got it? Give up on them. You deserve it."
".................. Yes......................... ok"
"Good reply. Then it opens the battlefield more than this."
Magnus began chanting the spell.
"... a un lana"
I also started concentrating on Qigong.
And Magnus' "Fire IV" bursts, blowing up about half of the demons in front of the castle gate at once.
"Gear, gear, gear, gear!"
"Hey, what, this magical power is ahhhhhhh!?
Inside the confused demons, I slaughter.
Slaughter the whole thing with one knife without having to use any particular skills.
... this response, won't it reach level 15?
Yes, I traveled with Magnus, and as I repeatedly fought, I had enough experience to see that now.
Less than level 15?
Just under fifteen.
Sell your soul, until you stop being human, to that extent!
Is that what you want?
"You idiot!
I couldn't help yelling. [M]
I wept and kept waving my sword.
"No, please don't. Yeah, eh."
"I surrender! Surrender!"
"So just save your life!!
"Dear Warrior of Light!! Master Ray!!
I wept and kept waving my sword.
I slaughtered the whole thing with a single machete.
I can't go back to people anymore. For them, I believe that's salvation - no, that's deception.
"I will not forgive demons! I won't forgive you guys for targeting Berry! Never!!
I whimpered and kept waving my sword.
Until the end, I didn't loosen my hands.
Yes, the demons who were formerly knights, all breathless, to the end of it.