The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth
The supervisor is not died in the 8th chapter 74
Griffine is still not expressing, but it looks like a cat ear, and then the soft scooter.
She was silent: "It's a hair of your hair, I don't like to make care, don't care."
Is it good to do? Who will suddenly move? !
Unfortunately, before Sophie can chase the bottom, her waist communication has rang, Christina, as always, there is no emotional sound from inside.
"Now, put [F-09-01] to its housing room, immediately execute."
Panic stood up, Sophie immediately ran towards the upper container. After her, Griffid took over the ear of the head, and walked toward the "Magic Bomb].
It seems that the effect of chocolate milk can only last for a while, after walking out of the hall, the delicate dizziness occupies her brain again, this time, the phantom seeing the phantom seems to be more real.
How do you say it, just like the plane projection is upgraded into a three-dimensional projection.
In this illusion, Sophie found that he didn't know when it was replaced with a clear, and very shy little skirt, the workpiece and [F-09-01] in his hand became a beautiful metal. Long cane and a book full of books that I don't understand the text.
Well, this is an illusion, don't forget, even if they change it, this is just an illusion between time, just put the [f-09-01] back to the original position, then leave, they will completely follow I said myself.
So thinking, Sophie's call turned into a workpiece of a metal coup.
In the metal impact of ' ', the elevator is obvious, and it is obvious to suffer a hole.
Silent, accompanied by an elevator to arrive in the floor, Sophie rushed out of the elevator, and it is not as good as running to the housing room.
Then quickly enter the instruction, put your finger on the dial (with the difference to put it badly), run away after the door to the storage room is turned on.
Take the book in the hands, just to shoot directly on the simple table, immediately pull it back, Sophie blinks, so, all the villages have disappeared.
The clothes on the body also changed back to the armed forces of the [Little Seal], and the hands were also not a beautiful metal coup, but Pu Tong, writing a work board that works.
Until at this time, she finally got a breath, leaving the accommodation room.
In addition, some regrets - that clothes are really beautiful, and it feels very suitable for yourself, as if they are in the same life.
The supervisor is sitting on his own chair, holding hands in front of the nose, eyes staring at the screen wall of the work picture. The above is displayed, and after the [F-09-01] is put back to the contained room, change back to the original Sophie.
At this point, under the premise of the supervisor, and when she stays, Sofi is walking towards the hall of the intelligence department, and another head in the picture, a 'little girl' is holding half a pinch has been injected. The luminescent liquid ran away.
Since I don't hurt my employee, then go.
The most important thing now is the most concerned that he will never look at it. It is just now, Sophie is holding [F-09-01] After entering the hall, what is the scene he saw, what is it.
Just in the hall of the intelligence department, it was very impatient on the ground, wearing a small suit, but the whole body has a man wrapped in costumes outside the head.
As you can see from his name, it may be just a code, maybe there is any special meaning ... But after Sophie is, the 2.5 head manpower that looks quite unreal is simultaneously dissipated.
"... Chris, I have a very serious problem, I want to ask you seriously, don't fight, I am really serious."
The supervisor puts down the hand, on the screen of the screen, placed the housing chamber of [F-09-01] is magnified, accounting for the center of the entire picture.
In the glass column that becomes some cartoon, the unknown digital is fast, occasionally stopped, and there is no signs of the next time.
"You show special awareness of this exception, the new report has been sent to you, please summon them, this is your work. If you want to make you work normally, please be sure to keep it."
Christina's voice is still so gentle, but the supervisor grabs the signature pen on the table: "Be familiar with? Um ... It should be said that I have seen a model, its function is the world line of the measurement observer."
"But since it is accommodated as an abnormality, then this thing must have its special, I am not too familiar with a lot of things, but I can also be slightly, not so professional, guess."
The supervisor has stopped his own ideas on the notepad, and finally stare down the pen and carefully stared at Christina's eyes.
"That thing, is the ability of 'World Line Observation', and it is expressed in an illusion, the exception instrument."
Author message:
PS: Thanks to Poison, the reward of the ZHANG ZHANG ZHANG ~ Thanks to the 1688 rewards of ~
PS4: ... The last one can stay in the new book list, please support, what to make a monthly ticket ...
95. Premature unlock agreement, is it good or bad?
The room became very quiet, and even the music played in the room was gradually stopped. In this dead, the supervisor can only hear his heartbeat, or that is also an illusion?
In this silent, Christina looked at the supervisor in reverse in the same, no change, and didn't even make him a 'this guy would not be in the illusion of the map'.
In the picture, the employees are still working, never stopped. Not only that, even the first level of melting is also coming ... However, although the supervisor has quickly assigned the employee, even if so, the supervisor has not removed the sight.
So a deadlock, Christina slowly disappeared from the screen wall, turned to the computer monitor in front of the supervisor.
"Your curiosity and luck, let me look at it, now, please maintain normal work - after several agreements, and after the special control regulations, I will inform you that this exception is characteristic."
The supervisor quickly arranged the next round of work, and arranged employees on the hallway, ready to be murried for the second time, and then put a pair of ear tissue.
"Well, I am ready, even if you tell me, in fact, I am now a brain in the petri dish, all my perception is an analog news number, I can accept and understand."
So, the supervisor grabbed the mouse to click Cristina's forehead - nothing, habits, although there is no effect, but like a desktop elf, it will not help but poke it.
"You seem to be in a specific time, there is a harmful thing that is unhydronized. In this regard, I recommend you to delete those worthless continuous movies, so as not to deepen."
The sound of Christina is not impossible, it seems to have enough thinking time to leave a sufficient consideration.
Subsequently, she switched to the image on the computer monitor to the appearance of the exemption: "In the initial time, the company just 'found' abnormal time ... people are ecstatic."
"Their emotions can produce pure energy. Through the study of abnormalities, we have the world's fastest technology, the richest energy, the best employees, and the most special weapons."
The work is still continuing, but the supervisor has to distract, listen to her explained, and assign employees to practice the practice ... Moreover, let different employees will take together [F-09-01].
"After the initial enthusiasm, the company is not satisfied with 'looking for' abnormal, putting them 'salvage'. Talk to the abnormal equipment, to this, the company even produced new 'exception'."
"The company is not a guardian, nor is it a signs. Developing an abnormality that can be self-control, and knowing the function, it is a genius idea from the starting point."
The supervisor listened carefully, nodded, said that there is still not stopped here, and then will definitely say 'but ...' then turn the things you said into nonsense.
It is said that it is certain.
"However, human beings will always happen - I am super Ai, so I will not make mistakes."
I have been accustomed to this AI like to hold the high character. The supervisor puts his hand, and she will say that she will continue to say, keeping the hand to make Crood to the new tools and go to the control hall.
"The abnormality developed by the company is much higher than the controllability, so this plan is abolished and will never be enabled. But it has been developed and cannot be completely destroyed, so it can only take it. , Control control. "
Humans cannot eliminate abnormalities, can only let them lose entities ... Say that it is actually what is actually, the supervisor is still skeptical.
"However, it is a long time, it's a long time. Those exceptions have only one number, being recorded in the documentation handed over."