The supervisor does not die from a debt

The Supervisor Doesn't Die From His Mouth Chapter 114

Unexpectedly, the supervisor on the screen scratched his head: "How can I put it...I don’t want to eat a grain of awake all day, I am not the ultimate social animal. I mean, does it look like Futaba? The kind you drink, a mental energy drink?"

He gestured for a while: "I didn't see the labels of the bottles in her room in the shopping item, so I want to ask you. I am very cautious about taking medicine... after all, it is medicine. Three points of poison?"

"Please rest assured. Every medicament you see here is developed by me after countless experiments. The medicament customized for employees and specially adjusted for supervisors will not produce toxic side effects."

Ling Xian waved his hand to open a light curtain, which was full of dangling, all of them were divided into categories, and the medicines made to deal with various situations were so meticulous that they could treat alopecia.

After half a second, Ling Xian suddenly reacted: "You mean that you don't need special medicine, but the kind of mental power drink made by Miss Futaba, the head of the intelligence department, is enough?"

"Well, yes, it shouldn't be very expensive... My salary is not as much as I imagined. If it is too expensive—"

"It doesn't matter! If the supervisor confirms the need, I can provide you with two standard-capacity drinks every day." Ling Xian's eyes widened. At the end of the screen, the supervisor seemed to be frightened by the momentum. Slightly retreated.

But soon, he drew his ears: "What's real?! That would be great—I mean, um, thank you very much. But giving this for free... is it a bit embarrassing..."

"It's okay, please don't care, then please wait a moment, I will prepare the medicine...drinks you need."

Author's message:

PS:...The new account is too difficult. I can’t upgrade how many levels after brushing it every day...

PS4: ...then, continue to ask for monthly tickets!

144. Before starting work every day, be sure to adjust your mood

The two bottles of drinks I received from Ling Xian were very effective.Just after drinking it, the supervisor only felt that there was some fatigue that could not be dispelled just now, so that the head that was unable to concentrate instantly became clear.

I can even recall the intense pain caused by the previous'training'. I have already completely forgotten it just now. Now I turn my head and remember it all, so that the supervisor has to shake his head and let himself take these bad things again. forget.

Ling Xian’s conversation with the supervisor was interrupted by Hui Ye, who came from the side, because certain medicines ran out, and Hui Ye couldn’t get so many of them by herself, so Ling Xian greeted the supervisor with a bit of apologies and left. .

Staying here will only interfere with the normal shopping of the employees, so the supervisor can only leave the pharmacy after reading the price list full of text, and even exit the rest area altogether, so that the picture on the screen wall disappears. Leave a huge digital clock.

Dinner has passed for a long time, the supervisor hesitated for a while, and finally went to the single shower to clean it. After taking care of personal hygiene, he returned to the comfortable sofa to sit down and clicked on the one full of entertainment and game software. folder.

Before taking a real break, exercise it to prevent your hands and head from getting rusty.

Thinking of this, the supervisor used to click on the icon, and then started to select the useless person, planning to relive a long-lost speed trip.



When the wake-up bell rang, the supervisor was awakened from a warm dream. He opened his eyes in confusion, and what caught his eye was the same as before. Although there were some changes, there was no special supervisor's office.

Grabbing the hair that has become a bit long because it has not been taken care of, the supervisor sat up with a yawn and was stunned for a few seconds before remembering to wash, deal with personal hygiene, and use that very cheap comb , Comb your hair neatly.

Half-opened eyes and stared at the mirror for a while, the supervisor suddenly stretched out his hand and squeezed his cheek-compared to yesterday, he looked thinner, but obviously, the muscles have become stronger and tougher, even on the arm, slightly With a pinch, you can feel a completely different touch from before.

Training makes a person stronger without losing hair... It sounds like a good deal.

The turret robot moved the suspension devices on both sides: "good. morning."

"Ah? Oh...good morning. Today, can you stop playing piano music that sounds familiar, like some adaptations? It's better to be quiet when you work."

The turret didn't answer, but moved the arms with speakers on both sides, making a mechanical transmission sound.

Turning his shoulders and head vigorously, the supervisor only felt that the bones all over his body were rattling, but then he sat back on the chair refreshedly-only then began to put on the short that was sent to the sofa today. On the bench, a set of'super uniforms' are changed every day.

On the walls of the screen, red and black light up as usual, outlining the image of the city silhouette, but the supervisor noticed that the buildings on the ground were different from the previous ones, which looked more or less incomplete and distorted.

It didn't seem to be the case yesterday, anyway... I have breakfast first, then select abnormalities, and then start working.

Following this pace, the supervisor took out a can of iced mental energy drink from the drawer refrigerator, and at the same time picked up the thick record notebook.

By the time the breakfast was delivered, the supervisor had already browsed through yesterday's brand-new anomalous weapons-the weapons and equipment of the [Little Helper].

The good news is that starting from today, all abnormal research points on the work output of [Little Helper] can be used to improve departmental technology.The bad news is that this unusual weapon actually only has one set.

...Forget it, something is better than nothing. Being able to arm an employee immediately, at least guaranteeing a new combat capability, can immediately engage in activities to suppress abnormalities.

Crusher MK4

'The sharp blade can cut the target cleanly.Although it is easy to operate, it requires sufficient skill to use it as a weapon.

Machinery has no values, so there is no distinction between good and evil, and because of this, it is trustworthy.

In fantasy works, people are afraid of machines, afraid that they will someday replace humans.

However, in modern times, mechanical rebellion is not worth mentioning.'

Weapon level: Peh

Number of researchable: 1

Damage: 1-3

Damage type: red damage

Attack speed: fast

Attack distance: average

Equipment Requirements Staff Quality: Courage II

This is a metal grip with a very long, about the same as a person... maybe two meters long?Powered circular saw with sharp front end and different sizes of teeth make it look very hideous.

But what is even more hideous is the decoration in the center of the circular saw that looks the same as the QB face, with white smiling faces with red eyes, which makes the supervisor inexplicable.

And the damage seems to be too low. If you continue to use the [Happy Teddy] weapon as a metaphor, it is like a mosquito tickling it.

Even the damage of the blasting stick is higher than it... but at least the distance is farther than that of the blasting stick, and it still attacks quickly.

Thinking of this, the supervisor put down the information and uncovered the silver dinner plate in front of him. Unexpectedly, today's breakfast turned out to be a bun that the supervisor hadn't eaten for a long time, and each had a fist-sized bun.

And a cup of steaming soy milk, there is also a small cup of sugar next to it to help enhance the flavor.

I reached out and poked the bun on the top. Obviously, the producer was very careful. The dough was very elastic, but at the same time very soft.

Regardless of how hot they are to the touch, the supervisor grabbed one without hesitation, carefully clamped it with two fingers, and then took a bite.

As expected, the thick skin is soft and chewy, and the rich, almost splashing juice, and the moderately salty and fresh stuffing of cabbage and pork, also satisfy the supervisor.

This chef, who has never met before, can really do everything...

With this feeling, the supervisor uninterruptedly ate the bun in his hand in three bites, then poured a bite of soy milk, and then picked up the next one.

It was not until the last meat bun on the plate was wiped out and the last sip of soy milk with a sugar base did he take a sigh of satisfaction and touched his stomach.